Урок з використанням інтерактивних технологій “How technology affects our life”

Хід уроку:
№ Етапи Час Мовлення вчителя Мовлення учнів Примітки
Початок уроку
Організаційний момент
Фонетична зарядка.
Мета: сприяти запуску іншомовного мовленнєвого ритму на основі наспіву з «motherGooseABC»
Прийом: колективна декламація віршика з відбиванням ритму.
Мовленнєва зарядка у формі: to fill the informational gap.
Мета:введення учнів в мовне середовище за темою уроку.
Ознайомлення учнів з комунікативною перспективою уроку.
Основна частина
Задача №1
Організація усного тренування у вживанні лексичного матеріалу( an automobile, a radio, a computer, television, a telephone, electricity, a sewing machine, a camera) до теми «Sciencemagic» на рівні речення.
Постановка завдання, стимулювання інтересу до нього: зазначення сфери вживання
нової лексики.
Виконання тренувальних вправ
з конкретними комунікативними завданнями.
Виконання вправ на імітацію.
Виконання вправ на завершення висловлювання.
Виконання вправ на розширення висловлювання у формі гри «сніговий ком».
Самостійні висловлювання учнів з опорою на слова пред’явлені іншими учнями в ході гри.
Прийом: робота в групах.
Самостійні висловлювання учнів на рівні речення з використанням нової лексики в ситуаціях, запропонованих вчителем.
Прийом: активне говоріння.
Підбивання підсумків роботи.
Мета: оцінювання навчально-мовленєвої діяльності учнів.
Психологічна розрядка.
Задача №2.
Організувати аудіювання тексту
“How technology affects our life” з вилученням основної інформації у пред’явленні вчителя.
Постановка завдання, виклик інтересу проблемним характером завдання, що пропонується.
Підготовка учнів до сприйняття тексту “Howtechnologyaffectsourlife” на слух:
Робота над заголовком тексту (здогадка про можливий зміст тексту за назвою)
Зняття мовних( лексичних) труднощів.
Цільова настанова до первинного прослуховування: прослухати і зрозуміти загальний зміст, уміти відповісти на запитання.
Первинне аудіювання тексту тексту “How technology affects our life” з використанням графічної опори (ключових запитань за змістом).
Прийом: активне слухання.
Контроль розуміння загального змісту тексту “Howtechnologyaffectsourlife” за допомогою загальних та спеціальних питань.
Настанова до вторинного слухання:
Прослухати і зрозуміти деталі змісту тексту; виконати тест.
Вторинне аудіювання тексту “How technology affects our life” без будь-якої опори.
Контроль глибокого розуміння змісту тексту “Howtechnologyaffectsourlife” за допомогою тесту множинного вибору.
Підбивання підсумків роботи.
Заключна частина
Підбиття підсумків
Оцінювання діяльності учнів.
Пояснення домашнього завдання.
Good morning, girls and boys!
Nice to meet you!
Sit down, please.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
What date is it today, Sasha?
Ann, how are you?
Peter, my best regards to you parents!!
Tanya: How your little sister?
Tanya, come up to the Blackboard and write down the date, please.
And others write down it in your copybooks.
Let’s start our lesson. First of all let’s recite the poem “Twinkle, twinkle…” . All together, please, beat the rhythm with your pencils. Ok?
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Well done, children, thank you!
And, now, listen to a brief information and fill the informational gap, be ready to answer the questions, that are written on the blackboard: yesterday Lily Allen arrived in Kyiv with the concert.
Who is she, Dima?
What is her nationality, Anton?
What country is she from, Julia?
What language does she speak, Tanya?
What is the capital of his country, Sasha?
What is she, Kristina?
And, now, sum up all the information about Lily Allen, Anya, please.
Well done!
Kids, today we are going to revise the new words to the theme Science Magic, and then we shall listen to the Text, written by an American teenager“How technology affects our life”.
Today we live in a world with all modern conveniences, it is hard to imagine our life without electricity, because we are dependent of many electrical appliances. If you imagine for a minute, that you are at home, you will count many appliances of modern technology. Today we are going to revise them.
