Урок по английскому языку на тему Robert Burns- the National Poet Of Scotland (9 класс)

9 класс

Robert Burns- the National Poet Of Scotland
Burns alone is enough to make us everlasting friends with Scotland S. Marshak
Цель: познакомить учащихся с биографией и творчеством шотландского поэта Роберта Бернса.

Практические задачи 1) Активизация тематической лексики в устной речи учащихся в процессе развития иноязычной компетенции школьников.
2) Совершенствование умения аудирования с целью извлечения необходимой информации.
3) Развитие речевых умений учащихся.
4) Развитие умения читать стихи на английском языке.

Развивающие задачи 1) Формирование интеллектуальной, эмоциональной и мотивационной сферы личности учащихся.
2) Углубленное понимание англоязычной поэзии.

Воспитательные задачи 1) Развивать уважение и интерес к литературе страны изучаемого языка.
2) Развивать и поддерживать интерес к поэзии.
Оборудование : мультимедийный проектор, презентация в Power Point, компьютеры, тест в Excel, музыкальное приложение, раздаточный материал с текстом.

Ход урока

The beginning of the lesson.

Greeting the class
T.: Good morning class! I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Warming up

а) Т.: Listen to the melody and try to guess what country is the song associated with.
Приложение № 3 Слайд №1
Звучит национальная шотландская песня “ ” [ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть ссылку ]

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся.

P1.: May be this song is associated with Great Britain.
P2.: I think it is associated with Ireland.
P3.: Probably it is associated with Scotland.

T.: Now let’s check if we were right. (Карта)
Приложение № 3 Слайд №2
b) Word-Web
T.: When people think of Scotland they picture in their minds different things. What do you usually imagine when you think of this country? Complete the word-web.
Приложение № 3 Слайд №3- Слайд №4

So, Robert Burns is closely connected with Scotland. He is its national hero.

Introduction of the theme of the lesson.

Приложение № 3 Слайд №5
T.: Today we’ll speak about the national Scottish Bard R. Burns and his poetry.
Let’s start our discussion with finding out the definition of the word “Burn”. Look at the blackboard and clarify the meaning. (The meaning of the word “Burn”).
(Учащиеся читают значение слова на слайде №4).
Приложение № 3 Слайд №6

Presentation of the theme.
Приложение №3 Слайд №7
a) T.: So, let’s learn the most important dates and events of R. Burns’ life that confirm these conclusions.
(Презентация биографии Р. Бернса в Power Point с комментариями учителя.)
Приложение №3 Слайд №8
T.: Robert Burns is the national poet of Scotland. He was born in 1759, on the 25th of January, in Alloway, Scotland.
T.: В деревне парень был рожден, Но день, когда родился он, В календари не занесен. Кому был нужен Робин? Был он резвый паренек, Резвый Робин, шустрый Робин, Беспокойный паренек - Резвый, шустрый Робин!

Robin was a rovin’ Boy,
Rantin’ rovin’, rantin’ rovin;
Robin was a roven’ Boy,
Rantin’ roven’ Robin.
Приложение №3 Слайд №9
Robert Burns was born in a poor family. He was the eldest of seven children born to William Burns.
His father was a poor farmer,
· 3 Слайд №10
1765 Robert was sent to school. He was fond of reading. His favourite writer was W. Shakespeare.
Robert’s childhood and adolescence were not happy. At 13 he worked in the field on a par with grown-ups.
1773 Robert was 14. He wrote
· 3 Слайд №11
b) Checking comprehation

- Match Приложение №3 Слайд №12
(Некоторые учащиеся выполняют данное задание в форме теста в формате Exel самостоятельно)
· [ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть ссылку ]

- True/false Приложение №3 Слайд №13

c) Reading activity
Приложение №3 Слайд №14

T.: Scots celebrate his birthday every year on the 25th of January. The celebration is called Burn’s Night. Read the text and answer the question:
How do people celebrate Burns’ birthday?
Приложение № 2 Pupils Card №1
Pupils Card

In South West Scotland you can follow the story of Robert Burns, the great

Scottish poet. He was born in Alloway in 1759. Scots the world over celebrate

his birthday every year on the 25th of January. The celebration is called Burns'

Night. It's held not only in Scotland, but also amongst British people living in

other countries. The celebration usually takes the form of a supper called Burns'

Supper, at which traditional Scottish dishes are eaten. Often a Scottish piper

plays traditional Scottish songs and wears the national costume which for men is

a kilt. Burns' poems are recited and after the meal is finished there may be some

Scottish dancing. The best-known of these dances is the so-called Highland

fling. It is usually danced by one man alone.

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся.

P1.: As far as I know Scots celebrate it in the form of a supper called Burns Supper, at which traditional Scottish dishes are eaten.
P2.: I’d like to add that a Scottish piper plays traditional Scottish songs and wears the national costume which for men is a kilt.

V. Working at Burns’ poems.

Приложение №3 Слайд №15-16
T.: Let’s read some poems by R. Burns. The poetry of Robert Burns is very popular in the world. Marshak, a great Russian poet, made brilliant translations of Burns’ poems.

-“A Red, Red Rose”
-“My heart’s in the Highlands”
Приложение №3 Слайд №17,18,19
( Далее учащиеся читают стихи Бернса на русском языке, заранее подготовленные к уроку.)

-«Честная бедность»
-«Был честный фермер мой отец»
-«Шотландская слава» [ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть ссылку ]
T.: Now let’s listen to the national Scottish song 'Auld Lang Syne composed by Burns.
[ Cкачайте файл, чтобы посмотреть ссылку ]
T.: Now, you see, Robert Burns really enriched the literary world with his works (poems, ballads, songs).
T.: What did he write in his poems about? What were his subjects?
Приложение №3 Слайд № 20

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся.

P1.: I think his poems are about his motherland.
P2.: In my opinion many of his poems are devoted to true love and friendship.
P3.: To my mind he showed the hard life of the lowest class of society.
P4.: ( the feelings of ordinary people, hard life of poor people, country life, national pride).

T.: I’d like to know why Burns’ poetry is so much loved by people?

Приложение №3 Слайд № 21

Предполагаемые ответы учащихся.

P1.: As for me Burns wrote for the people that’s why his poetry is so much loved by people
P2.: Besides he was kind and generous by nature and these features were reflected in his poems.
P3.: I agree but I think people love him because he wrote humorous, ironical, satirical poems
P4.: .

VI. The end of the lesson.

Учитель благодарит учеников за работу и задает домашнее задание.
Home task:
- Answer the question: What have you learned about R. Burns? (Для всего класса)
- Make your own translation of one of the two Burns’ poems: A Red, Red Rose or My Heart's In The Highlands. (Индивидуальное задание)
- Prepare a correct phonetic reading one of Burns’ poems and find the music that will follow your reading (Индивидуальное задание).

Урок заканчивается песней на стихи Роберта Бернса «Любовь и бедность» из к/ф «Здравствуйте, я ваша тетя».

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