Сборник контрольных и проверочных работ по дисциплине ОУД.03 Иностранный язык

ГБПОУ «Армавирский медицинский колледж»
контрольных и проверочных работ по дисциплине
ОУД.03 Иностранный язык
Составитель: преподаватель иностранного языка первой категории Корчагина Анна Геннадьевна
на заседании ЦК
Протокол №_______
от «___» _________20___г.
Председатель ЦК
В.А. Арушанян_________
Данный сборник предназначен для студентов отделений 34.02.01 Сестринское дело, 33.02.01 Фармация, а также может быть использован преподавателями английского языка в качестве текущего, рубежного или промежуточного контроля.
Предлагаемые проверочные и контрольные работы по английскому языку предназначены для проведения контроля усвоения студентами грамматического и лексического минимума основных тем программного материала.
Настоящий сборник позволит студентам проверить знания лексики и грамматики и умение извлекать информацию из текста.
Контрольная работа
Местоимение. Глаголы to be, to have.
Вариант 1
Вставьте вместо точек глагол to have в нужной форме и притяжательное местоимение.
I … got a handkerchief. This is … handkerchief.
He … got a calculator. It’s … calculator.
She … got a mask. It’s … mask.
They … got a motorcycle. It’s … motorcycle.
We … got hats. They are … hats.
Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме переведите предложения.
Where …you from?
How old … you?
What … your name?
I … glad to see you. How … you?
The dog … in the garden.
My parents … workers.
… your father a teacher? No, he…a doctor.
Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.
Mary is an actress.
You are an architect.
Paul and John are schoolboys.
My father is a sister.

Контрольная работа
Местоимение. Глаголы to be, to have.
Вариант 2
Вставьте вместо точек глагол to have в нужной форме и притяжательное местоимение.
You … got a scarf. It’s … scarf.
Mother … got an apron. This is …apron.
Ted … got socks. These are … socks.
The boys … got pencils. These are … pencils.
Mary and I … got many toys. They are ...toys.
II. Вставьте глагол to be в нужной форме переведите предложения.
He … (not) a student, he … a doctor.
That book … (not) very interesting.
The book … on the table.
Moscow … the capital of Russia.
… you students?
… Boris a good football player?
What … on the table?
III. Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.
Your aunt is a nurse.
Your uncle is a teacher.
Your sisters are dancers.
Her son is a student

Present Simple.
Вариант 1
Установите соответствия.
to get up
to go for a walk
to prepare
to do homework
вставать по утрам
II) Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.
She cleans the room every day.
She cooks breakfast every day.
He goes shopping every day.
Every morning I get up at 7 o’clock.
They watch TV usually at 5 o’clock.
We have breakfast at 8 o’clock.
III) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simpe и переведите предложения.
1. My sister (get up) at 8 o’clock.
2. She (to go) to school at 12 o’clock.
3. I (to do) my homework every day.
4. He (to have) a cup of tea for breakfast.
5. It (to take) him 20 minutes to get home.
6. My working day (to begin) at 7 o’clock.

Вариант 2
I) Установите соответствия.
to go to bed a) убирать комнату
to do morning exercises b) умываться
to wash с) идти спать
to clean room d) идти в магазин
to go shopping e) делать зарядку
II) Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.
He usually get up at 6 o'clock.
You sometimes go to bed at 11 o 'clock.
She has a cup of tea in the morning.
I clean teeth every morning.
We always do morning exercises.
My mother prepares dinner every day.
III) Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simpe и переведите предложения.
I always (make) my bed.
He sometimes (do) morning exercises.
Tom (go) to the bathroom.
She (dress) at 7 o 'clock.
They come home in the evening.
Kate (read) books in the evening.

Темы: Plural nouns
Вариант 1
Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе
Table, fox, room, lady, knife, man, mouse, foot, sheep, money
Напишите на английском языке следующие числительные:
Количественные - 12, 5, 25,38
Порядковые - 1, 5, 4, 26, 12
Вставьте глаголы в Present Simple:
1. My sister (get up) at eight o'clock. 2. She (be) a school - girl. She (go) to school in the afternoon. 3. Jane (be) fond of sports. She (do) her morning exercises every day. 4. for breakfast she (have) two eggs, a sandwich and a cup of tea . 5. After breakfast she (go) to college.
Напишите следующие прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени:
Big, beautiful, good, bad, nice, happy, cold, difficult.
Вставьте to be в нужной форме и затем напишите перевод получившегося предложения.
1. Therean apple on the table. 2. Thereplates on the table. 3. Theremuch snow in last winter. 4.there any pupils in our group? 5. There a lift in your future house?

