Урок английского языка Is the Earth a Dangerous Place По УМК М.З. Биболетовой — 8 класс

Урок английского языкаIs the Earth a Dangerous Place?По УМК М.З. Биболетовой - 8 класс The Earth is a beautiful place to live on The Earth is a Dangerous Place N a t u r a l d i s a s t e r s disaster [di:’za:ste] - бедствие, несчастьеa terrible disaster - ужасное несчастьеa disaster area - территория бедствияdisastrous - бедственный earthquake[‘3:Өkweik] землетрясениеHurricane [‘h^rikәn] ураганtornado [to:’neidәu] торнадо volcano [val’keinәu] извержение вулканаflood [fl^d] наводнение drought [draut] засуха What is the disaster? drought What is the disaster? volcano What is the disaster? earthquake What is the disaster? earthquake What is the disaster? flood What is the disaster? tornado Every year different natural disasters happen in our planet. Earthquake Hurricane Tornado Volcano Flood Drought … is a large amount of water which covers a place that is usually dry land. Flood b) … is a sudden shaking of the ground. Earthquake c) … is a very violent wind or storm. A hurricane d) .. is a very violent wind in the form of a funnel of air that spins at great speed. A tornado e) … is a mountain with a hole called a crater in the top. Sometimes lava and gases are thrown from the crater. A volcano f) … is a long period of dry weather when there is not enough water. Drought What is typical of….? 1) Too much water is typical of flood2) Terrible fire is typical of… . 3) A violent storm is … …. 4) Heavy rain is … ….. 5) Lava and gases are… ….. What is typical of….? 6) A very violent wind is typical of ….7) Not enough water is … … . 8) Shaking the ground … … … . 9) Dry weather … … … . 10) Spinning air … … … . WB N 1 p.17 6 H U 4 R D 5 R 3 V R T I 1 F L O O D O O C L U R A C G N N 2 E A R T H Q U A K E N T D O O Listen to the text and complete the table Continents Countries Earthquakes Hurricanes Tornadoes Volcanoes Continents Countries Asia, South America, North America, Europe Japan, China, India, Turkey, Peru, Chile, Mexico, the USA, Portugal, Armenia, Russia, Italy, Salvador, Hawaii, the Philippines Continents Countries Earthquakes Asia, South America, North America, Europe Japan, China, India, Turkey, Peru, Chile, Mexico, the USA, Portugal, Armenia, Russia Hurricanes Asia, North America Japan, China, the USA, Russia, the Philippines Tornadoes North America the USA Volcanoes Asia, South America, Europe Italy, Salvador, Hawaii, the Russian Federation Критерии оценивания 0-2 ошибки - 53-4 ошибки- 45-6 ошибок -3Более 7 ошибок- 2 Use the structure and say (Earthquakes) are common in …(continents).They happen in … (countries) more often. damage - вред, повреждениеto damage - вредить, повреждать do a lot of damage - наносить поврежденияto destroy - разрушать to injure people - травмировать людей to become homeless - стать бездомными to shake (shook, shaken) – трясти, трястись shake with anger\laugher- трястись от гнева/смеха shake like a leaf – трястись как лист shake hands with each other, shake each other’s hands - пожимать рукиshake a head – мотать головой hurt – причинять боль, вредитьbe badly\ seriously hurt - сильно повредиться…wouldn’t hurt a fly – …и мухи не обидитto break Earth ‘s crust – разрушать земную кору to predict - предсказать Why are natural disasters dangerous? Earthquakes Tornadoes Floods Hurricanes Volcanoes droughts destroy cities\towns injure people kill people kill animals damage buildings bridges roads power stations break Earth ‘s crust hurt nature make people homeless hurt plants Homework I. Write an essay on the topic «DISASTERS»(7-10 sentences).Используйте выражения I think, I believe, I knowII. Ex.27 p.36 (c переводом на русский язык в черновике)Всем принести чистую тетрадь в клетку Is the Earth a beautiful but dangerous place to live on?