Страноведческий тест English-speaking countries

1 Match the capitals and the countries
London is the capital of ________________________
Washington is the capital of _______________________
New-Delhi is the capital of _________________________
Canberra is the capital of ____________________________
Wellington is the capital of _____________________________
Paris is the capital of _______________________________
Dublin is the capital of _______________________________
Berlin is the capital of __________________________________
2. Match the languages and the countries
Turkey – people speak __________ Germany – people speak ________________
Greece – people speak __________ Egypt – people speak _________________
Scotland - ______________________ Canada _________________________
Russia - ______________________ Brazil ___________________________
3. Where is it?
Great Wall of China _______________ London Eye _______________
Eiffel Tower ___________________ Taj Mahal _______________
Disney Land ___________________ Birmingham Palace ____________________
The Pyramids ___________________ The Museum of Skis ___________________
Sydney Opera _________________ Urii Nikulin Circus _____________________
Red Square__________________ Statue of liberty ___________________________
4. Match the food and the country
Spaghetti _________________ Fish and chips __________________
Pudding __________________ Hamburger __________________
Borsh ___________________ Coca-cola ____________________
Pizza __________________ Apple-pie _____________________
5. Match the nicknames and symbols
“The God we trust” __________________
“Oz country” _________________________
“The biggest world Farm” ____________________
Un ion Jack ________________________
Daffodil _________________________
Bagpipe ___________________________
Manchester United _________________
6. Put the words in the text
Jamie Oliver is a ________________ chef in the UK. Every morning he appears on TY in __________, _________________, _____________ and many other countries in his show, where he cooks delicious meal. He also can be __________ riding his scooter to local markets, shops and _______________ to do shopping. Hi is so popular that a big supermarket Sainsbury pays Oliver two million _________ for their TV adverts. His farther run (владел) a_________ and a _____________ in Essax and Jemie always helped him in the _____________. Now Jemie is the richest chef in the world and holds restaurants in many_________________ of the world. Lately, he opened a restaurant in _______________, in Russia.
( Saint Peterburg, famous, countries, pub, kitchen, seen, supermarkets, restaurant, Britain, America, Russia, pounds,)