Вариант 2
1Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе
Bus, match, way, ox, park, fish, fruit, news, foot, child
2.Напишите на английском языке следующие числительные:
Количественные - 6, 13, 85,44,
Порядковые - 2, 19, 15, 4
Вставьте глаголы в Present Simple:
It (take) him two hours to do his homework. 2. She ( speak) French well. 3. My working day ( begin) at seven o'clock. 4.1 (get) up,(switch) on the radio and ( do) my morning exercises. It (take) me fifteen minutes. At half past seven we (have) breakfast. 5. My father and I (leave) home at eight o'clock.
Напишите следующие прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени:
Large, tall, bad, wonderful, expensive, long, good
Вставьте to be в нужной форме и затем напишите перевод получившегося предложения.
1………..there any difficulties in your test? 2. There ……..a newspaper on the table. 3. There……five chairs and a table in the room. 4. There ... a text-book and two exercise-books on my table 5 There ... a school here in 1920.

Темы: Free time. The Past Simple Tense.
Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словосочетаниям.
to read books and magazines a) ходить на дискотеки
to take photographs b) проводить свободное время
с родителями
to take up roller skating c) ходить в развлекательные клубы

go clubbing d) читать книги и журналы
to be fond of painting e) отправлять sms сообщения
to attend rap-discos f) любить рисовать
send text messages on mobiles g) кататься на роликах
to spend time with parents h) заниматься фотографией
II. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple Tense. Предложения переведите.
Jane (spend) her free time with parents every weekends.
Yesterday I (meet) with friends.
Last year he often (take) photographs.
Mary with friends (visit) theatre a week ago.
III. Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.
1. Yesterday evening I surfed the Net.
2. Every Sunday Fiona took aerobic classes last year.
3. Yesterday they all the evening watched TV.
IV. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Одним из лучших способов проведения свободного времени- катание на роликах.
Я предпочитаю читать книги на английском языке
Это круто заниматься экстремальными видами спорта.
По вечерам я хожу гулять и дышу свежим воздухом.

Вариант 2
I. Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словосочетаниям.
1. to learn to play musical instruments
2. a lot of ways of spending free time
3. to go window shopping
4. to surf the Net
5. to take up mountain skiing
6. to prefer collecting stamps
7. to go in for sports
8. chat online a) просматривать сайты в интернете
b) заниматься горными лыжами
c) разговаривать в режиме онлайн
d) разглядывать витрины
e) предпочитать коллекционировать марки
f) заниматься спортом
g) учиться играть на музыкальных инструментах
h) много способов проведения свободного времени
II. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Simple Tense. Предложения переведите.
On winter holidays we with friends (do) extreme sports.
Last weekends I (meet) with friends.
In the evening I (play) computer games.
They (attend) discos every Saturday.
III. Преобразуйте предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные.
I went for Sports last year.
Tom took up horse-riding 3 years ago.
My friend chatted online yesterday.
IV. Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Я терпеть не могу ходить по магазинам.
у молодежи множество способов проведения свободного времени
Я предпочитаю слушать музыку.
Я посещаю занятия по аэробики, чтобы держать себя в форме

Контрольная работа
Темы: Our college. Предлоги
Вариант 1.
Задание 1. Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словам.
a vocational school a) лаборатория
to reorganize b) получать профессию
academic subjects c) мастерская
to receive a profession d) ПТУ
to be well equipped e) общеобразовательные предметы
a workshop f) реорганизовывать
a laboratory g) быть хорошо оснащенным
Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы
Where do you study?
What is your future Profession?
What is your favorite subject?
Задание 3. Вставьте вместо точек предлоги in, at или on и переведите предложения
I always go into town … Saturday.
We get up … 7. 30.
We’ll go there … the morning.
We went to the theatre … Friday evening.

Вариант 2
Задание 1. Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словам.
a gym a) актовый зал
an assembly hall b) спортивный зал
a canteen c) успевать по
extracurricular activities d) столовая
to be good at e) образование
education f) проводить свободное время
to spend free time g) внеклассная работа
Задание 2. Ответьте на вопросы
What classrooms are there in your college?
How many days a week do you have lessons?
Do you take part in extracurricular activities?
Задание 3. Вставьте вместо точек предлоги in, at или on и переведите предложения
I finish work … 5. 30.
The party is … Monday.
My father works … night.
… Summer we go to the beach.

