Тест по английскому языку на тему Household Chores для 4 класса

Household Chores
Variant I
Прослушай диалог. Обозначь «галочкой» продукты, которые купила Катя.
Seller: Hello, Kate! What do you want today?
Kate: I want a carton of milk and two jars of cream, please.
S: Here you are. Anything else?
K: Yes, I also wa
milk butter sweets
tea eggs chocolate
juice sausages ice - cream
cream meat water
flour sugar oil
Выбери правильный вариант слова и обведи букву возле него.
Mrs Brown the cooking for her family.
a) goes b) do c) does
2. Tim usually sweeps the
a) sofa b) floor c) fl
· Прочитай текст и утверждения к нему. Поставь «галочку2 возле правильных утверждений или «крестик» возле неправильных.
My name is Paul. I’m an English schoolboy. I live in the town of Liverpool with my family. My Mum is a teacher and she is usually very bu
Paul’s sister can’t do the ironing.
Paul is going shopping because Dad is busy.
Paul has a pet.
Подбери ответы к вопросам. Дай свои ответы на вопросы.
I do. b) Yes, I do. c) I’m from Britain. d) I’m writing. e) I live in London. f) I’m British. g) I do the washing-up.
1. Where are you from?
2. What is your nationality?
3. Where do you live?
4. Do you help your Mum about the house?
5. How do you help your Mum?
6. Who tidies up the room?
7. What are you doing now?

Household Chores
Variant II
Прослушай диалог. Обозначь «галочкой» продукты, которые купила Катя.
Seller: Hello, Mary! What do you want today?
Kate: I want a pack of tea and two jars of jam, please.
S: Here you are. Anything else?
K: Yes, I also want a c
· jam eggs sweets
tea bananas chocolate
coffee apples ice - cream
cream sugar oranges
orange juice apple juice chocolate cream
Выбери правильный вариант слова и обведи букву возле него.
1. Susan usually the washing-up.
a) goes b) do c) does
2. Dad is the radio now.
a) sweeping b) ironing c) fixing
3. Jack tidies his room every Sunday.
a) up b) the c) of
4. There are carrots in the basket.
a) any b) some c) a
5. There is a of Cola on the table.
a) can b) jar c) carton
6. “There’s no place like “.
a) house b) home c) family
7. Sam walks his in the evening.
a) flowers b) pet c) room
3. Прочитай текст и утверждения к нему. Поставь «галочку» возле правильных утверждений или «крестик» возле неправильных.
My name is Mike. I’m an English schoolboy. I live in the town of Brighton with my family. My Mum is a businesswoman and she is usually very busy, so my Dad, my sister and I help her about the house. My sister tidies up the room and does the washing-up. Dad usually goes shopping and he sometimes fixes things. I water the plants and feed our cat. But only Mum does the ironing.
Now Dad is very busy – he is fixing the clock now. It’s lunch time now but there’s no milk or sugar in the house. But we like tea with milk and sugar. So I’m going shopping now.
1. Mike goes to school.
Mike is from Great Britain.
Mike’s Mum is a housewife.
Mike’s parents have a son and a daughter.
Mike’s usually does the cooking.
Mike never goes shopping.
Mike has a pet.
Подбери ответы к вопросам. Дай свои ответы на вопросы.
a) I’m American. b) I’m reading. c) Yes, I do. d) I’m from the USA. e) I do. f) I do the washing-up. g) I live in New York.
1. Where are you from?
2. What is your nationality?
3. Where do you live?
4. Do you help your Mum about the house?
5. How do you help your Mum?
6. Who tidies up the room?
7. What are you doing now?