Урок в форме дебатов по теме «Глобализация» по английскому языку

Урок в форме дебатов по теме «Глобализация» по английскому языку
в 11 классе.
Предмет: Английский язык, 11 класс.
Педагог (ФИО): Громова Ольга Юрьевна
Полное название образовательного учреждения: МБОУ «Физико-математический лицей», г.Глазов, УР.
УМК М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанёва «Английский с удовольствием/ Enjoy English», 11 класс.
Тема урока: Дебаты по теме «Глобализация».
Цели урока:
Предметные результаты:
-познакомить обучающихся с особой формой дискуссии – дебатами;
-расширить знания обучающихся о процессе глобализации;
- развитие умения выделять преимущества и недостатки процесса глобализации;
- развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи по теме «Глобализация». Метапредметные результаты:
- определять цели учебной деятельности;
-научить учащихся самостоятельно оценивать высказывания команд по заданному критерию; осознавать качество и уровень усвоения монологической и диалогической речи по теме «Глобализация;
- развивать способности к сравнению, умозаключению, обобщению, анализу, логичности;
-строить высказывание по заданному алгоритму;
- оценивать степень достижения цели; осуществлять самонаблюдение, самоконтроль.
- формирование навыков слушания и ведения записей.
-обобщать понятия: охарактеризовать процесс глобализации;
- привести примеры глобализации для доказательства своей точки зрения;
- формировать исследовательские навыки (приводимые аргументы требуют доказательства и примеров, для поиска которых необходима работа с источниками информации);
- развивать толерантность и уважительное отношение к различным взглядам;
-воспитывать умение партнерского общения и умения работать в группе.
- устраивать эффективные групповые обсуждения и обеспечивать обмен знаниями между членами группы для принятия эффективных совместных решений;
Личностные результаты:
-развивать умение формировать и отстаивать свою позицию;
-формировать ораторское мастерство и умение вести диалог;
-формировать командный дух и лидерские качества.
Ход урока
1. Warm-up Discussion
T: Dear students! Today we are going to discuss the problem of globalization in the form of debate. Some people feel positive about the process of globalization, others believe that the effects of globalization are disastrous for humanity. We’ve got two opposing teams today which have prepared their statements on the problem and who will try to prove their point of view. Now we’ll have to choose a time-keeper and a jury who will decide whose arguments will be more convincing and thus, who will win the debate. Teams, you have 3 minutes to discuss possible questions on the problem of globalization to the opposing team.
2. Main part. Debate Procedure.
Time-Keeper: So, let’s begin the debate. The motion of our debate is “Globalization is the future of the world” It is proposed by the first team. So, the floor is given to P1. Time: 4 minutes.
1. Proposer 1
Good afternoon, Honorable Jury, Time-Keeper. Good morning, dear colleagues.
Let me introduce myself and my team. I am P1, the first speaker. The second speaker in our team is P2. And the third speaker is P3.
To begin with, I’d like to say a few words about the process of globalization. Nowadays the world is developing a single economy and culture as a result of improved technology and communications. Globalization is a process of interaction between people, companies and governments of different nations. It is driven by international trade and the development of information technology. We observe its results in all spheres of our life. It has great influence on our environment, culture, political and economic systems. In the modern world all countries depend on each other. Globalization has both pros and cons. Some people just hate globalization and find it threatening for national cultures. Others believe that free trade between countries offers prosperity and economic growth for all nations and businesses. As for our team, we believe that globalization is beneficial to the development of the world for many reasons.
So, our first argument for the motion is that globalization is very beneficial for the development of trade. There is a great variety of choice for consumers in all countries: we can buy in our local stores and supermarkets not only home-produced goods but also foreign ones. Today we know a lot of world-famous brands. Wherever we are, we are likely to have lunch at a fast-food restaurant McDonald’s. We can find Coca Cola or Lipton tea at any store. And these products are offered almost in every country. What’s more, multinational companies create additional work places for local people. In addition, it is easier to make different operations with money because in today’s world there is a universal currency called dollar. You can easily use it all over the world and every bank or shop will take it.
Our second argument is that globalization gives an opportunity to travel all over the world. We can spend our holidays in different places of the world, go sightseeing and get acquainted with cultures of different nations.
Our third point is that globalization makes it easier to communicate with each other due to the development of information technologies. Thanks to the Internet we can get almost any information we need. It helps us with our education at school and at the university too. We can participate in international educational programmes, communicate with pen-friends from other countries. Besides, it is easier to communicate because nowadays everybody learns one international language. English has spread all over the world and it makes it possible to communicate with people from different countries.
