Презентация по английскому языку на тему Articles (7 класс)

Checked up:__________
Theme Articles 41-42
Form 11
Date 05.03.2015
Teacher Makmudov Edgar
Aims To organize pupils language learning activities while doing exercises. To develop pupils critic thoughts on making up sentences and using the new words in practice
To give the description to the words in the exercise
Knowing how to use taken knowledge in real life
Teach to love our Motherland
Using modulsCritical thinking and using innovative-communicative technologies
Expecting result
Pupils should express their ideas freely.
Understand the the worth of being tidy
Capabilities of work could be seen on an act.
Methods Audio-lingual, grammar translation
Resoucesplacards, audio video materials, markers, distribute papers
The procedure of the lesson
Teachers actions Tasks Pupils actions
Organization moment
5 min Greeting
To introduce the aims of the lesson
Checking homework
5min Teacher asks homework Ex.13 on p.120 Discussing and answering to the teachers questions
5min Organization. Brainstorming
Teacher asks questions to prepare pupils for new lesson
-Who makes laws in Kazakhstan?
-What do you know about the Constitution Of Kazakhstan?
-What political parties do you know?
-Do you want to be MP?
- The President
-The Constitution of Kazakhstan include s in itself law and legal deals
-NurOtan -Yes

The main part of the lesson
10min Teacher explains the new words
General provisions[dзenerǽl prəviЅn]-умумий холат
legal [legəl]-қонуний public concord[pΔblik kənkכ:d]-халқ розилиги stability[stǽbiliti:]-стабиллаштириш
persecuted [pəsekju:td]-қонун тамонидан жазоламоқ
affair [ǽfeiə]-давлат иши permitted [pəmittd]-рухсат берилган
Pupils copy the vocabulary
Doing written exercises
10min Teacher helps pupils to do exercises

Physical minute
5min Gymnastics for eyes
Conclusion To ask and answer to the questions quickly
3min To grade pupils on how pupil observe the new theme and vocabulary
2min Pupils express there moods with smiles

Homework To learn by heart the new words and to retell