Test for 8th grade

с™зініS синонимі
“Un” приставкасы Kойылатын с™з
С™йлемді аяKтаSыз
My brother is .
my fathers’ mother
my fathers son
my uncle’s daughter
my father’s son
my sister’s son
“to be” етістігініS дaрыс формасын таSдаSыз
My brother an engineer last year.
С™йлемді Past Indefinite - те толыKтырыSыз
You soup for breakfast last week.
will have
“Young” антонимі болып табылатын с™зді аныKтаSыз
“Ауыл” таKырыбына жататын с™з:
8. С‰йкес есімдікті таSдаSыз
was a really nice meal. Thank you.
9С™йлемді Future Continuous-те толыKтырыSыз
I my homework from 5 till 7 o’clock.
a) shall be doing
b) is doing
c) am doing
d) shall doing
e) will doing
10. Future in the Past-таCы етістік
a) will talk
b) works
c) listened
d) should work
e) would have read
11. JазаK тіліндегі аударманыS дaрыс нaсKасын табыSыз
Аулада к™п аCаш болды.
a) There are many trees in the yard
b) Many trees are in the yard
c) Many trees were in the yard
d) There were many trees in the yard
e) There are no trees in the yard
12. “used to do” айналымымен с™йлемді таSдаSыз.
a) I used the grammar rules in doing exercises
b) Mr.Jones is the oldest person in the village
c) My grandmother used to walk to work when she was young.
d) This exercise is getting boring
e) She plays the piano better than anyone else in her class
13. Герундиймен с™йлемді табыSыз
a) I spent all morning in bed
b) She is very charming
c) We usually go fishing at the weekend
d) The sea is sometimes quite warm in September
e) I’m phoning you next week
14. ЖауаптыS дaрыс нaсKасын таSдаSыз:
What is the official residence of the Prime Minister of the UK?
a) Baker’s street
b) No. 10 Downing street
c) The Stock Exchange
d) Whitehall
e) The Supreme Court
15. ФразалыK етістіктіS аудармасыныS дaрыс вариантын таSдаSыз:
to get out
a) кеSейтілу
b) жеSу
c) суырып алу
d) алу
e) ретке салу
16. “Neighbour” с™зініS аныKтамасы:
a) A person who is interested in sport
b) A person who lives near you
c) A Person who is fond of reading
d) A person who study at the institude
e) A person whom you like
17. Артикль зат есімніS жалпы маCынасын білдіреді:
a) The dress is too long
b) I didn’t like the film
c) Pass me your pen, please.
d) I like coffee.
e) Did you like the book?
18. Кері маCынасы бар сын есімді табыSыз.
a) productive
b) irregular
c) postwar
d) dramatic
e) legal
19. С™йлемді аяKтаSыз
·s Kelly’s cousin. I like .
a) their
b) hers
c) it
d) she
e) her
20. Сaрау есімдігініS дaрыс нaсKасын табыSыз
of the hotels in the city have a swimming pool?
a) whom
b) who
c) what
d) which
e) whose
21. Зат есімніS к™пше т_рініS дaрыс нaсKасын таSдаSыз:
a) boy-friends
b) boys-friends
c) boy-friendes
d) boys-friend
e) boies-friend
22. Модаль етістіктіS дaрыс нaсKасын табыSыз.
You litter the streets.
a) mustn’t
b) may to
c) shouldn’t to
d) are not to
e) have
23. ЕтістіктіS дaрыс нaсKасын таSдаSыз.
According to the weather forecast it cloudy tomorrow.
a) is
b) will
c) is going to be
d) going to be
e) was
24. С™здіS т_рін аныKтаSыз:
To have helped
a) Participle I
b) Perfect Infinitive Active
c) Gerund
d) Indefinite Infinitive Active
e) Participle II
25. Ерекшеленген ‰ріп басKаша оKылатын с™з
a) excellent
b) exhibition
c) express
d) expedition
e) exercise
26. МаCынасы aKсас маKалды таSдаSыз
ЕSбексіз ™нбек жоK.
a) Every dog has its day
b) Better late than never
c) Custom is the second nature
d) Business before pleasure
e) No pains, no gains
27. Present Perfect Active – тегі етістік:
a) have been waiting
b) has finished
c) had read
d) were having
e) was caught
28. ЕтістіктіS дaрыс ырыKсыз етіс формасын таSдаSыз:
Kazakhstan (to visit) by a lot of people.
a) is visited
b) is visit
c) are visited
d) visited
e) visits
29. Present Participle бар с™йлем:
a) I haven’t seen him recently
b) He has gone home by that time
c) He hasn’t been invited to the party
d) She is liked by all children
e) He is watching TV at the moment.
30. М‰тінді оKып, сaраKтыS дaрыс жауабын табыSыз.
Mark Twain once said, “When I was a boy of 14, I thought that my father was the most ignorant of all men. But when I got to be 21, I was surprised at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”
What was Mark Twain surprised at when he was 21?
a) How easily he could teach the ignorant
b) All men of 14 were ignorant
c) How many ignorant men he had seen in his life
d) how ignorant his father was
e) how much his father had learned in seven years

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