Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку к учебнику М.З. Биболетовой 5класс 1четверть

1. Установите соответствие между словом и его переводом.
1) Famous a)любимый
2) at the seaside b) на побережье
3)favorite c) овощи
4)fruit d) знаменитый
5)vegetables e) известный
6) well-known f) фрукты
2. Зачеркните лишнее слово.
A writer, a musician, an artist, a poet, a scientist, a museum.
3. Разделите цепочку на семь словосочетаний
4. Отметьте предложение с глаголом писать.
1) He would like to become a well-known writer.
2) He usually writes very funny stories.
3) They are very famous writers.
4) My sister's favorite writer in Tchaikovsky
5. Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова.
1) He writes very interesting stories. He is very (famous/ favorite/formal)
2) This poet is my (famous/ favorite/formal). He writes funny poems about animals.
3) We didn't read his books. We didn't hear about him. I think, he is not (favorite/well-known)
4) Cabbages, carrots and potatoes are (vegetables/fruit)
5) Apples and oranges are (vegetables/fruit)
6) They like to have a rest (at the seaside/ in the camp)
7) We had a lot of fun (at the camp/ in the seaside)
8) I like to read his books. He is a well-known (artist/poet/musician)
6. Установите соответствие между словом и его описанием.
1.writer a)one who makes experiments
2.musician b)ne who paints pictures
3.artist c)one who writes stories
4.museum d)one who plays musical instruments
5.scientist e)one can see a lot of pictures there
7. Выберите подходящее по смыслу окончания предложений.
1) At the seaside we can (pick berries /sunbathe /do homework)
2) In the forest we can (go sightseeing /play the piano pick/ mushrooms)
3) At home we can (go abroad/ take care of pets/ bike)
4) In the garden we can (pick berries /see a lot of pictures/ go shopping)
5) At school we can (spend the weekend /do nothing /take part in competitions)
6) At the museums we can (run and jump /ride a bike/ recognize famous pictures)
7) At the zoo we can (pick berries/ see animals/ create much interesting)