Урок-обобщение по английскому языку в 9 классе по теме Conditional Sentences

Урок-обобщение по теме' Conditional Sentences ' 9 класс
The Lesson Plan Цели и задачи урока: • Систематизация и обобщение знаний по теме «Conditional Sentences»; • Контроль изученного через систему нестандартных упражнений; • Знакомство с поэтическим и песенным творчеством, иллюстрирующим грамматическую тему; • Развитие навыков чтения и говорения, воображения; • Воспитание интереса к английской грамматике, а также корректного поведения во время работы в группах. 
Ожидаемый результат:
К окончанию урока все учащиеся смогут употреблять условные предложения 1 и 2 типов в речи; Многие научатся создавать собственный текст ( стихотворение) по образцуОборудование: раздаточный материал с упражнениями по теме; магнитофон, аудиозаписи. Эпиграф урока: English grammar is easy. If you know it. План I. Начало урока. Приветствие. Сообщение темы урока.The theme of our lesson is ‘ Conditional Sentences.’ II. Устная разминка Today is an unusual day. What can you say about it? (Yes, it's the 1st of March) … III. Обобщение грамматического материала A. Conditional sentence type I We use if + Present Simple + will or won't for the things that will possibly happen. If the weather if fine, we'll go for a walk. Practice. Match the sentences and Work with omens. You will be given cards with omens. Your task is to find the beginning and the ending of each omen and unite them. 3 pupils from each row will work at the blackboard. But do your work as quickly as you can! Is your task clear to you? And we'll match sentences. 1. If I pass my driving test … 2. Your plants won't grow well if … 3. If you go to the cinema tonight … 4. As soon as we get the tickets … a) you don't water them. b) I'll buy a car. c) we'll phone you. d) I'll go with you. Key: 1b 2a 3d 4c Complete the sentences. 1. If the weather if fine, … 2. If I have some money, … 3. I'll bring you the book, … 4. If it is cold, … Проверка работающих у доски. IV. Обобщение II. B. Conditional sentences type II We use if + Past + would + infinitive without to for situations that are “unreal”. We imagine a result in the present or future. If I had more money, I would spend more. Practice. If you could spend a day with a famous person, who would you choose? What would you do? Where would you go? What would you talk about? Write 4 sentences. Speaking. Do you ever think about safety in the streets? Listen to these questions. • What do you do when you go out at night? Do you go alone? Do you walk down dark streets? Do your parents always know where you are? • What would you do if a stranger tried to talk to you? • What would you do if you were attacked? Discuss your answer in pairs or in small groups. Then read the advice. Учащимся раздаются листы с заданиями. Они их читают и выбирают те, с которыми они согласны. Отвечают на вопрос, почему Элис использует I тип и II тип в предложениях. V. Чтение текста и выполнение задания. Учащимся раздаются тексты. На доске слова: pebble ['pebl] – галька, булыжник debt [det] – долг money-lender – ростовщик, займодатель look up – зд. смотреть с почтением hold out – зд. предлагать owe [ou] – быть должным Обсуждение текста. Что бы вы сделали на месте девушки? VI. Дополнительное упражнение при наличии времени «If they asked me to cut my hair …». If they asked me to cut my hair, I'd grow it long. If they tidy up my room, I'd make a mess. If they ordered me to study harder, I'll burn my books. But the trouble is That they leave me alone and I hate them for that. Текст читается дважды. Затем учащиеся воссоздают текст письменно в мини-группах, используя текст-модуль на доске. Skeleton Text. If they asked me … I'd … . If they told me … I'd … . If they ordered me … I'd … . But the trouble is that … and I … . VII. Песня «If I had a hammer …». VIII. Рефлексия. Итоги, оценки. Домашнее задание: создать собственный текст по образцу “Skeleton Text”, написать сочинение “If I had enough time and money”. Приложение 1.Playing Safe • If possible I use well-lit and busy roads when going to and from school and friends’ houses. • I always try to walk with someone I know. • I only carry the money I need (If I have any!), and don’t take it out in public. • If I go out, I try to tell mum and dad where I am going and what time I’ll be home- they always ask anyway. • If I go to a party, I first make sure I know how I’m going to get home. • If anyone tried to speak to me in a way I didn’t like, I’d say NO loudly and firmly and tell someone about it. • If I were attacked, I’d scream and run to where there were other people- it’s better to run than to face the attacker. • If I couldn’t run, I’d scream and kick. 2.The text A poor man once owed a lot of money to a money-lender. The poor man had a beautiful daughter and the money-lender wanted her as his wife. He therefore suggested the following. He would put one black pebble and one white pebble into a bag. The poor man’s daughter would then choose one of the pebbles. If she chose the black, she would become his wife and the debt would be cancelled. If, however, she chose the white, the debt would be cancelled and she could stay with her father. The man and his daughter had no choice, so they agreed. As the money-lender put the pebbles in the bag, the girl suddenly noticed that he had chosen two black ones. The money-lender looked up, held out the bag and asked her to choose a pebble. 3.The omens • If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck. • If a girl catches the bride’s bouquet after a wedding, she will be the next to marry. • If you break a mirror, you will have seven years bad luck. • If you talk of a devil, he will appear. • If you see a small spider, you will get a lot of money. • If you scratch your left hand, you will give money away. • If you touch wood, your good luck will continue. • If a black cat crosses your path, you will have good luck. (In Britain) • If a black cat crosses your path, you will have bad luck. (In Russia)