Программа для углубленного изучения английского языка

№13сынып меңгерушісі
Камиева С.М
«1» қыркүйек 2016г.
Календарно-тематическое планирование для 5 “A”класса с углубленным изучением английского языка
№ Unit/ раздел The theme/ Тема урока Hour/ час Ss activity and form of working /
Деятельность учащихся/
Types of the lesson/
Виды занятий Date / Дата
Теоретическая часть Практическая
часть 1 Facts
What do you remember? Me and my family 1 Practical/
individual Aspects,forms: I am,he is,she is,it is,we are,they are
Simple sentences with My name ‘s.; I’m.,I like..
Making sentences ,tell the class about yourself 2 Have got/ Has got in present 1 Practical/
individual Aspects,forms
Have got:I,we,
Has got: He,she,it . Simple sentences with I have got a../He has got a..
Making sentences ,giving personal information and about others 3 Modal verb Can 1 Practical/
group Aspects and form of using can in +,-,? sentences Asking for permission and help, giving personal information and about others 4 Are you ready? Interests and activities 1 Practical
/pair Be in affirmative,
questions and short answers
Ask for and give information 5 Countries and cities 1 practical/
Questions with What, Where, Who, When Talk about cities and countries
6 1 Practical/
group Singular and plural nouns,
Nouns ending in a consonant+y;
in –f or -fe 7 A letter 1 Practical/
individual To be; have got,Wh –questions Write a letter to an English friend 8 Test module 1 Practical/
individual To be,have got,has got,numbers,nouns Write about :their names,age,interests,
address, telephone number,town,school 9 Things and people
What have you got? My friends 1 Practical/
individual Character,friends’names,
His or her address;
Say who something belongs to 10 Possesive’s 1 Practical/
individual 11 Possessive adjectives 1 Practical/
pair Possessive adjectives - my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their - modify the noun following it in order to show possession.
Possessive adjectives are often confused with possessive pronouns. 12 This/these 1 Practical/
group this (singular) and these (plural) as pronouns:- to talk about people or things near us:- to introduce people: - to introduce ourselves to begin a conversation on the phone Talk about possessions and things you use at school
https://youtu.be/g4ea2GmBqFo 13 That /those 1 Practical/
group that (singular) and those (plural):- to talk about things that are not near us. We also use that to refer back to something someone said or did
Артикль a/an/
some/any 1 Practical/
individual 1. A is used with singular countable nouns that begin with a consonant. 2. An is used with singular countable nouns that begin with a vowel. 3. Some can be used with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns. Some is usually used in positive statements. 4. Any is usually used for plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns in questions and negative statements. Every day things 15 At home My apartment, my house 1 Practical/
group Things in a room Describe different homes 16 At home
2 Practical/
individual There is /there are Talking about my favorite room, things in a room. 17 Uncountable nouns Describe a room 18 Prepositions 1 Practical/
individual Prepositions of the place : in ,at,on,
by ,next to,
in front of.
Write a description of your dream house 19 Food 2 New vocabulary: Meal Ask about places and food 20 Write a “disgusting recipe”.
https://youtu.be/ytnbGpRmOqE 21 At restaurant 2 Practical/
Revision of the verb be in affirmative,
negative and questions. Monolog: “My favorite cuisine is..” 22 Practical/
Like,prefer,hate etc.+V ing Dialogue: What do you prefer? 23 Table setting 1 Practical/
New vocabulary: prepositions
Lay on the table, on the right, on the left,in the middle etc. Talk about how to lay the table using prepositions. 24 Healthy food 1 Practical/
group New vocabulary: healthy food Conversation about the meal,
Discussing advantages of healthy food. 25 Shopping 1 Practical/
Types of the shops Make a shop list and do shopping 26 Fast food 2 Practical /individual Write about fast food store
27 Practical/
group Debate “Fast food good or bad.” Discussing advantages of healthy food and disadvantages of junk food 28 The Silent power 1 1 The 5-Finger Retell helps student to analyze and summarize the story by organizing into the grammar components of setting, characters, problem, events, and solution or ending  Retell the main theme, idea, describe characters. 29 1 term control work :Me and my family 1 Practical/
can/to be/have in present tense Control work consists of Grammar Zone,Vocabulary
Zone and Listening Zone 30 Present Continuous tense 3 Practical/
Aspects,form in affirmative to be+Ving 31 Aspects, form in negative to be+not+Ving 32 Aspects,questions and short answers 33 Тест модуль 2 1 Practical/
Things /appearance 34 The Silent power 2 1 35 I’m usually late! Healthy life
1 Practical/
Present simple frequency
adverbs Describe a daily routines 36 I want a hamburger .What do you order?
