Конспект урока по английскому языку Духовные ценности посредством калмыцкого эпоса Джангр

Lesson 7 6 form Plan
Theme “Human values through the Kalmyk epos Djangar”
Aims of the lesson:
To develop skills in reading with finding out special information
To practice in adding
To enlarge lexical inheritance
To get new information
Look at these pictures, please. What do they inform us about? Right you are they are symbols of the Year of Culture and Literature in Russia.
2015 is a year of Literature. Heroic epic “Djangar” is the most outstanding literary work of our nation that has become sacred for Kalmyk people. It is one of the 7-th wonders of Kalmykia.
Seven Wonders of Kalmykia1. The Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni1. Хурул «Золотая обитель Будды Шакьямуни».
2. Khosheutovski Buddhist temple 2. Хошеутовский хурулLotus flowers 3.Лотосы
4. Heroicepic “Djangar” 4.Героический эпос «Джангр»
5 . City-chess 5.Город шахмат Сити чесс6. Steppebarrows 6.Степные Курганы
7. Tulips 7.Тюльпаны
What words associate with the word “Djangar”?
Djangar“It was at the beginning of times
In the ancient golden age
Of Djangar’s dawn beginning to break,
Of Bumba’s flowering starting to be conceived,
Of the Burkhan’s holy era”
Pre- reading tasks:
Look through the new lexical units, pay attention to their pronunciation and translation
Epos, epic Эпос
Hero, Heroism Герой, героизм
Native Land, Motherland Родина, Отчизна
Brave, bravery Храбрый, храбрость
Deed Поступок, подвиг
Enemy Враг
Defend Защищать
Reflect Отражать
Fame, famous Известность, известный
Good Добро
Evil Зло
Read the text and try to find the information.
Pay attention to the following words:
Bumba,Djangar,batyr, mangus,djangarchi. Give their equivalents in Russian and Kalmyk.
The Kalmyks have a very rich folklore tradition. The Epic of Djangar is a masterpiece, which has been passed down orally for ages. We do not know who created it or when it was created. The main idea in the DjangarEpic is the battle between Good, Djangar and his heroes; and Evil, the Mangus or evil monster. It describes how Djangarand his heroes defended their native land fabled Bumba from enemies. Djangar reflects the dreams of people of human happiness.
It consists of song-poems about the deeds of heroes.As a rule, the hero of these songs is Djangaror his batyrs. Each hero has its own individual traits of character.
Djangaris sung by “djangarchi” – the most famous of them are:ElyanOvla, DavaShavaliev, MukebyunBasangov, AndzhukaKozaev and others.
BumbaБумбаБумбин ОрнJangarДжангрЖанhр
BatyrБогатырь БаатрJangarchiДжангарчиЖанhарчнрMangusМангасМангсPost – reading tasks:
Answer the questions to the text:
Who created The Epic of Djangar? People
What is the main idea of the Epic? Battle of Good with Evil
What country did the heroes defend? Fabled BumbaWho is the hero of the songs? Djangar and his batyrsDo you know the famous «djangarchi»? ElyanOvla, DavaShavaliev, MukebyunBasangov, AndzhukaKozaevРебята, мы с вами вспомнили знаменитых «Джангарчи», то есть тех людей, которые помогли сохранить для потомков этот шедевр народного искусства. Давайте попробуем, и мы показать свое умение в прочтении эпоса «Джангр».
Song 2. How married hero Ulan Khongr Scarlet Lion
Noisy hordes of strongmen, Эдү мет баатрмуд, Шумные полчища силачей,
Six thousand twelve knights, Эңгин олн сәәдүдтәhәнШесть тысяч двенадцать богатырей,
Seven held in the palace circles. Эңдән долан дуңһра күцәдсуудг. Семь во дворе занимали кругов.
In addition, the gray-haired old men Цал буурл сахлта цаһан өвгдКроме того седых стариков
There was, they say, a circle. Нег дуңһра күцәд , Был, рассказывают, круг.
And the red-faced old women important Элҗг улан эмгдИ красноликих важных старух
There was, they say, a circle. Нег дуңһра күцәд, Был, рассказывают, круг.
Pale white wives there Цууда цаһан берәдЖены нежно-белые там
Also made ​​a circle. Нег дуңһра күцәд, Тоже составили круг.
Like a ripe fruit, there Цусн уланкүүкдСловно плоды спелые, там
Girls were a circle. Нег дуңһра күцәдсуунаДевушки составили круг.
Let’s compare the main heroes and their descriptions.
Герой Эпитет Символ
Джангр – Великий Great- famed Величие – greatness
АлтанЦееджи – Мудрый Witty Мудрость – wittiness
Хонгор – Алый лев Благородный ScarletBrave Lion Храбрость – bravery
Савр - ТяжелорукийMighty-armed Сила – strength
Санал - Смуглолицый Строгий Honest Black Честность – honesty
Мингиян - Сладкоголосый Beautiful Красота – beauty
Look at these pictures. Match the pictures with the names of heroes
1 .Djangar 4. AltanTcsedzhi2. Khongor 5. Saavr3. Sanal 6. MingiyanAbout epics of different peoples. There are a lot of them.
The most famous are:
Названиеэпоса Народность
Витязь в тигровой шкуре Грузинский
Давид Сасунский Армянский
Абай ГэсэрМонгольский
Нарты Осетинский
Илиада Греческий
Эпос отражает борьбу добра со злом
Выражает мечту народов о счастливой жизни
Прославляет положительные черты человеческого характера (символы)
Подчеркивает значимость общечеловеческих ценностей