Поурочный план на английском на тему Physical quantity. Measurement. (8 класс)

Lesson: Physical quantity. Measurement. School: № 20
Date: Teacher name: Nurbek K.
Grade: 7 Number present:absent: 0
Learning objectives that this lesson is contributing Main types of measurements and theirs quantity.
Lesson Objectives All learners will be able to: understand what are length, area and volume
Most learners will be able to: use it in practice
Some learners will be able to: explain formulas for length, area and volume
Language Objectives Learners can: Use new words in their speech
hjhKey words and phrases: measurement, quantity, unit, International system, Length, metre, Area, Width, Volume.
Previous learning Astronomy. Astronomy of the Ancient world.
Planned timings Planned ActivitiesResources
5 min
How do we know how far it is?
What is it quantity ?In what does it measure ?Dialogue
Creating:.to introduce with states of matter and their types, to explain what is measurement and units
Evaluating: to show different of length, area and volume. Explain theirs features, formulas, units and to show their examples.
Analysing: to show what is measure by digital board on the internet in video form https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djTNUp4XIRo
Applying: using measurement in practice to fill the timetable by using a pen as a ruler
Understanding: recall information from the last lesson and to make discussed the summary of the lesson
PPT presentation, picture and video
5 minutes
Reflexion: to use measurement at school
Home task: to learn new vocabulary and to fill the second timetable by steps PPT