Организация вебинаров через программу Skype

Возможности Skype в дистанционном обученииПроектирование вебинаров в соответствии с ФГОС второго поколенияТихомирова Надежда Олеговнаучитель английского языкаГБОУ СОШ 531 Вебинар - это…   (от англ. «webinar», сокр. от «Web-based seminar») онлайн-семинар, лекция, курс, презентация, организованный при помощи web-технологий в режиме прямой трансляции. Основные возможности вебинаров:многосторонняя видео- и аудио-конференция;загрузка и просмотр презентаций и видео;текстовый чат;демонстрация экрана компьютера ведущего участникам. Возможные типы мероприятийвидеотренинги;онлайн-конференции;виртуальные презентации;онлайн-встречи, клубы и совещания;видеособеседования;видеоуроки. Возможности ПО Skype организация интерактивного взаимодействия;обмен сообщениями ( онлайн индивидуальный и групповой чат);обмен файлами;демонстрация экрана. Организация взаимодействия Обмен файлами Демонстрация экрана Планируемые результаты по ФГОС:Предметные Универсальные учебные действия:познавательныекоммуникативныерегулятивныеличностные Этапы урока по ФГОС:Мотивационно-ориентирующий ;Исполнительский;Рефлексия. Познавательные УУД: общеучебные учебные действия — умение поставить учебную задачу, выбрать способы и найти информацию для её решения, уметь работать с информацией, структурировать полученные знания; логические учебные действия — умение анализировать и синтезировать новые знания, устанавливать причинно-следственные связи, доказывать свои суждения; постановка и решение проблемы — умение сформулировать проблему и найти способ её решения. REMEMBER TRANSCRIPTIONS Match the products with their transcriptions. /ˈkeik/ /ˈtʃi:z/ /ais ˈkri:m/ /ˈtʃoklit/cheesecakeice-creamchocolate

mineral salad sandwich salami whisky banana, hamburger chocolate restaurant café vegetables potato tomato carrot sugar butterSTUDY THE STRESS Listen to the teacher reading these words and put them in the correct column.{BDBED569-4797-4DF1-A0F4-6AAB3CD982D8}ABCDsaladsandwichwhiskysugar buttercarrot café hamburgerchocolaterestaurantvegetablesmineral salamibananapotatotomato

like / fresh / I / juice / for / meat / vegetables / and / they / at work.we / and / cakes / at weekends / at home / sweets / / good / vegetables / are / for you.Are / tasty / melons / really. GRAMMAR REVISION. ENGLISH SENTENCE. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.I like fresh juice for breakfast.They eat meat and vegetables at work. We eat cakes and sweets at home at weekends. Green vegetables are good for you. Melons are really tasty.
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Match the jobs with their descriptions.1. actors 2. programmers 3. musicians4. photographers 5. directors {5FD0F851-EC5A-4D38-B0AD-8093EC10F338}a) play musical instruments either alone or in an orchestra. b) take pictures of people and naturec) act in films and plays on TV and in theatersd) rule a company and control everythinge) work with computers and write computer programs

GRAMMAR REVISION. PRESENT SIMPLERead about Tara’s job and find an odd word in each line of the text. Tara is a very talented person. She is draws well and has a really good taste. She does works as a designer of an landscapes. Tara works at in home and in the office. She draws pictures on the her computer. Sometimes she makes presents for the her friends and does decorates their houses. She is not be married but she has a boyfriend Bjorn. They travel a lot and do buy interesting souvenirs to decorate their a house. Tara has some the clients and works overtime to design are new projects. What tense is it?

