Краткосрочные планы по английскому языку 5 класс для казахской школы по Аяпова

Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
Which room do you like ? unit 7 step 2 pp 123-125

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson talking, asking about flat and house and which room do they like best of all, using of the prepositions of place

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and numbers .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to their flat and house, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Gre
·Home task

1. Draw the picture of your favorite room

Giving marks:

Кері байланыс:
What have you learnt today?
What do you like?

Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
Carol’s kitchen unit 7 step 2 pp 120-122

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson talking asking about flat and house , using of the structure There is/ there are

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and numbers .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to their flat and house, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the les
·ectronic textbook and with cards
3.1. Vocabularies :
Cook пісіру
Dishwasher ыдыс жуатын машина
Washing machine кыр жуатын машина
Sink Kол жуатын жер
Fridge холодильник
Cupboard ыдыс Kоятын шкаф
Plate тарелке

Vocabulary check
3.2 Make sentences with these words: Have you got these things at home?

Analysis: exc.6
Carol’s kitchen
It’s a modern kitchen. It’s nice and clean. There’s a washing machine, a fridge and a cooker, but there isn’t a dishwasher. There are a lot of cupboards in the kitchen. There isn’t a carpet on the floor. There’s a radio. There isn’t a clock in the kitchen. There aren’t plates and cups in the sink.
Exercise 4 Compare your kitchen with this kitchen and say what’s miss
·Кері байланыс
I know
I have known
I want to know


summative assessment
Giving marks:

Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
We are going to visit Frank next year unit 10 step 4 pp 174- 176

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson talking about future planning and numerals

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары
Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
·r sentences, using of the grammar
can work with electronic textbook and with cards
3.1. Vocabularies : can- бірн‰рсе істей алу put..on- киіну, turn over-бaрылу, cook- ас пісіру, ask-сaрау, grill- KаKталCан тауыK, invite- шаKыру

Vocabulary check
· ^йге тапсырма
Exercise 13,14 p 176

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
My flat unit 7 step 1 pp 116- 120

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson talking asking about flat and house , using of the structure There is/ there are

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and numbers .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to their flat and house, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty t
Living room KонаK б™лме
Bedroom _йыKтайтын б™лме
Study кабинет
Rug т™сеніш , кілем
Dining room асхана
Bath room жуынатын б™лме
Toilet туалет
Plant _йде ™сетін ™сімдік
Sofa диван
Upstairs жоCары к™терілетін баспалдаK /_стінгі
Downstairs т™менге т_сетін баспалдаK / т™менгі этаж

Vocabulary check
3.2 Make sentences with these words:

Analysis: Students analyze their work :
Ask questions about the house
Is there living room in your house?
Yes, there is.
Are there 5 bedrooms in your house?
No, there aren’t. There are
· Бекіту
Exercise 8 Listen to the questions and answer
- Is there a table in the living?
-yes, there is
-Is there a clock.
-no, there isn’t

VIII. Home task

Exercise p
Describe your house
2. Draw the picture of your house

I know
I have known
I want to know


summative assessment
Giving marks:

Кері байланыс

Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
Can you play the guitar? P 65

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson talking about musical instruments

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
c) A talk a
· музыкалыK аспап
Piano пианино
Guitar гитара
Violin скрипка
Trumpet муз. труба
Recorder магнитофон
To play ойнау
Instrument инструмент

Vocabulary check
3.2 Make sentences with these words:

Analysis: Students analyse their work : Group A/B. To work with diologue
“Can” етістігі адамныS бір н‰рсені істей алатындыCын немесе с™йлей алатындыCын к™рсету _шін Kолданылады
Can you play the guitar?
Yes, I can.
No, I can’t

Miss Brown: Can you play the guitar?
Colin: No, I can't. But I can play the recorder.
Exercise 3. Talk to your friend.
Can you play the ?
Yes, I ca
· ^йге тапсырма
Exercise 12
Exercise 1. Learn

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
He s from Kazakhstan

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson talking and asking about countries and cities ,asking where he or she is from ,to explain grammar material-demonstrative
Pronoun "that"

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the
·e speech ,can answer to the questions.
Простое настоящее

Ед. ч.
I am


you are

he is

she is

it is

Мн. ч.
we are

you are

they are

Demonstrative pronoun: that { }

Application :Students use the words
Ann Asel-Almaty Mary--Washington (to watch a video)

Exercise 12. Write sentences about the people in exercises 6,8
VI. Consolidation the material

VIII. ^йге тапсырма

Exercise 1. Learn the diologue.

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
How do you spell your name?