Modal Verbs
Вариант 1
1) Выберите верный вариант
1. Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.
a) can’t
b) couldn’t have
c) hasn’t been able to
2. I … sleep for hours when I was a little girls.
a) could
b) am able to
c) can
3. Tom … play tennis well but he … play a game yesterday because he was ill.
a) couldn’t, could
b) can, was able
c) can, couldn’t
4. I didn’t want to be late for the meeting. We … meet at 5 sharp.
a) were to
b) had to
c) could
5. Where are my gloves? — I … put them on because it’s cold today.
a) can’t
b) have to
c) needn’t
2) Поставьте в вопросительной и отрицательной форме и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.
I can show you an interesting picture of the city.
He can give you his report on the life of Jack London.
His brother could play the piano very well.
She could translate these English texts.
We must attend a lecture on German history on Tuesday.
You must return my magazines on Wednesday.
3) Переведите предложения на английский язык
1. Вы должны бросить курить.
2. Ты можешь решить эту проблему.
3.Тебе следует навестить своего больного друга.
4. Я вынужден был сделать это.
5. Я бы хотел пойти с тобой.

Вариант 2
Выберите верный вариант
1. You … take an umbrella today. The Sun is shining.
a) needn’t
b) mustn’t
c) can’t
2. I’m sorry, you didn’t invite me to your birthday party. You … invite me next time.
a) must
b) should
c) need to
3. Well, it’s 10 o’clock. I … go now.
a) can
b) has to
c) must
4. You … smoke so much.
a) would
b) can’t
c) shouldn’t
5. We have got plenty of time. We … hurry.
a) must
b) needn’t
c) should
Поставьте в вопросительной и отрицательной форме и переведите на русский язык следующие предложения.
You must take your children to the country for the weekend.
I must go to see your grandmother on my day off.
You may discuss these questions after work.
They may take four magazines from that shelf.
She may sit on the sofa in my study.
He may leave Moscow on Saturday.
3) Переведите предложения на английский язык
1. Ты можешь делать все, что хочешь.
2. Ольге нужно уделить больше внимания занятиям по английскому языку.
3. Я не уверен, но возможно он неправ.
4. Ему разрешили взять машину своего отца в прошлую пятницу.
5. Я могу считать до 50 на испанском.

Interrogative sentences
Вариант 1
I .Составьте вопросительные предложения.
do, when, you usually, come home?
come, you, did, alone?
see, what, did, you?
II. Задайте специальный вопрос к каждому предложению.
Образец: They prefer to go to the pictures. (Where …?)
Where do they prefer to go?
They live in that white house. (Who…?)
These men go to town every day. (How often…?)
Birds fly to the South in autumn. (When…?)
He usually spends his holidays on the Black Sea coast. (Where…?)
She travels a lot in summer. (What …?)
III. Образуйте разделительные вопросы от следующих утверждений.
Образец: He is happy, isn’t he?
There is no bread at home, is there?
It’s cold.
Tom has a car.
You can drive.
He plays well.
IV. Задайте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
He works at the library every Saturday.
Our teacher always speaks English.
They are discussing this question now.

Вариант 2
I .Составьте вопросительные предложения.
how, like, it, did, you?
do, go, again, there, you?
is, in, the room, anybody?
II. Задайте специальный вопрос к каждому предложению.
Образец: They prefer to go to the pictures. (Where …?)
Where do they prefer to go?
Mother wakes you up at seven o’clock in the morning. (When…?)
We always do History on Mondays. (On what days…?)
I like that green hat. (Which …?)
The book costs 50 rubles.( How much…?)
My father is an engineer. (Who…?)
III. Образуйте разделительные вопросы от следующих утверждений.
Образец: He is happy, isn’t he?
There is no bread at home, is there?
She doesn’t know you.
You have a sister.
I was right.
You did it.
IV. Задайте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам. Предложения переведите на русский язык.
There are 3 rooms in my flat.
I have a nice dress.
He was in Mogilev last week.

Тема: Political system of Great Britain and the USA
Modal Verbs
Вариант 1
Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словам.
a monarch a) представитель
a branch b) правительство
to elect c) палата общин
an authority d) права
rights e) ветвь
a government f) монарх
the House of Lords g) назначать
the House of Commons h) орган власти
a representative i) избирать
to appoint j) палата лордов
II ) Выберите верный вариант.
The official head of Great Britain is …
a monarch
a president
a prime minister
The full name of this country is …
Great Britain
the United Kingdom of great Britain and Northern Ireland
The official head of the USA is …
a) a monarch
b) a president
c) a prime minister
4. Congress represents …
legislative branch
executive branch
judicial branch
III) Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимания на модальные глаголы.
Who can answer my question?
She should be more attentive at the lessons
I have to come in time.
Переведите предложения на английский язык.
Он должен много читать.
Я умею играть в шахматы
Тебе не следует опаздывать на занятия.
Могу я войти?
Вариант 2
Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словам.
a legislative power a) исполнительная власть
the head of state b) законопроект
a constitution c) глава государства
a law d) управлять
to rule e) законодательная власть
executive power f) закон
a bill g) голосовать
the royal assent h) королевская санкция
to vote i) принимать
to pass j) конституция
Выберите верный вариант.
The British government represents …
legislative branch
executive branch
judicial branch
The British parliament consists of …
one House
two Houses
three Houses
The President of the USA is the head of …
executive branch
legislative branch
judicial branch
Congress consists of …
the House of Representatives
the Senate
the House of Representatives and the Senate
III) Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимания на модальные глаголы.
You must not stay here.
May I go to the cinema?
They can run quickly?
IV) Переведите предложения на английский язык.

