Технологическая карта к уроку английского языка в 5 классе по теме Животные в опасности

Технологическая карта урока №67

Учитель: Кузнецова Д.А.
Класс: 5 «а»
Тема урока: The world around us. Animals in danger.
№ урока по календарно-тематическому плану: #67
Цель урока: Актуализация знаний и умений учащихся в речи.Обучение выразительному чтению. Обучение аудированию.
Задачи урока:
 Освоить новые лексические единицы и повторить грамматические конструкции Past Continuous, neither…nor
 Развивать умения строить самостоятельные устные высказывания на основе учебного материала
Привить учащимся интерес к окружающему миру
Тип урока: Урок актуализации знаний и умений
Оборудование: Учебник “English V”, презентация, ПК, проектор, видео материал, аудио материал
Оборудование для учащихся (раздаточный материал): 1.Карточки с текстом
2.Карточки с заданиями
3. Карточки с кроссвордом
Литература: Учебник “English V”,, Ю. Голицынский «Грамматика. Сборник упражнений», English-English Oxford Dictionary
Основные понятия:  Лексические единицы – Lesson8
Грамматические структуры – the Past Continuous Tense, neither….nor
Организация пространства
Межпредметные связи Формы работы Ресурсы
окружающий мир
УМК «English V»
Интерактивная доска
Ход урока
Этап Задача этапа
Содержание (учитель) ФОУД *
(ФИГП) Методы, приемы работы. Время
1. Организационный момент
Приветствие, warm up
Фонетическая зарядка
Речевая разминка
Сосредоточение внимания учеников, постановка цели урока Good afternoon, my dear friends! I’m very glad to see you. Sit down, please. How are you today? What did you do yesterday? What day was yesterday? What day is it today? What day will be tomorrow?
Okay, thank you!
Have a look at the wb. What do you think about the topic of our discussion today? Слайд№2
You are quite right! We are going to speak about wild animals!
Oh! It is high time to start!
What animals do you see in the picture?
Where do kangaroos live? Let’s check
Where do pandas live?
What country can we meet tigers?
What continent do polar bears live?
What about elephants?
Now, we are to warm up our tongues. Look at the wb, please! What sounds are we going to train.(слайд №8)
I’ll read these words: listen to me and do not repeat.
dangerous balance /æ/
disappearing skin /ı/
wild wise /aı/
hunter /ʌ/
Earth /ə:/
Let us translate these words. Good of you, thank you!
Now let’s read them all together. Listen to me and repeat after me.
Read the words, please. (p1-p3)
By the way, do you know anything about the wisest bird? It’s an Owl. I’ve prepared a small poem for you. (слайд №9 )
The Wise Old Owl
The Wise Old OwlSat in an Oak.The more he heard,The less he spoke.The less he spoke,The much he saw.Why don’t we doAs this old Owl?
Let us read it!
Now translate it, please!
Good of you, thank you!
And now let us check how you’ve learnt some words from the poem. I want you to write down the missing words to make the poem complete. Come up to the wb! (слайд № 10)
The Wise Old Owl
The Wise Old __Sat in an o__
The more he _The less he s__.The less he s____The much he s___
Why don’t we doAs this old Owl?
Well done!
тренировка 2-3
2. Основной этап
Работа с лексическим содержанием.
Физ. минутка
Определение ключевой темы урока
Работа с аудированием
Просмотровое чтение
Работа с письменной стороной речи
Описание картинки. Активизация ГМ в речи.
Активизация ЛМ в письменной речи
3.Заключительный этап
рефлексия Should people be wise with animals and the planet?
We think we must!
So, now I want you to visit Indian Jungle and to have a rest before a difficult trip to Safari Park.
Динамическая пауза (слайд № 11 )Great!
And now have a look at this picture and try to define the main topic of the lesson.
(слайд № 12)
-Wild animals
-Animals in danger.
-African animals
Choose the right variant. Well done!
So, at home you were to read the text, it’s high time to check it:
open your books p.112 ex (b) let’s start reading (p1-p2)
Who wants to translate?
Now I want you to close your SB., take these cards and be ready to listen to the second part and write down the missing words:
card #2
Great, let’s check the missing word. Read and translate them.(p1-p3).
Be ready to answer the questions:
Are tigers dangerous animals?
Why do people kill them?
Where do nowadays the tigers hide?
What do people cut down?
Now let’s read about elephants.
Translate these sen-s please (слайд № 17)
But these days there not many of them except in Africa parks.
But many less dangerous wild animals and birds are also disappearing from the Earth.
We must find the right balance between land, people and animals.
Great! Open your ex-s books please. Put down the date.
And your task is to put the words into the right order in these questions (слайд № 18)
the Red Book What find can you in?
19th century Were of animals there a lot in the?
What to save must animals people do the?
Try to answer these questions. Well done!
Now have a look at the wb. and try to describe their actions yesterday at 5 o’clock. What tense should we use here?
What’s the formation of the PC (was/were+Ving)
What were they doing yesterday at 5 o’clock?
(слайд № 19-26/Картинки!)
Very well done, thank you!
So, their names are Nelly and Jack, let’s get some more information about them (слайд 27)
Translate the sen-s
Neither Jack nor Nelly was in Safari Park yesterday at 5.
Neither Jack nor Nelly was playing football the whole day.
Neither Jack nor Nelly saw tigers at the Zoo.
Both Jack and Nelly were doing crossword while their Mom was cooking dinner.
And what about you? Do you like crosswords? Take these cards and do it.
фронтальная применение
беседа 2-3

Do you like our party today? What have we learnt today? Now I want each of you to take the «face» you like, come up to the whiteboard and hang it up on the board.
At home you’re to prepare the retelling of the text according to the plan (ED)
Your marks are…
See you tomorrow! Good bye! Are tigers dangerous animals?
Why do people kill them?
Where do nowadays the tigers hide?
What do people cut down?