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson about identifying first names and surnames
Asking and talking about first names and surnames

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
·-ашыK буында
-{i} ЖабыK буында ж‰не с™здіS соSында
{j}-с™здіS басында
Сс-s and k

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using of the verb'' to be ''
They should know how to use it in the speech ,can answer to the questions.
Простое настоящее

Ед. ч.
I am


you are

he is

she is

it is

Мн. ч.
we are

you are

they are

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
can work with electronic textbook and with cards
3.1. Vocabularies : name , surname, first name,
Vocabulary check
3.2 Make sentences with these words:

Analysis: Students analyse their work : Group A/B. To work with diologue
How do you spell you name? сaраCын енгізу, оCан жауап беруді _йрету
Диалог бойынша жумыс
Carol: Asel, this is Ann. She's my friend.
Asel: Hello.
Ann: Hello, sorry, what's your name?
Asel: Asel.
Ann: Is it your first name?
Asel: Yes, it is.
Ann: And what's your surname?
Asel: It's Satbaeva.
Ann: How do you
·ss ------------------

VIII. ^йге тапсырма
Exercise 10
Exercise 1. Listen and repeat.

Evaluate: summative assesment
Feedback:What have I learnt?

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
This is my friend

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson introducing other people, saying numbers from 21-100 ,possessive adjectives his/her

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get r
Простое настоящее

Ед. ч.
I am


you are

he is

she is

it is

Мн. ч.
we are

you are

they are

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
can work with electronic textbook and with

one hundred

a thousand

VIII. Hometask:

write the vocabulary / exc.13 p.42

Evaluate: summative assesment
Кері байланыс:What have I learnt?

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
Good morning

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson how greeting people,formally introducing yourself ,saying "Good bye"

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the stude
Простое настоящее

Ед. ч.
I am


you are

he is

she is

it is

Мн. ч.
we are

you are

they are

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
can work with electronic textbook and with
·amily trea and jobs

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
What does your father do?

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson talking about jobs of family members and formaly introducing yourself. Question ’ what does he do?

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on dut
Omar: She is Beautiful etc

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using of the verb'' to be ''
They should know how to use it in the speech ,can answer to the questions.
Простое настоящее

Ед. ч.
I am



you are

he is

she is

it is

Мн. ч.
we are

you are

they are

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
can work with electronic textbook and with cards
3.1. Vocabularies :
Engineer инженер
Worker рабочий
Doctor доктор
Bank manager управляющий
Dentist зубной врач
Secretary секретарь
Lawyer адвокат
Housewife домохозяйка
Teacher учитель
Driver водитель
3.2 Make sentences with these words:

Analysis: Students analyse their work : Group A/B. To work with diologue

Synthesis: work with the picture checking up their knowledge in understanding the material yes/no

Answer the questions about Asel’s mother Exercise 3. Talk to your friend.
a) What does Omar's father do?
He's an
b) What does Omar's mother do?
She's a .
Exercise 4. Talk to your friend about these people.
Example: What does Mr. Evans do? He's a taxi-driver.

VI. Consolidation the material
Talk to your partner about your relatives.
a) What does your father do?
He's a
b) What does your mother do?
She's a
Exercise 6Listen and repeat.
a) Is he a student?
No, he isn't.

4.2 Tell your friend about your father , mother , sister

Evaluate: summative assesment

кері байланыс
I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
What is your mother like?

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson about family members and adjectives connected with appearance. Question ’ what is .. like?

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills to learn Numbers 20-100 and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
c) A talk about the weather?
-What day is it today? -What season is it now?
-What date is it today? - What month is it now?

II. Warm up:
This is my mother, This is my father
This is my sister Poul
This is my brother, This is my cousin
How I love them all

Knowledge: Students listen to the words
- To work with dialogue
Colin: Hello, Omar.
Omar: Hello, how are you?
Colin: I'm fine, thank you. And you?
Omar,; I'm OK, thanks.
Colin: Which class are you in?
Omar: I'm in 5A. What about you?
Colin: I'm in 7C.
Omar: How old are you ?
Colin: I'm 10 and you?
Omar: I’m 12. Who is this?
Colin: This is my mother
Omar: What is her name? etc

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using of the verb'' to be ''
They should know how to use it in the speech ,can answer to the questions.
Простое настоящее

Ед. ч.
I am


you are

he is

she is

it is

Мн. ч.
we are

you are

they are

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
can work with electronic textbook and with cards
3.1. Vocabularies : beautiful, nice, handsome, tall, short, fat, thin, strict, kind
3.2 Make sentences with these words:
Example : My mother is kind. etc.

Analysis: Students analyse their work : Group A/B. To work with diologue

Synthesis: checking up their knowledge in understanding the material yes/no
Asel’s mothers name is Alma.

She is tall

She is young

She is thin

She is beautiful

She is strict

Answer the questions about Asel’s mother
1.What is her name?
2. How old is she?
3.Is she beautifull?
4.Is she thin
5. Is she kind?
6. I*s she tall?