Вам не нужно идти в библиотеку.
Не могли бы вы мне помочь ?Тебе придется ответить на все вопросы.
Ты должен выполнить свое обещание.

Вариант 1
The USA lies between the two oceans ….
the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans
the Indian and Pacific oceans
the Atlantic and the Indian oceans
The USA is …
a) constitutional monarchy
b) parliamentary republic
c) absolute monarchy
The head of the United States of America is…
a) a president b) a monarch c) a prime minister

The USA consists of ……
a) 39 states b) 18 states c) 50 states
There are 2 political parties in the USA. They are….
Conservative and Liberal parties
Democratic and Republican parties
Democratic and Liberal parties
The capital of the USA is …
a) New York b) Los Angeles c) Washington
Americans always say …
a) Washington D. C. b) Washington B. C. c) Washington H. C.
The population of the USA is …
a) 4 million people
b) 9 million people
c) 6 million people
The highest building of Washington is …
a) the White
b) the Washington monument
c) the Capitol
The smallest state of the USA is …
a) Kansas b) California c) Rhode Island
The symbol of the Democratic party is …
a) a bear b) donkey c) horse
12) the Congress has two houses :
a) the House of Lords and the Senate
b) the House of Representatives and the Senate
c) the House of Commons and the Senate

Вариант 2
The total area of the USA is ….
150 million square kilometers
230 million square kilometers
190 million square kilometers
The only countries that have borders with the USA are…
a) China and Australia
b) New Zealand and Canada
c) Mexico and Canada

The biggest state of the USA is ….
a) Texas b) Montana c) Rhode Island
The USA consists of 3 separate parts. They are…
the central part b) the central part c) the central part
the British Islands the Hawaiian Islands Canary Islands
the Northern Island Alaska AlaskaWashington is situated on…
a) the Potomac River
b) the Mississippi River
c) the Severn River
The first president of the USA was…
a) John Canady b) Thomas Jefferson c) George Washington
Washington was founded in…
a) in 1719 b) in 1791 c) in 1971
The Congress meets in …
a) in the White House
b) in the Capitol
c) in the House of Representatives
The Washington monument looks like a very big ….
a) statue of a man b) pen c) column
The Columbia monument rises….
a) 120 meters b) 150 meters c) 160 metersThe district of Columbia belongs to the state
a) Columbia b) Columbia c) not any one state
The author of Emancipation Proclamation, which gave freedom to Negro slaves, was….
a) George Washington b) Abraham Lincoln c) Thomas Jefferson

Great Britain
Вариант 1
I часть
The official name of Great Britain is …
a) England
b) Britain
c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Where is the UK situated?
off the Southwest of Africa
off the Northwest coast of Europe
off the east coast of Asia
How many parts does the UK consist of?
5 b) 4 c) 7
Where is the highest mountain Ben Nevis located?
a) in England b) in Scotland c) in Wales
What is the Severn?
a) city b) mountain c) River
6) London is situated on the river …
a) Tay b) Thames c) Lochness7) The population of London is …
a) 5 million b) 11million c) 8 million
8) The City is…
a) aristocratic part of London b) financial part of London c) industrial part of London
The Nelson’s column stands
a) in the Buckingham palace b) in the Tower c) in the Trafalgar square
“Big Ben” is………
a) clock b) fortress c) museum
Pre-school education in England begins at the age of
a) 3 or 4 b) 4 or 5 c) 5 or 6
Grammar school prepare pupils for
a) universities and colleges b) working professions
The majority of secondary schools are …
a) Public schools b) grammar schools c) Comprehensive schholsII часть
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London traditionally is divided into several parts, The City, Westminster, the West end and the East End. They are very different from each other.
The city is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated here. Few people live in the City but over a million come to work here. There are two places of interest in the City: St. Paul’s cathedral and the Tower of London. St. Paul’s cathedral was built in the 17th century. The Tower was built in the 15th century. It was used as a fortress, a palace and a prison. Now it’s a museum.

