Презентация к уроку английского языка в 8 классе «Reasons for Travelling to Britain»

We’ve spoken a lot how to spend free time. Travelling is considered to be one of the ways of spending holidays and it plays an important part in the entertainment of people and learning about the world because it is better to see once than to read or to hear about countries some times. Why do people travel? Give your reasons Match the places and the things they are famous for 1. London a) The birthplace of great William Shakespeare 2. Heathrow Airport b) The garden of England 3. Cambridge, Oxford c) The capital of UK 4. The county of Kent d) One of the famous resorts 5. Stratford – on – Avon e) One of the world’s busiest airports 6. Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham f) The capital of Scotland 7. Belfast g) The most important industrial cities 8. Brighton h) The capital of Wales 9. Edinburgh i) Are famous for their universities 10.Cardiff j) The capital of Northern Ireland London Heathrow Airport Cambridge, Oxford The county of Kent Stratford – on – Avon Shakespeare Memorial Theatre Stratford-upon-Avon England. Брайтон(Brighton- англ.)- один из самых известных курортов мира Cтолица северной Ирландии Белфаст Belfast Эдинбург - столица Шотландии Cardiff – столица Уэльса Longleat Cardiff Liverpool York Edinburgh Belfast Find out the most popular tourist places for teenagers in the UK. Why do you think these places sre so popular? Where can you visit an ancient castle? Where can you go boating on the river? Where can you see a stately home? Where can you practise speaking English? Where can you take part in festival? What place would you choose for your holidays in Britain? Why?