Презентация по английскому языку Новая Зеландия

КГБПОУ «Международный колледж сыроделия»Алтайский край г. БарнаулПрезентация к разработке урока «Новая Зеландия»Преподаватель: Троицкая Марина Ариевнавысшая квалификационная категория In Maori the word ‘New Zealand’ means the land of the long white cloud. 1. Произнесите слова: 1. New Zealand 8. Pacific2. Atlantic 9. Indian3. Christchurch 10. Wellington4. South Island 11. Auckland5. Dunedin 12. North Island6. Great Britain 13. Australia 7. Stewart 14. Polynesia 2. Расшифруйте слова: 1. reaa 2. ndisla 3. nothr4. sothu5. verri6. picatal7. wne New Zealand is situated south-east of Australia. It is an island country, consisting of three large isles (the North Island, the South Island and Stewart Island) It is a flag of New Zealand It is coat of arms of New Zealand New Zealand is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations. The Queen of Great Britain is the head of New Zealand. Currency is New Zealand dollar. The native people of New Zealand are called Maori The Maori people arrived by canoe from Polynesia. The Maori people make up 8 per cent of the total population. New Zealand is a mountainous country. In South Island mountains are higher than in North Island. There are many geysers in New Zealand. You can see them in cities as well. Rivers in New Zealand are short.The most unusual river is Puarenga in which the water is icy on one side and hot on the other. The climate is subtropical and there are good forests of evergreen trees. New Zealand has very few native animals. Kiwi is one of them.Kiwi is found nowhere else in the world. It is the national emblem of New Zealand. Sheep-farming is one of the main industries in New Zealand. Kiwi-growing is also important for New Zealand. About 50 per cent of the people in New Zealand live in four main cities: Wellington, Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. Wellington is an attractive city. Auckland is the largest city of New Zealand. Tourists like New Zealand`s beaches. If you want a real thrill, you could go bunji-jumping. Bungee jumping is an activity that involves jumping from a tall structure while connected to a large elastic cord New Zealand is a mysterious country. 3. Соотнесите слова: 1. great a. country2. native b. city3. mountainous c. Britain4. subtropical d. farming5. national e. jumping6. largest f. emblem7. sheep g. animals8. bunji h. climate 4. Соответствуют ли тексту предложения. It is true / It is false: 1. New Zealand is situated north-east of Australia.2. The country consists of five large islands.3. New Zealand is a mountainous country.4. The climate in New Zealand is cold.5. The koala is the national emblem of New Zealand.6. New Zealand has many native animals.7. The capital of New Zealand is Sydney. 5. Ответьте на вопросы: 1. How do people call a small bird in New Zealand?2. How do people call the New Zealand dollar?3. How do people call fruit?4. How do people call New Zealanders? 6. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык: 1. Altai region (расположен) in the south of Siberia.2. The territory of the region (состоит из) 64 districts.3. Altai is a (горная) republic.4. (Климат) in Altai is continental.5. Barnaul is the (столица) of Altai region.