Вариант 2
I часть
1) The rose is the Symbol of ….
a) Wales b) Britain c) England
2) What does the UK separate from Europe?
the Pacific Ocean
the English Chanel
the Atlantic Ocean
3) What is the capital of Wales?
4) The Population of the UK is more than…
a) 54 mln. b) 45 mln. c) 62 mln5) The largest cities of the UK are…
a) Liverpool, Oxford b) Glasgow, London c) Belfast, Cardiff
The Queen lives …
a) in Westminster Abbey b) in Buckingham palace c) in the Tower
The coronation of nearly all kings and queens has taken place in….
a) St. Paul’s cathedral b) Buckingham palace c) Westminster Abbey
The West End is…
a) Industrial district b) the richest and most beautiful part

The East End is densely populated by
a) working class b) rich people
Numerous banks, offices and firms are concentrated in..a) Westminster b) East end c) the City
Many children of Working class families go to…
a) Public schools b) Modern schools c) Grammar schools
12) When children are 7 they enter …
a) infant school b) junior school c) secondary school
13) if a pupil good at exact and natural science, he learns …
a) Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry b) English literature, music, art
II часть
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Westminster is the aristocratic official part of London. There are Buckingham palace where the Queen lives and the Houses of Parliament along the north bank the Thames.
The clock tower of house of Parliament is famous for its big hour bell “Big Ben”. Westminster Abbey is the place where the coronation of nearly all kings and queens has taken place. Many of them are buried here as well as famous people of the country.

Тема : Mass media.
Past Perfect Tense
Вариант 1
Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Perfect Tense. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Jill was afraid she (forget) her key home, but she found it in her handbag.
Dad was not at home when I came back, He (go) out 20 minutes before.
Peter saw an urgent message on his table. Somebody (leave) it the day before.
I knew him at once though I (meet) him many years before.
He told me that (come back) a fortnight before.
Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словам.
chat show a) реклама
advertisement b) журнал
television c) точка зрения
magazine d) новости
view e) общество
current events f) ток шоу
society g) телевидение
Подберите определение телевизионным жанрам
documentary a) information about temperature, wind, rain, sun
weather forecast b) non-fiction film based on real events
nature programme c) factual film about animals and plants

Вариант 2
1. Откройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Perfect Tense Переведите предложения на русский язык.
Mr. Jackson said that he (already/buy) everything for lunch.
We had no car at that time because we (sell) our old one.
They (finish) painting the ceiling by 2 o’clock.
I kept silence for a while thinking of what he (tell) me.
Bob tried to find a job after he (serve) a five-year sentence.
Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словам.
cartoons a) газета
newspaper b) насилие
educational programs c) телевикторина
development d) транслировать
quiz program e) мультфильмы
violence f) развитие
to broadcast g) познавательные программы
Подберите определение телевизионным жанрам
1) the news a) drama, usually about family life, often weekly
2) soap opera b)the latest events in the world and in your country
3) chat show c)informal talk, usually with famous people

Past Continuous Tense
Вариант 1
I) Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Continuous Tense.
1. When I аrrivеd, Тоm (lie) оn the sofa and (speak) over the phone.
2. The police caught Dаn when he (rob) а shop.
3. Не couldn't speak because hе (die) of laugh.
4. - What уоu (do) between оnе and two? I phoned уоu several times.
- I (рlау) the piano and heard nothing.
5. When I got uр that morning, the sun (shine) brightly and the
birds (sing).
6. When уоu rang mе yesterday, I (have) а bath.
II) Выберите правильный вариант Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. I saw а light in your window as I (pass) bу.
А passed
В was passiпg
2. Yesterday as I was walking down Cherry Lane, I (meet)
Тhomas, an old friend of mine.
А теt
В was meetiпg
3. Liz's elder brother said that he (go) to enter Leeds University.
А weпt
В was goiпg

Вариант 2
I) Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в Past Continuous.
1. Somebody stole the money from Dad's pocket while he (sleep).
2. I (sit) bу the window when I heard the noise.
3. It (rain) cats and dogs as I (walk) towards their house.
4. Just as Тоm (cross) the street, а car саmе round the corner.
5. I glanced at Mary who (still / shiver) from the cold.
6. At six o’clock (wait) for Jennie at the station.
7. Оn coming uр to the house I saw а mаn who (try) to unlock the door by force.
II) Выберите правильный вариант Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. While mу son (wait) for mу саll, somebody knocked at the
А waited
В was waiting
2. We (just / talk) about him when he sudden1y (соmе) in.
А just talked C сате in
В were just talking D was coтing in
3. Yesterday while Dad (shave), he (cut) himself slightly
А shaved C cut
В was shavingD was cutting

