План-конспект урока английского языка

5 класс. УМК «Английский язык», авторы В.П. Кузовлев и др., изд-во «Просвещение».
Тема: Досуг и увлечения.
Lesson 5. What’s the news?
Цели: социокультурный аспект — знакомство с занятиями британских детей в свободное время;развивающий аспект — развитие способности к сравнению, обобщению, развитие качеств ума: самостоятельности, гибкости, логичности, доказательности, развитие произвольного внимания;воспитательный аспект — развитие способности к установлению социальных контактов;учебный аспект — развитие речевого умения (диалогическая речь);сопутствующая задача: развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.Речевой материал: продуктивный: грамматический — Present Perfect;лексический — Is there anything new?, a prize, What’s the news?
Ход урока
Орг.момент. Приветствие. Сообщение цели урока.
Речевая подготовка.
1. Повторение 3-х форм неправильных глаголов (игра “Bingo”).
Повторение видо-временной формы Present Perfect.
Т- P1, P2,P3
Is there anything new? What’s the news?
(I’ve read an interesting story.
I’ve learnt swimming.
I’ve watched a new film on TV.
I’ve got a letter from my friend.
We’ve helped the community).
What do you think of helping the community?
What can children do to help the community?
What do you think of these activities?
Ex.1 (3) p.41
Развитие умения аудировать с целью извлечения конкретной информации.
Ex.1 p.51Ученики выполняют упражнение на слух, используя текст как зрительную опору.
News about a concert at the hospital for children/ a new computer program will be published in the next issue.
Ученики выбирают из текста ответы на вопросы упражнения 1.2).Развитие речевого умения.
Р1=Р2, Р3=Р4
Ex.2 p.52Ученики составляют диалог (использование карточек).
 Диалог 1:*— Hi, Clare! What’s the news?
— I’ve won the computer competition.
— Great! When was it?
—  Last month.
*— What did you do there?
— I presented a new computer program. I wrote it in the computer club.
— How interesting! How long have you been in the computer club?
— For two years.
— Have you written another new program yet?
— Not yet. But I am working on it.      
 Диалог 2: *— Paul! Glad to see you. Is there anything new?
— Yes, a lot. We’ve had a concert at school, and I’ve taken part in the riding competitions.
— How interesting! Did you win a prize?
— Not now.
— Have you got any prizes?
— I’ve won two prizes already. I hope to win more.
— How long have you taken part in the competitions?
— I’ve ridden horses since I was 4. And I’ve already taken part in the horse riding competitions for 3 years.
— Will you take part in other competitions?
__________________________________________________________________** — Of course, I will.
 Ключи:      Диалог 1:— Hi, Clare! What’s the news?— I’ve won the computer competition.— Great! When was it?— Last month.— What did you do there?— I presented a new computer program. I wrote it in the computer club.— How interesting! How long have you been in the computer club?— For two years.— Have you written another new program yet?— Not yet. But I am working on it.      Диалог 2: — Paul! Glad to see you. Is there anything new?— Yes, a lot. We’ve had a concert at school, and I’ve taken part in the riding competitions.— How interesting! Did you win a prize?— Not now.— Have you got any prizes?— I’ve won two prizes already. I hope to win more.— How long have you taken part in the competitions?— I’ve ridden horses since I was 4. And I’ve already taken part in the horse riding competitions for 3 years.— Will you take part in other competitions?— Of course, I will.
(Present Perfect)
Ex.3 p.52Упражнение содержит три диалога, для восстановления которых ученики могут использовать предыдущие упражнения урока. Сначала упражнение выполняется самостоятельно письменно, а затем в парах можно разыграть диалоги по ролям.      Ключи:— On holidays I went to a camp. I go there every year.— How long have you visited the camp?— I’ve visited the camp since I was 9.— Isn’t it boring?— No, it’s not. We do a lot of different things there.— What have you done this year?— We’ve sewed soft toys.— I don’t think that’s very interesting.— I’m tired.— What have you done?— We’ve picked up garbage near the river.— How long have you worked?— We’ve worked there for 2 hours.— You can sing really well.— Thank you.— How long have you sung?— I have sung in the choir for 4 years.
Ex.4 p.53Ролевая игра.
Р1=Р2, Р3=Р4 Дети беседуют о своих достижениях. Ролевая игра может проводиться 1—3 раза в разных парах.
Домашнее задание Ex.6 p.53 (АВ Ex.1 p.40)
Подведение итогов урока.