урок-соревнование Funny English в 4 классе

Удалова Ирина Владимировна,
учитель иностранных языков
МБОУ СОШ №81 п. ЮловскийЦели и задачи:
Развитие интереса к изучению английского языка.
Создание положительной мотивации к изучению английского языка.
Развитие воображения, логического мышления, фантазии.
Обобщение и закрепление лексико-грамматического материала, изученного в начальной школе по темам «Animals”, “Food”, “School subjects”, “ Colours”, “ The verb to be”.
Развитие умения работать в группе.
Teacher: Dear boys and girls today we are going to have a competition called “Funny English”. You should show your knowledge of English, be active, creative and be able to work in a team. But don't forget it is only a competition…..So be kind, polite and tolerant to each other. Let me introduce our jury………Now let' s start. Good luck.
Name your teams.
( На доске пишутся названия команд. В команде 5-6 человек. В течение всего конкурса вносятся баллы за каждое задание)Phonetic drill. Phonetic contest.
(Your task is to give a good and correct reading of the poem. Each line is read by one person of the team. You have 2 minutes to do it and get 1 point for the line without mistakes.)
A cat sat on a mat.
A fox went to town to buy a box.
A cat went to town to buy a hat.
A pig went to town to buy a stick.
What ? A fox with a box?
A cat with a hat?
A pig with a stick?
Read the words using the transcription.
[ spu:n] [ pleit] [ tri:] [ faiv] [ kwi:n] [ fa:m] [ bo: l] [ bu:k][ rein] [ blu:]
[ s^ ni]
Word - competition.
You will get 6 letters. Make up a word from them. The team which does it quickly and more correctly wins.
( Команда выходит к доске и получает 6 букв G, A, R, D, E, N. По команде участники составляют слово. Побеждает команда, ставшая первой и не допустившая ошибок). (GARDEN)
Vocabulary competition.
(Each team has 1 minute for each task. The team can win 1 point for each right word on the topic)
Name as many words as you can on the topics:
Things in your bag.
Grammatical competition. Look into your cards and fill in a correct form of the verb “to be”. ( A team can get 1 point for each correct form)
1. I………. a pupil.
2. You …………from England.
My dad……………tall and strong.
We…………. pupils.
Pete and Bob………………… students.
Guess a riddle.( Each team will guess 2 riddles in a turn. You will get 1 point for the right answer)
I am red and have a fine tail.
I live in the forest. Like chickens.
I am green and can swim. I cannot jump. I like meat and fish.
I can run. I can climb. I can catch a mouse.
I live in the river. I am not a fish. I am green. I can skip. What am I?
A team task. Paint a picture. (раскрась картинку).You will have 3 minutes to do the task. Do it together. The team which does it quickly and correctly wins.

Word cinquain. ( Это японская форма стихосложения, состоящая из 5 строк. 1st line – a word or two to name the topic;
2 nd line – 2 or 3 words to describe the topic;
3rd line – 3 or 4 words to express actions;
4th line- 4 or 5 words to express personal attitude;
5 th line- a word or 2 to rename the topic.
Make a cinquain1st line - My pet .2nd line - _____________________________________________
3rd line – ______________________________________________
4th line- ______________________________________________
5 th line- _____________________________________________
Guess the Crossword. Find 10 verbs. You have 3 minutes.
k r e a d j l a y d b
b io e r s s k a t e
o d g r a e w m l c a
r e id w r it e p c
w b l o e n m b a a k
n a n s w e r y r iif q c s k it е n n p
p u r p l e u d g t e
Now, our dear, jury! What is the score? Let us see who the winner in our competition is………………………………. ( results of the game)
Teacher: Thanks a lot to both teams for the interesting competition. I am sure you will need English in your future life. Good bye!
Приложение 1.
Phonetic drill. Phonetic contest.A cat sat on a mat.
A fox went to town to buy a box.
A cat went to town to buy a hat.
A pig went to town to buy a stick.
What ? A fox with a box?
A cat with a hat?
A pig with a stick?
Приложение 1.
Phonetic drill. Phonetic contest.A cat sat on a mat.
A fox went to town to buy a box.
A cat went to town to buy a hat.
A pig went to town to buy a stick.
What ? A fox with a box?
A cat with a hat?
A pig with a stick?
Приложение 2
Read the words using the transcription.
[ spu:n] [ pleit]
[ tri:] [ faiv]
[ kwi:n] [ fa:m]
[ b : l] [ bu:k]
[ rein] [ blu:]
[ s ^ ni]
Приложение 2
Read the words using the transcription.
[ spu:n] [ pleit]
[ tri:] [ faiv]
[ kwi:n] [ fa:m]
[ b : l] [ bu:k]
[ rein] [ blu:]
[ s ^ ni]
Приложение 3.
Grammatical competition:
I………. a pupil.
You …………from England.
My dad……………tall and strong.
We…………. pupils.
Pete and Bob………………… students.
Приложение 3.
Grammatical competition:
1. I………. a pupil.
2. You …………from England.
3. My dad……………tall and strong.
4. We…………. pupils.
5. Pete and Bob………………… students.
Приложение 4
Make a cinquain1st line - My pet
2nd line - _________________________
3rd line –__________________________
4th line- _________________________
5 th line-___________________________
Приложение 4
Make a cinquain1st line - My pet
2nd line - _________________________
3rd line –__________________________
4th line- _________________________
5 th line-___________________________
Приложение 5
Guess the Crossword. Find 10 verbs.
k r e a d j l a y d b
b io e r s s k a
t e
o d g r a e w m l c a
r e id w r it e p c
w b l o e n m b a a k
n a n s w e r y r iif q c s k it е n n p
p u r p l e u d g t e

Приложение 5. Guess the Crossword. Find 10 verbs:
k r e a d j l a y d b
b io e r s s k a
t e
o d g r a e w m l c a
r e id w r it e p c
w b l o e n m b a a k
n a n s w e r y r iif q c s k it е n n p
p u r p l e u d g t e