Конспект урока английского языка по теме Моя комната (2 класс)

The plan of the lesson
Сабақ жоспары
План урока
Date/Күні/Дата: 28.02.2017
Class/Сынып/Класс : 2 “A”
Subject/Сабақ/ Предмет: English
Theme/ Сабақтың тақырыбы/ Тема: “My room”.
Kind/Түр/Вид: non- traditional
Aim/Мақсат/ Цель:
- to activate knowledge
- to practice There is\there are
- to develop memory and attention;
- to develop listening and speaking skills of pupils;
-to improve pronunciation skills of pupils;
-to promote during the up-bringing of discipline, accuracy at the lesson;
- to develop interest in the English language;
- to develop pupils’ skills to work in group.
Resources/Көрнекі құралдар/Oборудование: computer, picture, sheets for assessment, poster
Fixing of knowledge
Prepare of poster
Physical training
Presentation of posters
English-2015, Рахимжанова С.Д., Волкова А.С.№ Content Time limit Instruct setting
1 Greeting
T: Good morning dear children.
P: Good morning, good morning, good morning to you!
Good morning, good morning, I’m glad to see you!
T: I’m glad to see you too! Sit down please. How are today? 3 T - ClCl - T
2 Warm-up
T: and now look at the blackboard, you can see some words in 2 lines. You should find and delete the extra word in each line:
Red, room, green, pink
My, ten, six, nine
T: Well done! Look at this words, how do you think about what we will talk today?
P: about “my room”
T: Yes, you are right! Today at the lesson we will describe your rooms. For what? How we will do it?
Today we will work in small groups. 5 P – P
T - P
3 Fixing of knowledge
T: Now let’s go to the rooms. Oh! Look! Here is the STAIR. To up on this stair you can if you will do some tasks.
1 step: you should remember the numbers. I will show you the cards and you will say. (за каждый правильный ответ даю жетон)
2 step: you should remember the colors. I will show you the cards and you will say. (за каждый правильный ответ даю жетон)
3 step: now I will show you the picture and you should say what is it using there is\there are (за каждый правильный ответ даю жетон)
T: Very well! You are brilliant! OH! Look, we find 3 doors. What colors are they?
P: green, red, yellow
T: Each of you has different jetton. Now you will divide into 3 small groups. (деление на группы)
Each group will open their own door and do the task. Your task will be – to make your own room and describe it.
T: I will give you some pictures, glue and sheets, and you should do the Poster “MY ROOM”
BUT! Of course we have some rules:
Each member in group should say
You should use all pictures 5, and all words that you know
You should use There is\There are
Is it clear? 10 T –Cl
T - P
Cl - T
4 Prepare the posters
T: Now you have 7 min to prepare your posters and describe it
(учащиеся в группе готовят плакат и его описание)

7 T – gr P – p
5 Physical training
Now the time is over!
And before we will start the presentations, let’s have a rest!
If you hear color – clap your hands, if numbers – stamp your feet, if the words about house – show me it!
Orange, one, wall, purple, black, four, window, door, green, five, seven, roof
T: Well done!
3 T - Cl

6 Presentation of posters
Now each group will present their poster and other 2 groups will evaluate this poster throw the criteria on your tables (на столах табличка с критериями)
Группы выступают 10 Gr- cl
7 Summary
Very well, boys and girls, you work hard! And now let’s give each other the marks.
Ребята оценивают работы друг друга и на стикерах рисуют от 1 до 3 плюсов
Самооценивание 4 T – ClСl - T
8 Reflection and H\t
Excellent! Today you show your knowledge and now I want to know do you like this lesson? Show me (показывают большим пальцем)
And your home task will be to draw your own room and describe it like at this lesson 3 T – cl
Cl - T
Группа \ критерии Говорят все Описали все 5 предметовИспользовали правильно обороты There is\there are
Green Yellow Критерии:
Группа \ критерии Говорят все Описали все 5 предметовИспользовали правильно обороты There is\there are
Green Red Критерии:
Группа \ критерии Говорят все Описали все 5 предметовИспользовали правильно обороты There is\there are
Red Yellow