Контрольный срез по лексико-грамматическому материалу английского языка за II семестр

Вариант 1
1. Раскройте скобки. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму (Past Simple)
a) Last week I (visit) my grandparents
b) We (play hockey) yesterday evening.
c) My sister (buy) interesting books two days ago.
d) They (go) to Sochi last year.
2. Напишите предложения с глаголом «to be» в вопросительной и отрицательной форме (Past Simple)
a) Mike was in London last year.
b) You were in my garden yesterday.
3. Выберете правильный вариант ответа (Future Simple)
1. Diana (come) to the party tomorrow?
a) will Diana come b) does Diana come c) was Diana come
2.He (go) to Moscow next week.
a) would go b) will go c) go
3. I (prepare / not) for exams all next day.
a) don’t prepare b) am not prepare c) will not prepare
4. Исправьте ошибки, запишите правильные предложения (Present Progressive)
a) They writing a test at this moment.b) I am speak French now. c) We am not working at the present time, because we have a break.d) Listen! Ann are singing.
5. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова (Present Perfect)
Переведите их на русский язык
1. never / has / Misha / football / played /.
2. you / have / money / ever / found / ?
3. Spain / hasn’t / he / been to /.
4. we / just / bought / this book / have /.
6. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. (Разделительные вопросы)
1. You are the new student, ____?
a) aren’t you b) are you c) don’t you
2. We don’t like black coffee, ___?
a) aren’t we b) don’t you c) do you
Вариант 2
1. Поставьте глаголы в прошедшее время (Past Simple)
a) We (help) our mother about the house last week.
b) He (clean) his room yesterday.
c) They (see) a funny dog yesterday.
d) I (give) him a book two days ago.
2. Напишите предложения с глаголом «to be» (Past Simple) в вопросительной и отрицательной форме
a) Mike was happy yesterday.
b) My friends were in London last week.
3. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Future Simple)
1. They (visit) to their friends tomorrow?
a) will they visit b) does they visit c) was they visit
2. My sister (go) to London next year.
a) would go b) will go c) won’t go
3. I (cook not) dinner tomorrow.
a) don’t cook b) are not cookc) will not cook
4. Исправьте ошибки и запишите правильные предложения (Present Progressive)
a) My friend are washing his new car.
b) They is painting their kitchen at the moment.
c) My grandparents is read newspapers now.
d) I are driving to work now.
5. Составьте предложения, используя данные слова (Present Perfect). Переведите их на русский язык.
has / Misha / in the sea / swum /.
you / met / famous / have / people / ever/?
built / never / has / he / a house /.
just / they / have / in the park / walked /.
6. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (Разделительные вопросы)
1. You were very busy yesterday, ____?
a) weren’t you b) were you c) don’t you
2. Sam doesn’t work hard, ___?
a) is he b) does he c) isn’t