Презентация внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку на тему Интеллектуальный марафон для 5-6 классов

Intellectual Marathon Introduction of your country.The ABC game.A magic 5.Parts and wholes.Proverbs and sayings.RiddlesThe right choice. 1) Introduction of your country. 2) The ABC game. 3) A magic 5. 4) Parts and wholes. 5) Proverbs and sayings. 6) The right choice. 1. The capital of England is … London Paris Moscowstyle.color 2. London stands on… the Volga the Mississippi the Thamesstyle.color 3. The symbol of England is… a red rose a tulip a daffodilstyle.color 4. The flag of the UK is… red, black and white red, blue and green blue, red and whitestyle.color 5. The traditional Christmas meal in England is… roast turkey fish and chips porridgestyle.color 6. What is the capital of the United States of America? New York Washington Chicagostyle.color 7. The flag of which country is called “Stars and Stripes”? the USA Canada the UKstyle.color 8. Who is the president of the USA? Barak Obama Ch. Chaplin Medvedevstyle.color 9. Who is the head of the UK? Tsar Queen Kingstyle.color 10. Where does the Queen live?Buckingham PalaceWestminster AbbeyTowerstyle.color Do you live in London?Do you like it here?Do you eat fish and chips?Do you watch TV?Do you drive on the right side?Do you have a car?Do you go to Oxford?Do you learn computers?Do you dance and sing?Do you know Prince Charles?Do you know the Queen?Do you like the Baetles?Do you play handball? CONGRATULATIONS!!!