Презентация по теме: Экологические проблемы литосферы

Protect the environment! Environmental contaminants are substances that, when accidentally or deliberately introduced into the environment, may have the potential to harm people, wildlife and plants. Types of Environmental contaminants Houses and municipal enterprises. As part of this pollutant source category dominated household garbage, food waste, construction waste, waste of heating systems that have become unusable household items, etc. Types of Environmental contaminants Industrial enterprises. In solid and liquid industrial waste is the presence of substances that can have toxic effects on living organisms and plants. For example, the steel industry in the waste commonly found ferrous salts of heavy metals Types of Environmental contaminants Transport. When the internal combustion engine intensively allocated nitrogen oxides, lead, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, soot, and other substances are deposited on the surface of the ground or is absorbed by plants Types of Environmental contaminants Agriculture. Soil pollution in agriculture is due to make huge amounts of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Help protect the enviroment! Switch off anything that uses electricity. If you're not currently using it, turn it off. This goes for lights, televisions, computers, printers, and so on. Help protect the enviroment! Unplug. Leaving devices plugged in, such as laptop chargers or toasters, can eat up "phantom" energy. Even when an appliance is turned off, it may still use power. Try unplugging when possible. Help protect the enviroment! Use renewable energy sources. In the USA around 71% of electricity is produced by burning fossil fuels. Burning coal or other fuels emits greenhouse gases and pollution in the environment. An average home powered by a coal utility will burn 12,000 pounds of coal a year and will cause about the same amount of pollution as 2 cars. By using renewable energy as the primary power source, the reduction of pollution per household would be equivalent to that of planting 400 trees. Help protect the enviroment! Turn off the water when you're not using it. If you're brushing your teeth, turn off the faucet between rinses. This also goes for shaving, washing dishes, and even taking a shower. Thank you for your attention