Презентация к уроку по английскому языку по теме Русская кухня

Cabbage soup and porridge are our native food. Щи да каша пища наша.
Traditional Russian cuisine1.Traditional dishes.2.Traditional drinks.3.Recipes of several traditional Russian dishes.4. What do eat Russian people on breakfast, dinner and supper?

Translate on RussiaMeals Breakfast DinnerSupperFirst courseSecond courseBreadBeetrootFish Eggs AppetizersSoup Cereal Name of Meals –прием пищиBreakfast -завтракDinner-обедSupper-ужинFirst course-первоеSecond course-второеBread-хлебBeetroot-свеклаFish -рыбаEggs -яйцаAppetizers –закускиSoup –супCereal -каша

{5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}BreakfastDinnerSupperDishesDrinkFirst:Second:Appetizers:Today is the 20th of April.Russian cuisine. Answer the questions:What are the usual meals in Russia?What does the typical Russian breakfast include?How many courses is a Russian dinner comprised?What are the popular appetizers in Russia?What is there for the first and second courses?What can you say about last course for dinner?What can you say about typical Russian drinks? {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}BreakfastDinnerSupperPopular dishesDrinkmilk, tea, eggs, kasha and sandwiches.is comprised of three courses. The real first course is a soup: borsch, shchi and solyanka.Аppetisers: mushrooms, salted cucumbers and tomatoes, pickled cabbage, herring.For the second course : meat or fish served with garnish.The evening meal is much lighter, with a cup of black or green tea at the end.pelmeni, vinaigrette, shchi , kasha, blini.tea, fruit drinks (compot, kissel, mors) or even kvas (made from cereals and stale bread), milk. Breakfast First dishes Second dishes Drink Popular dishes Popular appetizers Match the names of the Russian dishes with their descriptions.https://learningapps.org/myapps.php Окрошка с квасом Как приготовить: Сварить яйца вкрутую. В это же время отварить картофель в мундире. Пока нарезать овощи и другие ингредиенты: нарезать кубиками ветчину и огурцы, покрошить зеленый лук и укроп. Очистить картофель и яйца, нарезать их кубиками. Смешать все ингредиенты в кастрюле. Посолить по вкусу и добавить квас. Окрошка готова к подаче!Ингредиенты: 2,5 литра кваса (но не сладкого)5 средних картофелин 4 яйца2 средних огурца300-400 гр. колбасы (ветчины, отварного мяса)4-5 шт. редиса, зеленый лук, укроп, соль, сметану –по вкусу Traditional Russian cuisine“What have you learnt at our lesson?” “Was the lesson interesting?”

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