1 Practical/
Have + meal Describe your habits 37
38 What do you eat on breakfast? 2 Practical/
Food ,drink, meal
Wh-questions Talk about things you eat and drink 39 Debate: Diet good or Bad? 1 Practical/
group Speak about advantages and disadvantages of a diet. Ask for and tell the time 40 Sport 1 Practical/
Write a report about sport 41 My World My school 1 Practical /pair Aspects ,form of present simple +,-,? Make a conversation about daily life 42 School subjects 1 Practical/
Names of subjects Talking about favorite subject 43 Life and culture: Schools Practical/
Write a questionnaire 44 Things you do regular 1 Practical/
Revision of question form 45 Scary things 1 Practical/
Talk about fears,
likes and dislikes 46
47 Present simple+ adverb 2 48 Time Ask for and tell the time 49 Colour 50 Clothes 51 52 Descriptions Appearance and personality 2 Adjectives;/h/ and links between words Describe people’s appearance and personality 53 Write about an imaginary person 54 The body 1 Practical/
I have got a headache/cold etc. Say how you feel 55 Health problems 2 Practical/
Pair Disease ;stress in sentences Talk about problems and give an advice 56 Practical/
Write a “happiness recipe”. 57 The Silent power 3 58 Countable and uncountable nouns Some/any 59 What is /are like? Singular and plural Asking What is /are like? 60 Control work 2 term : My world Practical/
Present simple tense,feelings,health Control work consists of Grammar,
Vocabulary and Listening Zone. 61 Test module 3 Practical/
62 The Silent power 4 63 64 Having
fun Modal verbs 1
2 Practical/
Can for ability and possibility
Can,can’t,weak form of can Talk about abilities: I can hear,I can see etc. 65 Must /mustn’t
Use ‘must’ to talk about rules. For the negative, say ‘must not’ or ‘mustn’t
Make a notice for a club
Tell people what to do 66 Imperative Practical/
Describe things you can do in your town 67 Places in a town Practical/
Reading a newspaper article
68 Practical/
Describe the sights and sounds around you 69 Test module 4 Practical/
The Silent power 5 70 At the moment Present continuous tense 3 Practical/
Aspects, present continuous in affirmative Rhytm drill:-ing
Talking about what are you wearing now, clothes 71 Aspects, present continuous in negative Talking about sport, make a football commentary 72 Aspects, present continuous in questions and answers Ask about things in progress at the moment 73 Present simple & present continuous 1 Practical/
Differences between P.S and P.C Talking about you are wearing now and what you usually wear 74 Object pronouns 1 Her,his,you,us,
my,their Play a guessing game 75 Plants and animals Domestic and wild animals 1 76 My pet 1 77
78 Wildlife in Kazakhstan 2 79
80 Plants in Kazakhstan 2 81
82 My favorite plants 2 83 Plans Present continuous used for the future Practical/
Talking about future arrangements 84 Suggestions Practical/
Make a reply to suggestions 85 The future with going to Practical/
Future time expressions Write a message to a friend 86 Practical/
Write a holiday postcard 87 The weather Talk about weather forecast 88 Test module 5 89 90 91 92 93 The Silent power 6 94 95 96 97 98 99 Control work term 3 : present continuous and going to Practical/
100 101 102 Opposites verbs Practical/
Enrich vocabulary (antonyms) 103 The Silent power 6 104 Heroes The united Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 105 London 106 London and sightseeing 107 108 Traditions in London 109 110 The Queen Elizabeth 2 111 Cities 112 113 Past Simple Practical /group Events in the past 114 Practical/
Describe things that happened in the past 115 Practical/
Write a letter about an event in the past 116 Past time expressions Practical/
Talk about your school year 117 118 About the past Famous musicians 119 120 Famous painters 121 122 Famous writers 123 124 Past simple of be 125 Occupations 126 People from the past 126 Imaginary person’s life 127 Childhood 128 Test module 7 Practical/
129 130 131 Control work term 4 Practical/
132 The Silent power 8 133 32 The Silent power 9