GRAMMAR REVISION. THE VERB “TO BE”.Read the dialogue and answer the questions in the box.- Who is that man by the open window? He is with an old lady in red. - It’s Mr. Timberlake. And I’m not sure. Darling, the lady is not so old. She is about 25!- What? About twenty five? You are joking! She is neither thirty nor twenty five! Her hair is as white as snow... But who is this man?- Mr. Timberlake, darling!- Mr. Timberlake?! Is that Mr. Timberlake, the pop star from the poster in my room?! Oh, dear! He is from California, I know! - Yes, darling. It’s Mr. Timberlake from California, but he is not a pop star. He is a professor of linguistics.Where are they?Who are the people talking?Who are they to each other?
PLACES OF WORK What are their jobs? Read and complete the sentences.I’m _____________ . I work in a local clinic.He is _____________. He teaches Italian in a secondary school.She’s ______________. She works in a clothes shop.They are __________ from the pub around the corner.He is ______________. He works in a government department.She is _____________. She works for an export company.I am _______________. I work for a large building company. a doctora teachera shop assistantwaitersa politiciana manageran engineer

Коммуникативные УУД:умение вступать в диалог и вести его, учитывая особенности общения с различными группами людей в ходе разных форм работы. VOCABULARY REVISION. FOOD. Listen to your teacher’s description of a kind of food or a dish and look at the picture the teacher is drawing. Guess what it is. EXAMPLE: - It’s a kind of fruit. It’s either green or yellow with red. It looks like this. - I think this is an apple. Am I right? - Yes, you are. It’s an apple.
ppt_y LET’S GUESS! Choose a famous person. Say where this person is from and what his/her occupation is. The other students will try to guess who this person is.Bill Gates Giorgio Armani Bono Keera Knightley Prince William Nikita Mikhalkov John Malkovich Celine Dion Sharon Stone Barack Obama Tom Cruse (your idea)EXAMPLE:This is a man. He is from the USA. He is the head of the Microsoft computer company.- This is Bill Gates. Am I right?- Yes, you are.
ppt_y JOB AD “RMC Engineering” Ltd is looking for a project managerRequirements: Age: 25 – 45Education: Master in Engineering or Economics Responsibilities:Working with documents (plans, contracts, etc.)Making phone calls and meeting business partnersManaging the projectSalary: 1,100 dollars a month Is the job interesting or boring?Is this kind of work difficult or easy?Is the money good or awful?

JOB AD Laura Beil Age: 35Qualification: an economistExperience in:making contracts making phone callswriting business e-mails Steve RiensAge: 46Qualification: an engineerExperience in:making schemesmeeting partners using engineering computer programs Sarah SmithAge: 24Qualification: a project managerExperience in:working with documentsmaking contractstalking to clients Read the CVs and answer who the best applicant for this job is.

ROLE-PLAYStudent BYou are a nutritionist. Student A wants to get some recommendations about healthy eating. Ask about his/her name,agephone number problemGive recommendations:Eat … . Don’t eat … .Student AYou want to eat healthily and become fit. Talk to the nutritionist (Student B) and tell about your meals.You start:Hello. / Good morning.I would like to have a healthy diet to become fit. GUESSING GAME Name fruit and vegetables these hybrids consist of.EXAMPLE: - What is this? - I think, this is a hybrid of __________. - Is it tasty? - Yes, it is. I think it’s very tasty.

Read the badges, fill in the adjectives and introduce the people fromvarious offices in various countries.Name: Jim SandersCompany: LPC GroupCountry: Great BritainOffice: _______ officeJob: sales managerName: Irina PavlovaCompany: LPC GroupCountry: RussiaOffice: _______ officeJob: chief accountant Name: Pedro MolkoCompany: LPC GroupCountry: BrazilOffice: _______ officeJob: project manager EXAMPLE: Bruise Toms / LPC Group / the USA / American office / general manager Let me introduce Bruise Toms. He works for LPC Group. He’s a general manager of the American office. AT THE CONFERENCE

