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Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (Будешь рано ложиться и рано вставать - станешь здоровым, богатым и мудрым человеком.)
Syn: The early bird catches the worm. An early rises is sure to be in luck. He who sleeps catches no fish.
Ср: Кто рано ложится и рано встает, здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. Кто раньше встает, тот вдвое живет. Долго спать-с долгом вставать.
« You will never be healthy, wealthy and wise»,- he says. « Do you know that it is ten o’clock; not by my watch… but by Greenwich time. » (Broughton)
A good beginning makes a good ending. (Хорошее начало обеспечивает хороший конец.)Syn: A good beginning is half the battle. A bad beginning makes a bad ending. It is the first step that costs.
Ср: Доброе начало полдела откачало. Плохое начало - и дело встало. Лиха беда начало.
«Catherine» - Fraser hesitated - « You don’t really know much about Larry, do you?» Catherine fell her back stiffening. « I know I love him, Bell,» she said evenly, « and I know that he loves me. That’s a pretty good beginning, isn’t it? » (Sheldon)
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. (По яблоку в день и обойдешься без доктора.)
Syn: Eat an apple before going to bed, and you’ll make the doctor beg for his bread. Diet cures more that the lancet.
Ср: Лук от семи недуг. Добрый повар стоит доктора.
« Of course I eat an apple every evening- an apple a day keeps the doctor away- but still, you ought to have more prunes, and not all these fancy doodads.» (Lewis)
Blood is thicker than water. (Кровь не вода. Семейные узы очень прочны, и с ними невозможно не считаться.)
Syn: Blood is blood. Charity begins at home. Near is mu coat (shirt), but nearer is my shirt (skin).
Ср: К своему рту ложка ближе. Своя рубашка ближе к телу. Свой своему поневоле брат. Свой дурак дороже чужого умника.« I can’t say no to this letter, » she said to her brother…«She sounds like a rally nice girl». « They don’t say so, » said Franklin Hubert. «Blood is thicker than water. And It’s time he did something about supporting you». (O’Hara)
Curiosity killed the cat. (Любопытство убило кошку. Чрезмерное любопытство приносит неприятности.)
Syn: A tool may ask more questions than a wise man can answer. Too much knowledge makes the head bald. Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.
Ср: Любопытной Варваре нос оторвали. Много будешь знать, скоро состаришься.He looked up at me. There was amazement in his eyes, but no great fear… « So I was in the right of it, » he said. « You are plowhand». I grinned down into his eyes. «I have heard that curiosity is killer of cats,» I said« But I think suspicion an even more dangerous toy. Had yours not hindered us from passing, you might still have been breathing this same hour tomorrow.» (V. Scott)