План урока 50 Формирование навыков грамматики, 7 класс, английский язык, УМК Биболетовой М.З.

Урок 50. Формирование навыков грамматики.
Цели урока: 1. Введение и первичное закрепление новой лексики по теме «Проблемы подростков. 2. Формирование грамматических навыков {be/feel/look +adverb/adjective). 3. Активизация навыков устной речи.
Оборудование: карточки с прилагательными для фонетической разминки.
Ход урокаОрганизационный моментGood afternoon, boys and girls. It's a lovely day today, isn't it? How are you? Who is absent?
Who is on duty today? Who can tell me what day it is today?
We shall discuss what you are allowed and not allowed to do.
Фонетическая разминкаBut at first let's practise the English sounds. I shall show you the symbols of the English sounds and the task for you is to pronounce these sounds and name the adjectives with them. Remember the English words and get ready to start.
[p] — depressed, happy, upset; [n] — unhappy, lonely, frightened;
[t] — tired, frightened, comfortable;
[1] — ill, lonely, lucky;
[d] — surprised, glad, independent;
[s] — smart, upset, nice;
[ae] — sad, happy, angry. Etc.
Речевая разминка
As I know, you like to play very much. Today we shall play the game "Guess the word". One pupil will think of the adjective and other pupils will try to guess it.
Pupil 1. Is it lonely? Ведущий. No, it is not. Pupil 2. Is it tired? Ведущий. No, it is not. Pupil 3. Is it upset? Ведущий. Yes, it is.
4. Активизация навыков устной речи по теме «Проблемы подростков»
We are happy when we are allowed to do what we want. We are upset if we are not allowed to do what we want. Let's match the word combinations from your textbooks, exercise 5, page 63. Who is ready to start?
Физкультминутка Игра «Будь вежливым»
Учитель дает детям различные команды. Ученики должны выполнить нужную команду, если учитель попросит их вежливо — произнесет слово please. Если учитель не говорит вежливое слово, ученики продолжают выполнять предыдущее движение. Примерные команды: Hands down! Hands on hips! Jump! Stand still! Hands to the sides! Bend left! Bend right! Clap your hands!
One, two, three! Run! Sit down! Hands up!
Формирование грамматических навыков (be/feel/look +ad- verb/adjective)
We shall learn to use the words be, feel and look to describe our feelings. Look at the table of exercise 7, page 63. You will read and translate the word combinations. Let's work in a chain. Sergei will be the first. Now you are ready to describe your feelings in different situations. You can use the sentences in exercise 8, page 63.
Введение лексики по теме «Проблемы подростков»
It's time to learn some new words on the topic "Teenage Problems". You can find them in exercise 9, page 64 in your textbooks. Can you read and translate the sentences with the new words from exercise 10, page 64?
Закрепление введенной лексики в устной и письменной речи
The next task for you is to match the words having the same meaning. It's exercise 11, page 64. You have a minute to look through the words and then we shall listen to your variants. I'd like you to open your Workbooks, page 46, exercise 3. Read the task, please. What will you do? You are right, you will complete the story using the words from the box.
Подведение итогов урока
Учитель подводит итоги урока, благодарит детей за работу и объясняет домашнее задание.
— It brings us to the end. That's all for today. Good-bye, boys and girls.
Домашнее задание: учебник: упр. 4, 5, стр. 92.