Праздники и традиции США и Великобритании.

Лесногородская средняя школа
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку
Тема мероприятия – «Праздники и традиции в США и Великобритании».
Выбор темы внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку обусловлен ее актуальностью и местом в системе уроков английского языка.
Количество учащихся, занятых в мероприятии – 15.
общеобразовательные – формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции учащихся путем ознакомления с праздниками и традициями стран изучаемого языка.
воспитательные – воспитание интереса к английскому языку и культуре страны изучаемого языка.
развивающие – развитие творческих способностей и умений работы в команде.
Дидактические задачи – активизация лексических навыков по данной теме ; закрепление материала и контроль его усвоения.
Дата и время проведения мероприятия: 28.12.2012, 12.00 – 13.00
Место проведения: МОУ Лесногородская СОШ
Форма проведения – командный конкурс
Содержание и методика мероприятия: учащиеся делятся на три команды, соответствующие учебным группам по английскому языку; каждая команда выбирает себе капитана и название; конкурс состоит из нескольких этапов.
Анализ подготовительного мероприятия: Подготовка к мероприятию проводилась под руководством учителя английского языка.
Оформление кабинета:
Газеты, освященные праздникам Великобритании и США.
Оформление доски: The 28th of December
№ Cristmas stocking Hearts Pampkins1. Points for the first contest “Order!Order” … … 2. 2nd contest “Symbols!” … 3. 3rd contest “World scramble” … 4. 4th contest “Fill in the Blanks…” … 5. 5th contest “Who reads better?” … 6. 6th contest “Who is the best story teller?” Total score … Total score …
Структура мероприятия:
Организационный момент ……………………………………….5 мин
Проведение этапов конкурса …………………………………… 50 мин
Подведение итогов и награждение участников………………….5 мин
Ход мероприятия:
Teacher: Good afternoon! We are glad to greet you at our contest. First of all let me introduce our teams and our jury. There are three teams here today. The first is called “Christmas Stockings” and its captain is … The second team is called “Hearts” and its captain is … The third team is called “Pumpkins” and its captain is … The members of our jury are …
Конкурс “Order! Order!” Командам демонстрируется на классной доске список названий праздников: Mother’s Day, Christmas, St. Valentine Day, New Year, Easter, April Fool’s Day, Christmas Eve, Halloween, Father’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day. Участники должны на отдельных листочках написать даты проведения этих праздников. Конкурс оценивается в 10 баллов.
Teacher: Let’s start our contest. Now listen to the rules of our first round. You can see the names of some special days on the blackboard. Write them in the correct order. If you know the right answers, you’ll score 10 points. The first team to guess right scores an extra point. Ready? Start!
Пока члены команд выполняют задание первого конкурса, члены жюри объявляют результаты выполнения домашнего задания. Учащиеся должны были нарисовать постер “Happy Valentine Face”, используя сердечки вместо ушей, глаз и т.д.
Teacher: Your homework was to design a happy valentine face, adding small hearts for ears, eyes, lips and nose and make a greeting card. I’ll invite a member of jury to tell us whose works are the most interesting.
Конкурс “Symbols!” Командам предлагаются рисунки некоторых символов праздников: роза, незабудка, сердце, купидон, лук и стрела, голуби – День Святого Валентина; скелет, ведьма, черный кот, паук, привидение, тыква – Хэллоуин; Санта Клаус, подарки, пудинг, поздравительная открытка, рождественское дерево, рождественские чулки – Рождество. Эти символы демонстрируются в произвольном порядке на классной доске. Представители команд по очереди выходят к доске и называют символы одного из праздников. Конкурс оценивается в 6 баллов.
Teacher: As you know every holiday has its own symbols. Look at the blackboard. Choose and name the symbols of Christmas, Halloween and St. Valentine’s Day. If you answer correctly, I’ll give you 6 points: 1 point for every correct word.
Конкурс “Word Scramble”. Командам предлагается по 10 слов c переставленными буквами, относящихся к праздникам: “Christmas” (tree, December, Santa, decorate, snowman, candle, bell, reindeer, stocking, Christmas), “St. Valentine’s Day” (love, February, heart, Valentine, red, kiss, party, card, dear, friendship), “Halloween”(dark, demon, witch, ghost, trick, pumpkin, monster, skeleton, night, Halloween). Эти слова необходимо правильно собрать. Конкурс оценивается в 10 баллов.
Teacher: The task is to unscramble the words. Write them correctly. You can score 10 points: 1 point for every correct word.
Конкурс “Fill in the Blanks…”. Командам предлагается вставить пропущенные слова в тексты (Приложение 2) о праздниках. Конкурс оценивается в 10 баллов.
Teacher: Your task is to fill in the blanks with the words. Write them in the correct places. The first team to do it right scores an extra point.
Teacher: The teams have prepared their favorite poems about holidays. Now listen to them.
Конкурс “Who reads better?” Представителям команд предлагается прочесть эти тексты о праздниках (Приложение 1). Конкурс оценивается в 10 баллов.
Teacher: Now let’s read these texts. You can score 10 points.
Конкурс “Who is the best story-teller?” Представителям команд предлагается рассказать о праздниках и традициях. Конкурс оценивается в 10 баллов.
Teacher: You read a lot about holidays and traditions at our lessons. Your task was to prepare a story about them. You can score 10 points.
Подведение итогов, объявление команды-победительницы и лучших знатоков традиций страны, вручение призов.
