Конспект по английскому языку на тему Big cities (5 класс)

"Secondary school №115 the Department of education of Kostanay city"
1078831142240An open lesson
An open lesson

Big cities

5 grade
Teacher: Kozhina F.K
2017 year
Grade: 5A Date: 04.02.17
Theme: Big cities
Білімділігі: оқушылардың Астана мен Лондон туралы алған білімдеріне жалпы шолу жасау, қайталау жұмыстарын жүргізу.
Дамытушылығы: оқушылардың сөйлеу дағдысын қалыптастыру, олардың Лондон туралы ой-өрісін дамыту, сөздік қорын молайту.
Тәрбиелілігі: адамгершілікке және өзге мемлекеттің тілін, салт-дәстүрін құрметтей білуге тәрбиелеу.
Visual aids: cards, pictures
Type of lesson: travelling lesson
I.Org.moment:a) Greeting;Good morning dear children! Sit down, please! How are you today? b) asking about the dates, absentees, etc.
What is the date today? What day is it today? What is the weather like today? Do you like this weather?
II. Checking up the homework.
What was your homework? Who is answer me? Are you ready?
III. Introduction of the theme of the lesson:Let’s start our lesson with the psychological preparation and together tell this poem.
Good, better, best
Never, never, rest
Till your good is better.
And your better best.
You are welcome! We shall have a wonderful time together. You`ll be happy. Pupils, today we have an unusual lesson. Before starting the lesson I want to divide you into two groups using these drawings. To do this you must collect a picture. Then we'll call you in the name of this city. (Pupils collect the pictures)

1st group-ASTANA 2nd group-LONDON
Now write down the date and the theme of the lesson. The theme of the lesson is “Big cities”. Today we will travel by , if you answer to my questions. What do you know about Astana? Have you ever been to Astana? 
New lesson:
Today in class we will travel through four stations. They are:
And now let’s begin our travel.
Listening Grammar:
a) Degrees of comparison – Сын есімнің шырайларыThe Adjective (сын есім) – заттың сын-сипатын, көлемін түр-түсін, сапасын білдіретін сөз табы және ағылшын тілінде сын есім қазақ тіліндегідей септелмейді, тәуелденбейді, көптелмейді.Шырайының 3 түрі бар (Degrees of comparison):1) жай (the Positive Degree);2) салыстырмалы (the Comparative Degree);3) күшейтпелі (the Superlative Degree);Жай шырай – бұл оның сөздіктегі формасы. Басқа екеуі осыдан туындайды.Салыстырмалы шырай -er жұрнағы арқылы жасалады: young – youngerold – olderКүшейтпелі шырай -est жұрнағы жалғану арқылы жасалады және сын есімнің алдында міндетті түрде the белгілі артиклі тұрады: young – (the) youngestold – (the) oldest

•      сareful
•      boring
•      famous
•      exciting
•      reliable more careful              the most careful
more boring              the most boring
more famous             the most famous
more exciting            the most exciting
more reliable            the most reliable
Бұрыс сын есімдер
adjective comparative superlative
Good                    better                      the best
Bad                       worse                   the worst
Little                    less                       the least
Many,much         more                     the most
47783265275400Reading. Read and translate: 
-173941115281800189166511528670040375741207526001st group: Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It's situated on the river Esil. It has a population of over sіх hundred thousand people. Astana is famous, crowded and young city. The popular and modern buildings are the monument of Baiterek, Khan-Shatyr, Ak orda, entertainment centre of Duman. Astana also has a problem with traffic. There are many cars on the streets. 
2762885110182300-2777431066116002nd group: London is the capital of Great Britain. It’s situated on the river Thames. It has a population of over 6 million people. London is an old, big city. London is famous for its buildings the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, London Eye. Children's favourite place is Hamleys, which is the biggest toyshop in the world. London has problems with traffic and pollution. Over one million people a day use the London underground, but there are still too many cars. 
New words:
Crowded-лық толы
Entertainment centre-ойын сауық oрталығы
Traffic-көше кептелісі
situated -орналасқан
Place-орын, жер
Underground- метро
3.Writing (Put the missing adjectives in places, make the degrees of the adjective)
1st group:
Astana is ____________________________city. (famous, crowded and young)
The__________________________ buildings are Baiterek, Khan-Shatyr, Ak orda, Duman.( popular and modern)
2nd group:
London is an_______________ city. (old, big)
London is___________________for buildings. (famous)
Children's__________________ place is Hamleys, which is_____________ toyshop in the world.
(favourite, the biggest)
С деңгейлі оқушыға жеке карточка береді. Сәйкестендіру
1. Big Ben a) Symbol of Astana 2. Baiterek  b) House where the President works 3. Ak Orda  c) capital 4. London   d) river
5. Esil e) a clock1) e 2) a 3) b 4) c 5)d
True or false
Astana is the capital of Great Britain.
London is an old, big city.
Big Ben is in the Astana.
Astana situated on the river Esil
London is famous for Big Ben
There are eight hundred thousand people in Astana.
Children's favourite place is Ak Orda
Conclusion: Quiz: 1. Where is situated?2. How many populations are there? 3. What are the popular buildings? 4. What problems does it have? Complete the chart:
Situated Population Buildings Problem
Astana Esil 600000 Baiterek, Khan-Shatyr, Ak Orda, Duman traffic
London Thames 6000000 London Eye, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Hamleys traffic and pollution
Our journey came to finish. Do you liked our lesson? And now open your diary and write down your homework.
Homework: retell the text and learn new words
Evaluation: Your marks:
The lesson is over. Good bye!