Презентация на английском языке Нужны ли нам заимствования в русском языке? ( 9 класс)

"Do we need borrowings in the Russian language?"The project is made By the student of the 9th form Gymnasium 8Nasibullina LiliaTeacher: Timofeeva Marina Urievna The purpose of the work:Explore the process of borrowing words.The project tasks: 1.Determine if we need borrowings in Russian language;2.Reveal the advantages and disadvantagesof spreading words from other languages ; 3. Identify the use of borrowings in the Gymnasium among young generation; Having read the book by the Russian linguist Maxime Crongaus "Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown( 2007)“, I learnt that many peoples in Russia do not have enough words in their language. In the chapter "We are also Eskimos» Crongaus writes «Global warming made the lives of the Eskimos rich. But they do not have enough words to give the names to animals and plants. Local hunters often met unfamiliar animals, but found it difficult to tell others about them because they did not know their names». The author makes a conclusion «The world around us is changing all the time. The language, which exists in a changing world and does not change itself, stops fulfilling its function. We won`t be able to speak it because we do not have enough words. So maybe we are a bit of Eskimos too». What does it mean? It means a language needs widening all the time. But where can we take the words? If we do not have our own words, we can borrow them from other languages. Since ancient times Russian people have entered the cultural, trade, military, political relations with other states that led to the borrowings. Gradually borrowed words were included in the number of common words and such words are not even taken as foreign ones. Nowadays the process of borrowing words appears because of intensive information flows;the development of the Internet;international relations;development of trade relationsparticipation in various festivals, competitions, Olympics.
I looked up in different sources and found out that there are borrowings in Russian from about 41 languages such as: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Latin, Greek ,Persian, Swedish ,Chinese, Mongolian etc. {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}EnglishmanagementdollardivingjoggingBadmintonpaintballМенеджментдоллардайвингбег трусцойБадминтон Шарик с краскойGerman AbsatzAnschlag BandLosungMarschroutePerückenmacher АбзацАншлаг БантЛозунгМаршрутпарикмахерLatinvacuumVectorIntervallumCalculoCredoAequārefactumВакуумВекторИнтервал Калькулятор Кредо Экватор фактItalian bandito CarnevaleMafiagazette rocchetta firmaРазбойникКарнавалМафияГазетаРакетафирма {5C22544A-7EE6-4342-B048-85BDC9FD1C3A}GreekMathematikeopthic SunōnumonSphairaKomodiаalphabetМатематикаВидетьСиноним Шар Веселые песниАлфавит DutchBootsmanAdmiraalhavenZeemanMastbroekБоцманАдмиралГаваньМатросМачтабрюкиFrenchabat-jouravant-gardeHasardArtisteBalletbilletАбужурАвангардАзарт Артист Балет билет At our literature lessons we have read some works of great writers. They used some borrowings in their works. For example the main character of the Lermontov’s work is Pechorin. He says: "And why was it necessary to throw me into the peaceful circle of honest contrabandists?”. The word “contrabandist came from French. Eugene Onegin became more expressive with the words from other languages. В последнем вкусе туалетомЗаняв ваш любопытный взгляд,Я мог бы пред ученым светомЗдесь описать его наряд;Конечно б это было смело,Описывать мое же дело:Но панталоны, фрак, жилет,Всех этих слов на русском нет;А вижу я, винюсь пред вами,Что уж и так мой бедный слогПестреть гораздо б меньше могИноплеменными словами,Хоть и заглядывал я встарьВ Академический словарь.A.S.Pushkin. Eugene Onegin (tr.Ch.Johnston)- XXVIYour curiosity is burning to hear what latest modes require, and so, before the world of learning, I could describe here his attire; and though to do so would be daring, it's my profession; he was wearing – but pantaloons, waistcoat, and frock, these words are not of Russian stock:I know (and seek your exculpation) that even so my wretched stylealready tends too much to smile on words of foreign derivation, though years ago I used to look at the Academic Diction-book. FROCK -Use the noun frock as an old-fashioned way to say "dress."  Came from French.Waistcoat is an upper-body clothes without sleeves. Came from French. So borrowed words are used in many spheres of our life nowadays and globalization( the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas, and other aspects of culture).[contributes largely to the process. INDUSTRY INTERNET MEDICINEArt and educationEconomics and politicsEveryday communication Nowadays many teenages use such words as "ok", "dancer",""dep(department )","trade", " test", "party", "mix" , point(appointment)"," club" etc. They create their own language of borrowed words. We held a survey among the student of 9-11th forms of our Gymnasium. The question was –how often do you use foreign words. Pros : Cons :-Enrich our speech -Broaden our vocabulary - Improve the emergence of new concepts-Strengthen relations among different countries in economics and politics As we can see young generation is under big influence of foreign cultures. I`ve made the conclusion that we need borrowings from other languages. Borrowing makes our speech more bright and expressive. But we should not forget about purity of Russian, about our historical roots and appreciate our native language. LITERATURE:https://ru.wiktionary.org/wikihttp://www.bibliotekar.ru/russkiy-yazik-2/57.htmhttps://otvet.mail.ru/question/94929131https://www.google.ru/searchhttp://www.megaslov.ru/http://www.univer/socstuds/glob/index.htmlhttp://pikabu.ru/story/zaimstvovannyie_slova_v_russkom_yazyike_1917298http://megabook.ru/bookhttp://www.km.ru/referats/336129http://www.e-reading.club/book.php?book=101730