ppt_y Личностные УУД:личностное самоопределение, ценностно-смысловая ориентация учащихся и нравственно-этическое оценивание, смыслообразование (соотношение цели действия и его результата) и ориентация в социальных ролях и межличностных отношениях. GRAMMAR REVISION. REGULATORS OF QUANTITY.Do the quiz and find out if your diet is healthy.I buy fast food ________a) once a year b) once a month c) every week I ________ have dinner late at night.a) never b) usually c) sometimes3) I eat ________ vegetables for lunch.a) a few b) a lot of c) few4) I drink ________ water every day. a) a little b) little c) a lot of5) I drink tea ________ a) with sugar b) without sugar c) I don’t drink tea.Count your score:a-0 b-1 c-2a-0 b-2 c-1a-2 b-0 c-1a-1 b-2 c-0a-2 b-1 c-0
GRAMMAR REVISION. REGULATORS OF QUANTITY.Read the results of the quiz. Do you agree with this description?Your score is 0-2: I think, you are a perfectionist! Your diet is ideal. It’s healthy and I’m sure that you are a fit and disciplined person! Your score is 3-6: Your diet is balanced and healthy. But you can make it healthier if you eat more vegetables and drink more water. Good luck! Your score is 7-10: You are really risky! Your diet is not healthy as you eat food that is bad for you. Aren’t you afraid of putting on a few kilos? It’s time to change your preferences!

JOB INTERVIEWAnswer the questions about your work. Is your work difficult or easy?Is your boss good or awful?Is your work interesting or boring?Are your colleagues helpful or unhelpful?Are your working hours long or short?Is the money good or awful?
ppt_y VOCABULARY REVISION. OCCUPATION AND WORKGuess what jobs are considered the most and the least stressful inthe USA. Rate the professions from 1 – the least stressful and 7 – theleast stressful. firefightersoldierreporteractorhair stylistuniversity professorlibrarian1234567 EXAMPLE: I think, a librarian is the least stressful job and an actor in the most stressful.

VOCABULARY REVISIONUse the words from the table to make four true sentences about yourself. {BDBED569-4797-4DF1-A0F4-6AAB3CD982D8}I likeI dislike I eatI prefer a cupchocolatejuicebiscuitsfruitfishsushisoup teawhiskeywith withoutforand oroflunchlemonColabreakfastpotatoesmilka toastnutscoffeehot tea one gram of pepper for a plate of soupfor three kilos of meat for barbequeone kilo of salt for a plate of soupfor a family with eight children for one day for a family with eight children for one yearSUBJECTIVE REGULATORS OF QUANTITY Say if it is too much or enough. EXAMPLE: 6 lemons for two litres of lemon juiceStudent A: I think it’s too few.Student B: But I think it’s too many.
ppt_y COOKINGChoose a dish and explain how to make it. The other students will guess what it is.meat soupvegetable soupvegetable saladfruit saladmeat sandwichham sandwichfried fish with potatoesfried meat with vegetablespasta EXAMPLE:- Take two apples, a banana, some grapes, an orange and some yogurt. Cut the fruit into pieces. Add some yogurt. Put it into plates and eat. This is fruit salad. Am I right?Yes, you are.
ppt_y ROLE-PLAY. IN A SHOPStudent A: You are a customer. You need to buy something for a party. Use the shopping list you made and buy the products you need. Student B: You are a shop assistant. Listen to the customer and tell him/her how much it is.Useful phrases:Customer:I’d like ____I’ll have _____How much is it?Shop assistantCan I help you?Anything else?
Регулятивные УУД:целеполагание;планирование; корректировка плана;рефлексия. VOCABULARY PRACTICE Play the snowball game. Brainstorm as many words for each category as possible. Dairy productsMeat and poultryVegetables Fruit

Countable or uncountable? Discuss your ideas with the teacher .COUNTABLE AND UNCOUNTABLE OBJECTS All of them are uncountable!

Источники: Асмолов А.Г., Бурменская Г.В., Володарская И.А. и др. Как проектировать универсальные учебные действия в начальной школе: от действия к мысли: пособие для учителя / Под ред. А.Г. Асмолова. — М.: Просвещение, 2008. Благодарим за внимание!