Let’s do some exercises.
Firs of all, let’s recall all the electrical appliances, that you have at home and use in your everyday life. So, look at the pictures and say after me: an automobile, a radio, a computer, television, a telephone, electricity, a sewingmachine, acamera.
And now, we are going to do exercise 6 on page 96 in your books, I’ll read you the information about one of the appliances and you are to guess what appliance it is and finish my sentence.
Is the task is clear?
An instrument that converts voice and sound signals into electrical impulses for transmission by wire to a different location, where another object receives the electrical impulses and turns them back into sounds, and that was invented by Alexander Bell in 1875 is called…, Anya?
There are many major milestones in the history of it, starting with 1936, whwnKonradZuse built the first freely programmable machine called…, Anton?
The very first road vehicle, that was invented by the French mechanic Nicolas Joseph Cugnot in 1769 and later was designed by Karl Benz is called…,Dima, please.
In 1884, Paul Nipkow sent images over wires using a rotating metal disk technology with 18 lines of resolution. This invention then evolved along two paths, mechanical and electronic. Vladimir Zworykin advanced the electronic model that is nowadays called…, Sasha, please.
The first functional machine of this kind was invented by the French tailor, BarthelemyThimonnier, in 1830. In 1834, Walter Hunt built America’s first successful machine of this kind. A little later Isaac Singer invented the up-and-down motion mechanism, that nowadays is called…, Rita, please.
Well done!
And now we are going to play the game “Snowball”. I tell you what I like to do when I’m at home and you have to repeat after me and add what you like to do at home, using the new words. The third have to repeat all said above and add his words and so on.
For example: When I’m at home, I like to sew with the sewing machine. When I’m at home I like to sew with the sewing machine and listen to the radio and so on.
Is the task clear?
I’ll start : When I’m at home, I like to listen to the radio.
Go on, please, Sweta.
Igor, please.
Go on, Kristina, please.
Go on, Oleg, please.
Tanya, please.
And Sasha, please.
Very Well!
And now let’s make the exercise 8 on page 97 in your books. Read, please, the task, Olya.
Thank you. So, we are going to make two teams. Is the task clear?
Let’s start from the team 1.
Point. So, the friendship won!
And now imagine, how would you spend your leisure time being at home with the help of modern technologies.
Nadya, please.
And you, Dima.
Oleg, please.
Thank you for your answers. You worked active and now, you can build up different sentences with new words and use them in different situations.
Well, class! Got tired?
Let’s imagine that we are not in the classroom, we are in London, inThe Regent's Park, it’s early morning, but look! There are a lot of people here! They are jogging. Who is that woman? Wow, it’sSiena Miller! Let’s jog after her. Stand up, please, step aside, everybody just jog, jog,
Jog and push, jog and push
Jog and pull, jog and pull
Jog and clap, jog and clap
Jog and shout «We are the champions»!
Jog and shout «We are the champions»!
Good! Take your sits.
Today we are speaking about technology. As we have already said, modern technologies make our life easier and more comfortable, but there is also another point of view, that technology
affect our life.
The title of the text is “Ho technology affects our life”. It is an essay, written by an American teenager. Try to imagine in what way technologies can be harmful. Maybe, the most harm of using technologies is that we become addicted to it. And what do you think, Kristina?
Thank you. And you, Igor?
Thank you. You have interesting points of view, in some minutes we’ll see if they are right or not.
Before listening the text look at the blackboard. You can see some words there. The first one is “ to be accustomed tosomething”. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for it, Anya?
The next one is “ to do research”. What is the Ukrainian equivalent for it, Olya?
What is the Ukrainian equivalent for the word “drawback”, Ira?
And now say these words after me:
robotics, automation and computerization. Try to give the Ukrainian equivalents for it, Sasha.
Well done!
Now listen to the text and be ready to answer the questions. You can see them on the board.