Темы: Описание людей. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Вариант 1
1. Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словам

full a) красивый ( о мужчине)
straight b) щеки
hazel c) лицо
thin d) карие (о глазах)
cheeks e) брови
slim f) полный ( о губах)
face g) низкий
chin h) волосы
stout i) прямой
handsome j) тонкий, худой
hair k) полный
short l) стройный
high m) подбородок
eyebrows n) высокий

2. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень:

1. young 2. beautiful 3. little 4. busy 5. fine
3. Подберите подходящие по смыслу прилагательные к существительным:
lips aquiline
waist full
forehead high
nose thin
4. Перепишите предложения, раскрыв скобки и переведите .
This is the (tall) pupil in our class
Peter is ( short) than Alice.
Mary is the ( beautiful) girl in our class

Вариант 2
1. Подберите русские эквиваленты английским словам

good – looking a) губы
eyes b) красивый
nose c) талия
mouth d) рот
aquiline e) плечи
lips f) кудрявые
curly g) ровный
forehead h)нос
features i) высокий
broad j) широкий
shoulders k) черты (лица)
even l) лоб
waist m) орлиный
tall n) глаза

2. Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень:

1. small 2. difficult 3. easy 4. good 5. tall
3. Подберите подходящие по смыслу прилагательные к существительным:
hair even
shoulders broad
eyes hazel
teeth curly
4. Перепишите предложения, раскрыв скобки и переведите .
Mike is ( tall) than Nick
Tom is the ( clever) boy in our class
John Williams is ( younger) than me
Контрольная работа
Тема: Present Perfect Tense
Variant -1
1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках , в Present Perfect Tense. Переведите предложения
1) Mike_______( to drink) a glass of milk. 2) They_______(to come) already.
3) The plane_____(to arrive) 4) Mary_________( to clean) her teeth
5) I ___________( to wash) my socks
2. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в правильном порядке
You , phoned, me, have, already.
been, I , to, America, twice, have
have, they, never, to, been, London
George, has. come, yet, not.
you, heard, about, have, ever, him.
3. Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в Present Perfect Tense и переведите
1) John is cutting the grass I the garden 2) Susan is doing shopping
3) You are learning the poem by heart
4. Составьте 3 предложения в Present Perfect Tense
Контрольная работа
Тема: Present Perfect Tense
Variant -2
1. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках , в Present Perfect Tense. Переведите предложения
1)We ________(to see) a very interesting film. 2) You _________( to hear) this song
3) Nick_________( to be) to Moscow 4) My parents__________( to leave) just
5)I _________( to put up) the tent
2. Составьте предложения, расположив слова в правильном порядке
1) not, Alice, seen, for, him, a month, has
2)written, he, all, the letters, has?
3) Kate, cleaned, already, has, the room4) not, have, him, I, since, met, July
5) talked, we, already, about, it, have
3. Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в Present Perfect Tense и переведите
1) Mother is making a cake. 2) We are singing now
3) The boys are playing football. 3) I am washing my hair
3) Father is drinking coffee
4. Составьте 3 предложения в Present Perfect Tense
Контрольная работа
По английскому языку
Курс 1
Вариант 1
1. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Present Simple. Переведите предложения
1. I (to do) morning exercises. 2. He (to work) at a factory. 3. You (to be) a good friend. 4. You (to be) good friends.5. They (to drink) tea every day.
2. Выберите одно из предложенных притяжательных местоимений, соответствующее каждому второму предложению. (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
We have a big garden. … garden is young.
The book is new. … contents is rather interesting.
She is a nice girl. What’s … name?
I’m Kathy Brown … family is large.
3. Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных:
Difficult, short, lazy, bad, many
4.Ответьте на вопросы:
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Where are you from?
- When do you usually get up?
- How many lessons do you have a day?