Time-Keeper: Your time is over. Thank you. Now the floor is given to the second team. Would you like to take time-out to discuss questions to the speaker?
Opposer 3: Yes, I’d like to take time-out for 2 minutes.
Time-Keeper: Time is over. I welcome O3. Your questions, please. Time: 1,5 min.
2. Opposer 3
The speaker stated in his speech that it’s very beneficial for the countries that multinational corporations create work places for local people.
But would the speaker answer some questions? What can you say about the fact that the production of world-famous brands on the territories of different countries prevents the development of national industry? What goods do you prefer to buy: our national goods or foreign ones? Why?
You also claim that globalization provides wide possibilities for travelling and gives an opportunity to people to choose any place in the world to go holiday. What countries have you visited? Do all people have an opportunity to travel all over the world?
Proposer 1: Thank you for your questions. I will try to answer them. (Proposer 1 answers).
Time-Keeper: Time is over. Thank you. The motion is opposed by the second team. The floor is given to O1. Time: 4 minutes.
3. Opposer 1
Good morning, Honourable Jury, Time-Keeper and dear colleagues!
I’d like to introduce myself and our team. I’m O1, the first speaker. This is O2, the second speaker and O3 is our third speaker.
We agree with some statements given by the speaker P1. But we can’t agree with the motion of the debate.
Firstly, P1 has said that globalization provides a great variety of goods for consumers and makes the products of world-famous companies available in every country. However, we can’t share this point of view as it’s hard for small domestic firms to compete with worldly recognized companies and it prevents national producers to develop their products. Moreover, we believe that multinational corporations can be dangerous as they prefer to use cheap labour-force of developing countries for instance in Asia. And at the same time they provide their workers with bad and sometimes even awful working conditions. As multinational corporations become more powerful, they become less accountable for their actions and they can influence the governments of the countries. Besides, the food products of famous multinational corporations like for example, “Monsanta” often produce harmful and even dangerous products using genetically-modified foods. Thus, we want to protect the food safety of our country.
The second argument doesn’t seem to be convincing either. The speaker said that globalization gives wide possibilities for travelling all over the world. It may be true but what about the fact that a great number of people can’t afford to travel because they don’t earn enough? In the end they get acquainted with world cultures through TV programmes and other sources of mass media.
The third argument doesn’t seem quite true, either. It can’t be denied that globalization makes it easier to communicate with each other due to the development of information technologies and the Internet. At the same time we know that the Internet causes addiction and many people nowadays spend hours clued to the screens of their computers instead of going out and doing some useful things or communicating with their friends and relatives in real life. Besides, computer technologies create total control over the population in the world.
Time-Keeper: Time is over. Thank you. The floor is given to the proposers. Would you like to take time out? If yes, you can use 2 minutes to consult each other.
Your time out is over. Welcome with questions, please. Time: 1,5 minute.
4. Proposer 3
The speaker tried to change our minds saying that globalization is destructive to the world.
But I’d like to hear the answers to the following questions. (Proposer 3 asks questions) My first question is, “Can you imagine your life without the Internet and computer technologies?” Besides, don’t you think that domestic producers won’t try to develop their goods without the competition that multinational companies create? Moreover, do you agree that they will make the prices for their goods higher. And finally, do you share the idea that globalization gives you an opportunity for people to choose any country for living and earning money?
Opposer 1 answers them.
Далее дебаты продолжаются в соответствии с форматом. Нужно отметить, что обучающиеся заранее ознакомлены с процедурой ведения дебатов, распечатаны схемы с порядком выступления участников и регламентом. Дебатам предшествовала большая самостоятельная работа учащихся по сбору, обработке и анализу информации, полученной из различных источников. Учащиеся делали выписки, продумывали возможные линии столкновения. По окончании дебатов жюри подводит итоги по заранее оговорённым критериям. 1.убедительность аргументов; 2. полнота раскрытия темы; 3.грамматическая правильность высказываний; 4.наличие примеров глобализации, приводимых в поддержку своего мнения.
3. Conclusion. Homework
После проведения дебатов подводятся итоги урока.
В заключение следует отметить, что дебаты – это актуальный и эффективный подход к организации процесса изучения иностранного языка на старшей ступени обучения в целом и к подготовке обучающихся к сдаче устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку в частности.. Данная педагогическая технология и её элементы способны мотивировать обучающихся к изучению английского языка и применению его в коммуникативных ситуациях, что является сегодня одной из основных целей обучения иностранному языку.