How technology affects our life. Try to imagine your life without technology. Without alarm clocks, refrigerators, computers, telephones and so on. It would be very different from what we are accustomed to today. The truth is all of us rely on technology a great deal to get through the day. Whether it's at work, at home, or at school, I know my family depends greatly on technology. Without technology our lives would all be much different. My sisters and I use technology at school a lot. We are always on the computers doing research and typing papers. As a pupil, I am in touch with computer and internet. Technology helps us so much and sometimes we take it for granted. In math class, we use calculators and during some classes, we listen to books on tape or audio tests. In order to wake up in the morning, we all depend on alarm clocks to wake us up. At home we use technology a great deal. Technology affects my life in so many ways, but I am very thankful to all of the people for making my life much easier. Technology is everywhere you look inside of my house and it helps us get through the day much easier.
Nevertheless, the other side of technology is not so good. One basic drawback that has taken place is that people are becoming lazy due to high trends in technology. It is shortening our ability to pay attention. Robotics, automation and computerization are on the go for changing our lives.It has also leaded to increase in pollution as well as corruption. Hence, one must know how to balance between manpower and automation. In the world of automation, cars have created freedom as well as concrete jungle. Technology is affecting our near future so it becomes our responsibility to streamline it in the right direction.
Now answer these questions:
Why is it so difficult to live without technology, Rita?
Does the girl and her sisters use technologies, Sweta?
How do they use technologies at school, Anton?
Does the girl use technology at home, Dima?
What is the basic drawback of technology, Sasha?
What is the go for changing our lives, Tanya?
Now listen carefully to the text one more time and be ready to write a test. Try to catch and remember all the details.
How technology affects our life.
Try to imagine your life without technology. Without alarm clocks, refrigerators, computers, telephones and so on. It would be very different from what we are accustomed to today. The truth is all of us rely on technology a great deal to get through the day. Whether it's at work, at home, or at school, I know my family depends greatly on technology. Without technology our lives would all be much different. My sisters and I use technology at school a lot. We are always on the computers doing research and typing papers. As a pupil, I am in touch with computer and internet. Technology helps us so much and sometimes we take it for granted. In math class, we use claculators and during some classes, we listen to books on tape or audio tests. In order to wake up in the morning, we all depend on alarm clocks to wake us up. At home we use technology a great deal. Technology affects my life in so many ways, but I am very thankful to all of the people for making my life much easier. Technology is everywhere you look inside of my house and it helps us get through the day much easier.
Nevertheless, the other side of technology is not so good. One basic drawback that has taken place is that people are becoming lazy due to high trends in technology. It is shortening our ability to pay attention. Robotics, automation and computerization are on the go for changing our lives.It has also leaded to increase in pollution as well as corruption. Hence, one must know how to balance between manpower and automation. In the world of automation, cars have created freedom as well as concrete jungle. Technology is affecting our near future so it becomes our responsibility to streamline it in the right direction.
Now I’ll give you the tests and you have to choose and write down correct answers in your exercisebooks. Be careful. You have 5 minutes.
Your time is up. Give me your exercisebooks.
You have listened to the text and now tell me: do you agree, that technology is really important thing in our life, Rita?
Do you agree, that technologies affect our life, Anya?
Thank you for your active work.
So, tell me what have we done during our lesson?
Did you enjoy our lesson?
Thank you for our productive work, you all were very active. And you get such marks…
Your homework is to write a mini-composition about the role of technology in your life.
Is it clear?
Now you are free.
Good- bye!
Good morning!
It’s nice to see you too!
Dima: I am!
Dima: All are present.
Sasha: Today is the 1st of December.
Ann: I am fine!!Thank you!
Peter: Thank you!
Tanya: She is fine!!Thank you
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are!
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
Dima: She is the celebrity.
Anton: She is English.
Julia: He is from England.
Tanya: She speaks English.
Sasha: the capital of her country is London.
Kristina: She is the famous singer.
Anya: Yesterday Lily Allen arrived in Kyiv with the concert, she is the celebrity, she is English, he is from England, he speaks English, the capital of his country is London, she is the famous singer.
