Презентация Встреча с Тайни

Шалыгина Г.М.ЛесосибирскШкола2-3класс,урок33 Шалыгина Галина МихайловнаУчитель английского языкаМБОУ СОШ №2 гор. Лесосибирска 3класс,урок33 The aims of the lesson So, as you understand, we have to know about a new friend. And that is the point we have to discuss today. We`ll have learnt some new words by the end of the lesson.WE’ll read the text about Tiny, and we’ll have described him by the end of our today`s lesson. Let`s read the poem you see on the screen . How do you think how it`s connected with our lesson? Tiny I can read, I can sing. I can speak English, too. I write my fairy tales, And what about you? to personalise the topic of the lesson You are right !!! Yes, we shall have a talk on the topic « Tiny” It’s time to look at the pictureand describe Tiny 1. В лесной школе появился новый ученик — гномик Тайни. Посмотри на рисунок. Что ты можешь сказать о нём? Начни со слов: I think he is ... . Используй модели: Речевая разминкаlisten to him and answer his questions Listen and say what new lnformation you have learnt. What else do you want to know? speaking 2.    Послушай разговор Тайни и учеников лесной школы. Скажи, что ты узнал о Тайни. Какие вопросыты хотел бы задать ему? Listening Let’s read about Tiny ex3,page58but first, read new words Walk in the forest-гулять в лесуWhat about you-а как насчёт тебя?Write fairy tales –писать сказки Tiny I part Meet (познакомься с) Tiny. He lives in the English forest. He is funny and kind. He is smart and merry. Tiny can speak and read English. He likes to write fairy tales and poems. II part I can read, I can sing. I can speak English, too. I write my fairy tales, And what about you? III part Tiny has got a lot of friends. They like Tiny's poems and fairy tales. They often walk in the forest and play chess together. Right or wrong? Задание № 1  Выбор нужных предложений.   Нам необходимо выбрать и подчеркнуть лишь те предложения, которыми можно охарактеризовать Тайни. 1)He likes to writeFairy tales2) Tiny is a gnome.3) He looks like a boy.4) He likes to ride his scooter……5)He has got a lot ofFriends6) He likes to play jokes. Task 2 What can Tiny do? can-speak and read English write fairy tales sing songs walk in the forest Task 3    Закончи предложение в соответствии с рассказом. Task 6. Answer the questions ? Task 4.    Скажи, что умеет делать Тайни. Что из этого умеешь (не умеешь) делать ты? Task 5 Describe Tiny ’s character merry kind funny smart It’s time to look at the pictureand describe Tiny 1. He lives in… …2)He is… …3)Tiny can… …4)He likes to write … …5)Tiny Has got a… …6}They like… …7))They often walk in… … Homework 1)learn the poem by heart 2)retell the text 3)W.B.ex3,page38 6. Заключительный этап урока. We have done a lot of work today. Your marks for today are…The lesson is over! Good bye! 1 3 2 THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON! The lesson is over Let’s have a rest 4. Физкультминутка.I suppose you are tired. Let’s have a rest using Follow the Leader. Move to the music after your leader and repeat all his movements. The leader is the student…(Music sounds) – OK! Take your seats! Источники ресурсов 1)http://yandex.ru/images/search?text=гномики%20картинки%20для%20детей&uinfo=sw-2)http://yandex.ru/images/search?viewport=wide&text=картинки%20гномики%20в%20домике&3)http://картинки%20гномики%20биболетова&pos=121&rpt=simage Источник шаблона: Якушевская Юлия Сергеевна Учитель информатики МОУ «Кадетская школа-интернат № 9» г. Омска Сайт конкурса http://pedsovet.su При оформлении слайдов использовала векторный редактор Xara Xtreme Pro 5 и векторный клипарт.