Конспект урока по английскому языку с мультимедийным сопровождением на тему Health is above wealth Здоровье дороже богатства

Управление образования администрации города Горловка
Горловский лицей №85 «Гармония»
Конспект урока по английскому языку с
мультимедийным сопровождением на тему
« Health is above wealth»
«Здоровье дороже богатства»
Подготовила учитель английского языка
Пилипенко Л.А
Категория «высшая»
Звание «Старший учитель»
Health is above wealth
Цели урока : научить детей оперировать лексикой по теме, совершенствовать грамматические навыки употребления глагола should;
совершенствовать навыки чтения ,письма, говорения;
учить учащихся работать в парах и группах;
развивать коммуникативные способности ;учить детей заботиться о своем здоровье;
воспитывать у детей желание придерживаться здорового образа жизни . Оборудование : -Mind -Map;
-карточки с пословицами ; -конверты с заданиями ; -диаграммы ; - мультимедийная доска .І. Introduction.T. Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. How are you today?
P. I am fine. I am O.K. I am in a good mood.
T. It’s so nice you are fine and healthy. Let’s revise a poem
Early to bed and early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.Warming-up.T. Good health is a great gift.
The English proverb says: «Health is not valued till illness comes».
The most important thing in the world is our health. Each person is a creator of the human body.
Now look at the blackboard. Here you see the main words of the proverb.
health – здоровьеwealth – багатство
We’ll learn the proverb «Health is above wealth».
–Work in pairs
You can see stripes of paper on your desks. Match the parts of proverbs (pupils work in pairs).
An apple a day keeps than money
Health is more important is above wealth
A sound mind a doctor away
Health in a sound body
A good laugh is than treatment
Prevention is better the best medicine
II. Main part of the lesson.
T.Today we will speak about our health and healthy way of life. You will read texts, learn a poem and proverbs.
Now we’ll work with our Mind-Map.
(all the pupils write a word on a map)
balanced diet
T. Open your copybooks and write down the date. Look at the blackboard and find the words of the topic. Write them down in your copybooks (задания выполняются с использованием мультимедийной доски).

Слайд № 1
Who is the winner?
f j r z h e a l t h a v
a q d ie t c l in v p
e h a d o c t o r g o p
r b u g s p a t ie n t
t m e d ic in e f b a
s p o r t v s t e k p c
f o d ia g n o s e f u
c z s e f r u it r t a
e w a q u in s y f e y
f e v e r f f u il k a
a s v e g e t a b l e s
d y k o p il l x c v a
f j k r e t a b l e t h
a d d m il k t d v s y
Writing and speaking
T.Now we come to the moment when it’s time to discuss what people should do to be healthy. We shall start with a poem (задания выполняются с использованием мультимедийной доски. ) Слайд № 2
When you want to be healthy,
You should eat slowly food,
When you want to be happy,
You should do everything good.
When you want to be strong,
You should keep feet.
Don’t eat fast food
And everything is good!
We shall discuss advices which help us to be healthy. We shall start with ex. 4 p. 98.
Open your books on page 98.
Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.
–Work in pairs
The 1st pupil will start advices with you should.
The 2nd pupil will start advices with you shouldn’t.
You should keep to a healthy diet.
eat fruit and vegetables.
wash your hands before meals.
visit a doctor.
go for a walk.
go in for sport.
do morning exercises every day.
clean your teeth.
be active and lively.
You shouldn’t watch TV much.
eat many sweets.
eat fatty, spicy and salty foods.
T.Look at the blackboard and read the recommendations of healthy life (задания выполняются с использованием мультимедийной доски.).
Слайд № 3
You should keep to a healthy diet.
eat fruit and vegetables.
go for a walk.
go in for sport.
do morning exercises every day.
be active and lively.
clean your teeth.
plan your daily routine carefully.
take care of your health by yourself.
wash your hands before you eat.
You shouldn’t watch TV much.
play computer much.
eat much sugar, salt, fat.
eat fast food.
drink fizzy drinks.
T.You work hard and now we’ll have a rest. Do some exercises.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Turn, turn, turn around,
Turn around together.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.

T.Divide into three groups. Each group will get an envelope where you will find separate sentences. Your task is to put sentences into the right order to make a text. Read your text.

1st Group.You should brush your teeth 2 – 3 times a day. Choose a good toothbrush. It shouldn’t be very hard. You should change your tooth brush every 3 month. You shouldn’t eat much sugar. It is bad for your teeth.
2nd Group.You should consult your doctor when you are not well. The doctor usually gives you recommendation, prescribes medicines to avoid serious complications. You will recover soon under the doctor’s treatment.
3rd Group.We can’t live without food. But we should keep to a balanced diet. People say: «We eat to live, but we do not live to eat! ». A balanced diet has all the things you need to be healthy and to have enough energy during the day. You should eat well, but not much.
Let’s have a talk about food. (Pupils are divided into 3 groups). Each group will work with spidegrams.
1st Group. Give names of healthy food.

2nd Group. Give names of unhealthy food.

3rd Group. Balanced diet includes.

T.Are you healthy? We shall do questionnaire and get your answers.
Are you healthy?
How often do you eat unhealthy food?
How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?
more than 3 times a day
3 times a day
less than 3 times a day
How much time do you play computer?
an hour a day
2 hours a day
more than 2 hours a day
How often do you clean your teeth?
twice a day
every day
How often do you consult a dentist?
every year
How much time do you spend out of doors?
more than an hour
less than an hour
some minutes
Do you go in for sport?
How long do you sleep?
9 hours a night
6 hours a night
Less than 5 hours a night
You are a healthy person.
Not bad. But try to improve the situation.
Bad. You have some problems.
III. Summing-up.
T.Health is above wealth. You should take care of your health. It is in our hands either to be healthy, lively and happy or to ruin our health by bad habits.
I want to thank everybody. You worked hard and took an active part in our work.
Your marks are…
Your homework is to write an article to a newspaper about healthy way of life and give some advices.
The lesson is over. Good-bye!!!

Слайд № 1
f j r z h e a l t h a v
a q d ie t c l in v p
e h a d o c t o r g o p
r b u g s p a t ie n t
t m e d ic in e f b a
s p o r t v s t e k p c
f o d ia g n o s e f u
c z s e f r u it r t a
e w a q u in s y f e y
f e v e r f f u il k a
a s v e g e t a b l e s
d y k o p il l x c v a
f j k r e t a b l e t h
a d d m il k t d v s y
Слайд №2
When you want to be healthy,
You should eat slowly food,
When you want to be happy,
You should do everything good.
When you want to be strong,
You should keep feet.
Don’t eat fast food
And everything is good!
Слайд № 3
You should keep to a healthy diet.
eat fruit and vegetables.
go for a walk.
go in for sport.
do morning exercises every day.
be active and lively.
clean your teeth.
plan your daily routine carefully.
take care of your health by yourself.
wash your hands before you eat.
Слайд №3
You shouldn’t watch TV much.
play computer much.
eat much sugar, salt, fat.
eat fast food.
drink fizzy drinks.
An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
Health is more important than money
A sound mind in a sound body.A good laugh is the best medicine.
Prevention is better than treatment.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.
Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
Stamp your feet together.
Turn, turn, turn around,
Turn around together.
Clap, clap, clap your hands,
Clap your hands together.