An automobile, a radio, a computer, television, a telephone, electricity, a sewingmachine, a camera.
Anya: A telephone.
Anton: A computer.
Dima: An automobile.
Sasha: Television.
Rita: A sewing machine.
Sweta: When I’m at home, I like to listen to the radio and make photos with the camera.
Igor: When I’m at home, I like to listen to the radio, make photos with the camera and wash my automobile.
Kristina: When I’m at home, I like to listen to the radio, make photos with the camera, wash my automobile and watch the television.
Oleg: When I’m at home, I like to listen to the radio, make photos with the camera, wash my automobile, watch the television and call my friends by the telephone.
Tanya: When I’m at home, I like to listen to the radio, make photos with the camera, wash my automobile, watch the television, call my friends by the telephone and sew with my sewing machine.
Sasha: When I’m at home, I like to listen to the radio, make photos with the camera, wash my automobile, watch the television, call my friends by the telephone, sew with the sewing machine and play games on my computer.
Olya: Work in two teams. One team says word related to science or technology. The other team makes up a sentence using the word. Each correct sentence gets a point. The team with the most points is the winner.
Example: Team 1: a vacuum cleaner.
Team 2: A vacuum cleaner is used to clean the carpets.
Team 1: television
Team 2: Television is very entertaining technology.
Team 2: electricity.
Team 1: The living will be uncomfortable without electricity.
Team 1: camera
Team 2: I always take my camera with me.
Team 2: sewing machine.
Team 1: I sew wonderful dresses with the help of my sewing machine.
Nadya: I would like to spend my leisure time while being at home by watching television or listening to the radio.
Dima: I would like to spend my leisure time while being at home by playing games on my computer or playing with my photo camera.
Oleg: I would like to spend my leisure time while being at home by watching the television program about automobiles.
Yes a little!
«We are the champions»!
«We are the champions»!
Kristina: I think that it can be mentioned in the text, that people become more lazy because of modern technologies.
Igor: I think this essay is about how technologies affect our health.
Anya: звикнути до чогось.
Olya: шукати.
robotics, automation and computerization.
Sasha: робототехніка, автома- зація та компьютерізація.
Rita: Because we are accustomed to technologies today. All of us rely on technology a great deal to get through the day.
Sweta: Her sisters and she use technology at school a lot. They are always on the computers doing research and typing papers. As a pupil, she is in touch with computer and internet.
Anton: In math class, they use claculators and during some classes, they listen to books on tape or audio tests.
Dima: Technology is everywhere you look inside of her house and it helps them get through the day much easier.
Sasha: One basic drawback that has taken place is that people are becoming lazy due to high trends in technology.
Tanya:Robotics, automation and computerization are on the go for changing our lives.
Rita: Yes, I agree. Technology is really important in our life. We got accustomed to it. Without technology our lives would all be much different. Technologies make our life easier.
Anya: Yes, I agree. the other side of technology is not so good. One basic drawback that has taken place is that people are becoming lazy due to high trends in technology. It is shortening our ability to pay attention. In the world of automation, cars have created freedom as well as concrete jungle.
We have revised the new words from the theme “Science magic” and made sentences with them, we, also, have listened the text “Howtechnologyaffectsourlife” and spoke about it.
Good-bye! Додаток №1
(віршик написаний на дошці)
Додаток №2
(запитання написані на дошці)
Додаток №3
(вчитель використовує наочність)
Вчитель поділяє учнів на 2 команди.
Вчитель виконує роль судді.
Додаток № 4
(вчитель використовує наочність)
Вчитель записує заголовок тексту на дошці.
Вчитель записує незнайомі слова на дошці
Додаток №5
(вчитель пред’являє на дошці запитання, які служать графічною опорою)
Додаток №6
(текст “How technology affects our life” пред’являється вчителем).
Додаток № 7
(вчитель роздає кожному учню тест для індивідуальної роботи).
Вчитель записує домашнє завдання на дошці.