VI. Consolidation the material
4.1. Make a diologue about your mother or father
4.2 Tell your friend about your father , mother , sister

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
I'm Colin's Sister

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson about family members and Possessive: 's He| She Verb ''to be'' to train new words and discussion an English language

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills to learn Numbers 20-100 and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
c) A talk about the weather?
-What day is it today? -What season is it now?
-What date is it today? - What month is it now?

II. Warm up:
This is my mother, This is my fother
This is my sister Poul
This is my broter, This is my cousin
How I love them all

Knowledge: Students listen to the words
- To work with dialogue
Colin: Hello, Omar.
Omar: Hello, how are you?
Colin: I'm fine, thank you. And you?
Omar,; I'm OK, thanks.
Colin: Which class are you in?
Omar: I'm in 5A. What about you?
Colin: I'm in 7C.
Omar: How old are you ?
Colin: I'm 10 and you?

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using of the verb'' to be ''
They should know how to use it in the speech ,can answer to the questions.
Простое настоящее

Ед. ч.
I am


you are

he is

she is

it is

Мн. ч.
we are

you are

they are

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
can work with electronic textbook and with cards
3.1. Vocabularies : grandfather , father, grandmother, mother, sister ,brother, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, son, daughter, parents, cousin 3.2. 3.3 Make sentences with these words:
Example : This is my parents .etc.

Analysis: Students analyse their work : Group A/B. To work with pictures: Question How are you ? How old are you ?
I’m fine.
I’m Ok.
I’m well.
I’m very well.
I’m all right.
I’m so-so.

Synthesis: checking up their knowledge in understanding the material
Role play
Doing Exercises 5
Exercises 6
Exercises 7
Talk to you friend

VI. Consolidation the material
Study the numbers
20- twenty 70 – seventy
30 – thirty 80- eighty
40 – forty 90- ninety
50 – fifty 100- hundred
60 - sixty

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
How old are you?

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson about How are you? and Which class are you in?, How old are you? to train new words and discussion an English language

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills to learn Numbers 20-100 and English letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары

Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
c) A talk about the weather?
-What day is it today? -What season is it now?
-What date is it today? - What month is it now?

II. Warm up:
How are you? How are you?
Now tell me please
How are you?
I'm fine, I'm very well,
Thank you! And you?
Knowledge: Students listen to the words
- To work with dialogue
Colin: Hello, Omar.
Omar: Hello, how are you?
Colin: I'm fine, thank you. And you?
Omar,; I'm OK, thanks.
Colin: Which class are you in?
Omar: I'm in 5A. What about you?
Colin: I'm in 7C.
Omar: How old are you ?
Colin: I'm 10 and you?

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using of the verb to be They should know how to use it in the speech ,can answer to the questions.
Простое настоящее

Ед. ч.
I am


you are

he is

she is

it is

Мн. ч.
we are

you are

they are

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
can work with electronic textbook and with cards
3.1. Vocabularies : class,how,fine ,we,you, well OK, Thank you
3.2. Divide these words into noun/ verb
3.3 Make sentences with these words:
Example : We are fine. I'm OK etc.

Analysis: Students analyse their work : Group A/B. To work with pictures: Question How are you ? How old are you ?
I’m fine.
I’m Ok.
I’m well.
I’m very well.
I’m all right.
I’m so-so.

Synthesis: checking up their knowledge in understanding the material
Role play
Doing Exercises 5
Exercises 6
Exercises 7
Talk to you friend

VI. Consolidation the material
Study the numbers
20- twenty 70 – seventy
30 – thirty 80- eighty
40 – forty 90- ninety
50 – fifty 100- hundred
60 - sixty

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
How are you?

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
Presentation of the lesson about How are you? and Which class are you in?, to train new words and discussion an English language

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills to learn Numbers 11-20 and letters .

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары
Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
c) A talk about the weather?
-What day is it today? -What season is it now?
-What date is it today? - What month is it now?

II. Warm up:
Hello !
How are you?
I’m fine
Thank you!
Knowledge: Students listen to the words
- To work with dialogue
Colin: Hello, Omar.
Omar: Hello, how are you?
Colin: I'm fine, thank you. And you?
Omar,; I'm OK, thanks.
Colin: Which class are you in?
Omar: I'm in 5A. What about you?
Colin: I'm in 7C.

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using of the verb to be They should know how to use it in the speech ,can answer to the questions.
Простое настоящее

Ед. ч.
I am


you are

he is

she is

it is

Мн. ч.
we are

you are

they are

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
can work with electronic textbook and with cards
3.1. Vocabularies : class,how,fine ,we,you
3.2. Divide these words into noun/ verb
3.3 Make sentences with these words:
Example :

Analysis: Students analyse their work : Group A/B. To work with pictures:
I’m fine.
I’m Ok.
I’m well.
I’m very well.
I’m all right.
I’m so-so.