Контрольная работа
По английскому языку
Курс 1
Вариант 2
1. Поставьте глаголы в следующих предложениях в утвердительную, вопросительную и отрицательную формы Present Simple. Переведите предложения
1. Mike (to be) a student. 2. Helen (to have) a car. 3. She (to sleep) after dinner.4. It (to be) difficult to remember everything. 5. We (to work) part-time
2. Выберите одно из предложенных притяжательных предложений, соответствующее каждому второму предложению. (my, your, his, her, its, our, their)
He has a lot of friends … friends are also students.
The Smirnovs have a car … car is expensive.
You are doing well … marks are always good.
We have a cat … character is kind.
3. Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных:
Cold, nice, good, talented, little
4.Ответьте на вопросы:
- What is your name?
- How old are you?
- Where are you from?
- When do you usually get up?
- How many lessons do you have a day?
Theme: Science and Technology
Вариант 1
Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант ответа:
… deals with facts and the relationship among these facts.
scientific b) typewriter c) science
Computers work with a … , such as weight, speed, temperature.
complicated problem b) physical quantity c) nuclear power
Some researchers … why we act the way we do.
appear b) investigate c) unify
The … between scientific fields have become less and less clear.
tools b) scientists c) boundaries
Some … try to solve difficult mathematical problems.
scientists b) inventions c) tools
Many new … of science have appeared.
liquid b) fields c) tools
The discoveries and … of scientists also help shape our view about ourselves.
inventions b) computers c) headquarters
… means the use of people’s inventions.
boundary b) scientist c) technology
Some scientists … for clues to the origin of the universe.
process b) satisfy c) search
A theory becomes a part of … knowledge.
complicated b) scientific c) nuclear
Science has great … on our life.
influence b) invention c) discovery
They solve … mathematical problems.
nuclear b) complicated c) liquid
Science … much to modern technology.
has appeared b) has contributed c) has attempted
Some modern technologies, such as … production and space travel, depend heavily on science.
complicated problem b) physical quantity c) nuclear power
But not all … is based on science.
technology b) researcher c) boundary
… computers deal with numbers.
complicated b) nuclear с) digital
Вариант 2
Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант ответа:
… is a building or something of the kind that gives protection.
technology b) shelter c) science
Some scientists … to solve complicated mathematical problems.
attempt b) unify c) explain
Industrial technology began about 200 years ago with the development of the …
digital computer b) steam engine c) nuclear power
Scientists use different … methods.
complicated b) nuclear c) scientific
The computers are able to … the data.
refer b) satisfy c) process
All sciences are … .
complicated problem b) closely interconnected c) physical quantity
… is a machine that prints letters.
tool b) shelter c) typewriter
All … computers have two basic parts: a memory and a processor.
digital b) steam c) liquid
The thermometers … the temperature.
unify b) measure c) prove
Different kinds of … and machines make our life easier.
quantities b) tools c) typewriters
He … it to be true.
proves b) appears c) attempts
Technology means the use of people’s inventions and discoveries to … their needs.
attempt b) prove c) satisfy
The word … comes from the Latin word “scientia”.
“scientist” b) “scientific” c) “science”
Technology … different aspects of people’s lives.
influences b) attempts c) appears
Science covers the broad field of … .headquarters b) knowledge c) boundary
… study a wide variety of subjects.
scientists b) tools c) inventions

Тема: Ecological problems
Вариант 11) Прочитайте текст и переведите на русский язык в письменной форме абзацы 1, 2 и 3.
People have thought that the environment is an unlimited source of resources, that the atmosphere, forests, rivers and seas are capable of absorbing all wastes. The environment supplies the economy of any country with its resources such as timber, minerals and oil. As a result, natural resources are becoming reduced, air and water are polluted, and the environment is unable to absorb all its wastes.
For example, waste gases cause acid rains; this leads to forest damage and therefore reduces the resources of forests. Another problem is water shortage resulting from unlimited use of it. The third one is destroying the ozone layer of the Earth through pollution from plants and cars. One more problem is damage to wildlife. It is possible that some kinds of animals can disappear due to people's activities.
Some territories in Russia are also suffering environmental problems. Many of these problems have been caused by economic activities. Many forests in the north of European Russia and the Far East are under threat.
If we want to live in a healthier world we must learn to use the environment carefully and protect it from damage caused by our activities. Otherwise very soon we will have no world to live in.
What leads to forest damage?
What destroys the ozone layer of the Earth?
Why can many kinds of animals disappear?
What environmental problems is Russia suffering?
What is it necessary to do in order to live in a healthier world?
3) Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующий по смыслу вариант:
The environment supplies the economy of the country with its resources but air and water are polluted, and the environment is ....
unable to absorb all its wastes.
able to absorb all its wastes.
able to affect the balance of nature.
Waste gases cause acid rains and therefore.
reduce the resources of forests.
do not reduce the resources of forests.
protect the resources of forests.
3. Plants and cars wastes pollute the air ....
but do not destroy the ozone layer of the Earth.
and destroy the ozone layer of the Earth.
but do not affect the nature.
4. People must learn to use the environment carefully and....
affect the balance of nature.
make their life easier.
protect it from damages caused by their activities.