Teacher: So, our contest has come to an end. You know a lot about holidays and traditions of Great Britain and the USA. The final score is … Let’s congratulate the winners. Thank you for the contest. Thanks to our jury for their work.
После подведения итогов учащиеся играют в традиционные игры:
“Cupid’s Arrow” (“Стрела Купидона”) – дротиком нужно попасть в маленькое сердце внутри большого нарисованного сердца (игра в дарты).
“Pin-the-tail-on-the-Donkey” –нужно с закрытыми глазами прикрепить хвост нарисованному ослику.
“Bobbling for apples” – нужно достать яблоко из воды без помощи рук.
Teacher: You like to play games, don’t you? “Cupid’s Arrow”. The rules of the game are very simple. You have to pin the point of an arrow on a small heart drawn within a large heart tacked to the wall.
At Halloween parties children usually play “Pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey”.
I’ll blindfold and spin you slowly. And you must find a paper donkey hanging on the wall and try to pin a tail onto the back.
The most amusing attraction is bobbing for apples. You have to get apples from a tub of water without using hands. How? By sinking your face into the water and biting the apple! Try your luck, all of you!

Приложение 1
Halloween is the oldest and most colourful holiday. People celebrate it on the 31st of October. It goes back to early times before Christ was born. Halloween was celebrated many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland. People thought that Halloween was the night when the witches came out. They thought that the devil sent evil spirits up from hell on that night. People believed in ghosts and witches. They were afraid of them and put on different clothes and painted their faces. They also placed food near the doors of their houses for witches.
Today this festival is a time for fun, for Halloween parties. Now people dress up as demons, ghosts, witches, goblins or skeletons. They put on old and funny clothes. During the holiday there is usually a parade of costumes. Halloween’s parties are always fun with jokes and games.
Children make faces on pumpkins and put a candle inside. These pumpkins are called jack-o’-lanterns. A pumpkin lantern is a good way to keep the witches from your door on Halloween. Children play a special game “Trick or Treat”. They visit their neighbours and ask for sweets, apples or coins. If they don’t receive a treat, they may play a trick. They also play traditional games: pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey and bobbing for apples. This is how people celebrate Halloween.
Christmas is the main public holiday in Britain and the USA. It is celebrated on December, 25th in honour of the birth of Christ. People usually spend their time with their families.
Some weeks before Christmas people are very busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. They buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and lights.
There is a tradition that children should put their stockings near their beds so Santa Claus will fill them with presents. Santa Claus is thought to live at the North Pole. He is an old man in red clothes and with a long white beard.
Christmas is a family holiday. People celebrate it with big dinners. They eat Christmas turkey with potatoes and green vegetables. They have Christmas pudding with holly on it and mince pies.
In Britain, the day after Christmas is called Boxing Day and also a public holiday. People usually visit their friends and relatives. A lot of sports take place on Boxing Day and many people spend time watching sport on television.
St. Valentine’s Day.
St. Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February, 14th. It is a holiday of friendship, love and romance.
Nobody knows much about St. Valentine. There many legends about St. Valentine. He was a Christian priest in Roman Empire. He was put in prison and beheaded for his teaching. He was a good friend to children. He wrote notes from his jail to children and friends who missed him. Another Valentine was an Italian bishop. He was imprisoned because he secretly married couples against the laws of the Roman emperor Claudius II.
Whatever the origin, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in many parts of the world today and it is a holiday for both young and old.
People send greeting cards, called “valentines”, little presents and flowers to their sweethearts, friends and relatives. Mane valentines have romantic poems, others are humorous. But almost all valentines ask “Be My Valentine”. This may mean be my friend or be my love. Valentine’s Day is a good time to tell them how you feel.
A period before holiday is a busy one for post-offices. On Valentine’s Day many radio stations play romantic music all day long. Hearts, cupids, bows and arrows, flowers appear everywhere.
St. Valentine’s Day is not a national holiday. Banks and schools are open as usual. Schoolchildren decorate their classrooms with bright red paper hearts and celebrate the day in their classrooms. They also make valentines for their friends and parents.
Valentine’s Day is a happy day because it is specially dedicated to celebrate love, affection and friendship.
Приложение 2
Christmas. For Christians, Christmas is the most important (1)… of the year. In the weeks before Christmas people are (2)…. They make or (3) … Christmas cards and send them to their friends and (4) … . They also buy Christmas (5) … . They buy (6)…. Children (7) … the Christmas tree with toys and little lights. They put their (8)…near their beds. The traditional (9) … for this holiday are (10)… and green.
(red, decorate, busy, Christmas tree, holiday, presents, relatives, stockings, colours, buy)
Halloween. October, 31 is a very special (1)… for children. It is called Halloween. In old time they say (2)… and witches come out on Halloween. Now is a holiday for children. They make lanterns out of (3) … . Some people have Halloween (4) … with games and (5)… for (6)…. They are usually (6)… in costumes of ghosts, demons, goblins and skeletons. The (7)… colours for this holiday are (9)… and (10)…
(orange, pumpkins, ghosts, holiday, treats, dressed, parties, traditional, black, children)
St. Valentine’s Day. February, 14 is called (1)… It is the day for sweethearts. It is the day when (2) … and girls, (3) … and neighbours, husbands and (4)… exchange greetings of love and (5)…. On this day you can (6)… cards in shops or you can make (7) … yourselves. You may write, ”I (8)… you”, “Will you be my (9)…?” On this day millions of people (10)… valentines to those whom they love.
(send, love, friendship, wives, friends, Valentine’s Day, boys, cards, valentine, buy)