Synthesis: checking up their knowledge in understanding the material
Role play
Doing Exercises 5
Exercises 6
Exercises 7
Talk to you friend

VI. Consolidation the material
Study the numbers
11-eleven 16 – sixteen
12 – twelve 17- seventeen
13 – thirteen 18- eighteen
14 – fourteen 19- nineteen
–fifteen 20 – twenty

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
My name is Omar

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
To teach students how to greet each other .
To introduce possessive adjectives and verb ''to be ''
To acquaint students with the new materials and consolidate
them in different forms of activities
To educate students to respect each other

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары
Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
c) A talk about the weather?
-What day is it today? -What season is it now?
-What date is it today? - What month is it now?
II. Warm up:
Hello !
How are you?
What's your name?
My name is Omar.
Knowledge: Students listen to the words
ОKушыларды “stand up” деп KолдыS к™мегімен “sit down” с™здерді _йретемін
My name Is ..тіркесімен таныстыру ДыбыстардыS айтылуын _йрету
What’s your name? тіркесін енгізу

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using of the verb to be
My name's Colin.
And my name's Carol.
What's your name?
Exercise 1. Listen and repeat.
Colin: Hello!
Omar: Hello!

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
Exercise 3. Listen and repeat.
Colin: Hello, my name's Colin.
Omar: Hello, my name's Omar.
Exercise 4. Talk to your friend.
Hello, my name's
Hello, my name's

Analysis: Students analyse their work : Group A/B. To work with each other:

Synthesis: checking up their knowledge in understanding the material
Role play
Doing Exercises 5
Exercises 6
Exercises 7
Talk to you friend

VI. Consolidation the material
Exercise 7. Talk to your friend.
What's your name?
My name's
Exercise 8. Talk to other friends. Say "Hello" to 5 people.
Hometask :to make up short dialogue

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Тексерген ------------------П‰ні аCылшын тілі П‰ні мaCалімі


5 ‰



СабаK реті

JысKа мерзімді жоспар

СабаKтыS таKырыбы:
Where are you from?

СабаKтыS жалпы маKсаты:
To teach students to get more information about yourselves To acquaint students with the new materials and consolidate
them in different forms of activities
To educate students to care for each other

ОKушылар _шін оKу н‰тижелері
To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills

Негізгі идеялар
to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

СабаKта Kолданылатын материалдар:
Жaмыс д‰птерлері,интернет материалы Аяпова 5 сынып

ОKыту ‰дістері:

1ТоптыK жaмыс
2. Жеке жaмыс

Дерек к™здер:
English оKулыCы, Teacher's Book, , жaмыс д‰птері,

1.м‰тінді оKу
2.жаSа с™здерді теріп жазу
3.сaраKтарCа жауап беру
4.жаттыCулар орындау

МaCалімніS сабаK бойынша жазбалары
Блум таксономиясы бойынша сабаK ж_ргізіледі:
I.Organization moment : Greeting with the student , Get ready them for the lesson, Asking day and date Greetings
-Good morning children?
-How are you?
A talk about on duty
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent today?
c) A talk about the weather?
-What day is it today? -What season is it now?
-What date is it today? - What month is it now?

II. Warm up:
Where are you from ? I'm from Kazakhstan
Where are you from? I'm from Kazakhstan
Now tell me please I'm from Kazakhstan
Where are you from ? That is where I'm from
Knowledge: Students listen to the words
- Where are you from ? тіркесін еSгізу, оCан жауап беруді _йрету
I’m from Kazakhstan.
Where are you from in Kazakhstan?

Comprehension: The focus here is to practice using of the question where....

Application :Students use the words in their sentences, using of the grammar
3.1. Vocabularies : class,how,fine ,we,you
3.2. Divide these words into noun/ verb
3.3 Make sentences with these words:
Exercise 1 listen and repeat
Where are you from Omar?
I’m from Kazakhstan.
Exercise 2 Talk to your friend
Where are you from----------?
I’m from ------------------.
Exercise 3 Talk to other friends.
Exercise 4 Listen and repeat.
Exercise 5 Talk to you friend.
Exercise 6 listen and repeat.

Analysis: Students analyse their work : Group A/B. To work with each other
Group A -from Britain
Group B-from America role play

Synthesis: checking up their knowledge in understanding the material
Role play
Doing Exercises 5
Exercises 6
Exercises 7
Talk to you friend

VI. Consolidation the material
Exercise 8 Spell the names of boys and girls.
Exercise 9 Listen and repeat.
To learn the names of the countries
Learn a song "Where are you from?"
Hometask:12,13 exc.

Evaluate: summative assesment

I know
I have known
I want to know


Ѓђ Заголовок 115