Вариант 2
1) Прочитайте текст и переведите на русский язык в посменной форме абзацы 1,2,4
One of the greatest problems of all modern cities is the environment pollution. Every year people consume more goods. Production of goods and services uses energy and natural resources (oil, gas, coal, wood, etc.). All these things are used faster than they can be replenished. Natural resources and energy are getting more expensive, and air and water are becoming seriously polluted. The problem of environmental pollution is well-known to most people. We have heard about it on television and radio, and have read in newspapers and magazines.
The worst environment pollution is caused by the manufacturers who put chemical wastes into rivers and seas. Another problem is air pollution. The air is polluted by traffic and smog from industrial enterprises.
The word smog comes from smoke and fog. Smog is a sort of fog with other substances mixed in it, which can be harmful, even deadly. Such diseases as eczema and asthma are linked to air pollution.
Materials like paper and glass can be reused, but, unfortunately, many materials, especially plastics cannot be reused and cannot be absorbed by the earth again. Some plastics cannot even be destroyed. As a result of this people face the problem of preservation of our environment.
All these things are very serious and people must realize what will happen if they don't do everything possible to reduce man-made atmospheric pollutants and smog.
Who is the worst environment pollution caused by?
What diseases are linked to air pollution?
What materials can be reused?
What materials cannot be absorbed by the earth?
What problem do people face?
3) Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующие вариант окончания
1. The worst environment pollution is caused by manufacturers ....
Many materials who reuse chemical wastes.
who put chemical wastes into rivers and seas.
who don't put chemical wastes into rivers and seas.
2. Many materials like paper and glass ....
3. Many materials, especially plastics,....
а)can be reused.
b)cannot be reused.
c)cannot be absorbed by the earth again.
4. People face the problem of preservation of environment because....
many materials like paper and glass can be reused.
air and water are becoming seriously polluted.
natural resources and energy are getting more expensive.

Перечень учебных изданий, Интернет-ресурсов, дополнительной литературы
Основные источники:
Грамматика: Сборник упражнений.-7-е изд., испр. И доп.-СПб.: КАРО, 2016.-576с.-(Серия «Английский язык для школьников»), Ю.Б. Гоицынский.
PlanetofEnglish, учебник английского языка для учреждений СПО/Г.Т. Безкоровайная, И.Н. Соколова Е.А. Койранская, Г.В. Лаврик).-3-е изд., стер.-М.:Издательский центр«Академия»,-2016-256с.
Английский язык. Вводный курс [Электронный ресурс] : учебник / И.Ю. Марковина, Г.Е. Громова, С.В. Полоса - М. : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2016. - http://www.medcollegelib.ru/book/ISBN9785970434734.htmlАнглийский язык [Электронный ресурс] / Марковина Ирина Юрьевна, Максимова Зинаида Константиновна, Вайнштейн Мария Борисовна - М. : ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2014. - ttp://www.medcollegelib.ru/book/ISBN9785970430934.html
Английский язык. Учебник для студ..учрежденийсред.проф.образования/Голубев А.П. Балюк Н.В. , И.Б. Смирнова -. 13-е изд., стер.-13 М: Издательский центр «Академия», 2013-336с
Дополнительные источники
1) Английский язык для медицинских колледжей и училищ учебное пособие /Козырева Л.Г., Шадская Т.В - Ростов-на-Дону.: Феникс, 2017.-315с.-(СПО) 1.
2) Школьный англо-русский словарь Мусихина О.Н. Ростов-на-Дону ., Феникс., 2013. – 315
3) Английский язык для учащихся средних профессиональных учебных заведений [Электронный ресурс]: учебное пособие / И.Г. Кияткина.- СПб. : Политехника, 2012. - http://www.medcollegelib.ru/book/ISBN9785732509281.html
4) Английский язык для школьников и абитуриентов: Топики, упражнения, диалоги [Электронный ресурс] / Гацкевич М. А. - СПб.: КАРО, 2011. - http://www.medcollegelib.ru/book/ISBN9785992502459.html
5) Up&Up 10: Student'Book: учебник английского языка для 10 класса: среднее (полное) общее образование (базовый уровень) /В.Г. Тимофеев, А.Б. Вильнер, И.Л. Колесникова и др.; под ред. В.Г. Тимофеев.-3-е изд. –М.: издательский центр «Академия», 2009-144с
6) Английский язык/И.П. Агабекян.-Изд.13-еРостов н/Д: Феникс, 2008.-318с. (среднее профессиональное образование)
1) Переводчик www.lingvo-online.ru (более 30 англо-русских, русско-английских и толковых словарей общей и отраслевой лексики).
2) Macmillan Dictionary с возможностью прослушать произношение слов www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/enjoy3) Энциклопедия «Британника» www.britannica.com .4) Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English www.ldoceonline.com .