Конспект урока английского языка для 6 класса на тему «Home, sweet home!»

Открытый урок в 6 классе по теме: «Home, sweet home!»
Цель: Формирование произносительных, лексических и грамматических навыков иноязычного общения с использованием игровых ситуаций.
– повторить и закрепить лексику по теме “Дом, милый дом”
– Повторить обороты настоящего времени “There is (are)”,
– Научить пользоваться предлогами местонахождения в различных игровых ситуациях.
– Практиковать учащихся во всех видах устной речевой деятельности
– Воспитывать в уч-ся положительное отношение к своему дому и семейному очагу.
Оборудование: проектор, компьютер, магнитофон, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:
I. Орг. момент
-Good morning, children. I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.
-Today we’ll visit the planet in the words of English & sentences(оборот )
-Let’s start our lesson. The subject of today’s lesson is .mmm. Children, I don’t remember, will you help me? Look at the screen & say me What is the theme our lesson? (слайд 1)
- You are right! The theme our lesson is : home, sweet home.
What the aim our lesson? What do you think?( ответы детей (цель урока)).
II. Фон. зарядка
But at first let’s prepare for our travelling. Listen to me & repeat. (слайд2)
Home is full of happiness
The perfect place for me
Home is always full of love
It’s where I want to be!
III. Основная часть урока. Путешествие по планетам.
- Oh, have a look at our fist planet – the planet of English proverbs.
-Do you know Russian proverbs?
Всякий дом хозяином держится. Без хозяина – дом сирота. Дома стены помогают. Не дом хозяина красит, а хозяин дом. Нет ничего лучше родного дома.

--I see you know English & Russian proverbs. Let’s fly another planet. The next planet – the planet riddles.
Look at the screen & Guess the riddles (слайд4)
We sleep in it. (bedroom)
it’s a place where we watch TV.( living – room)
Where do you cooking? (kitchen)
I can play different games on it. (computer)
оцените себя

IV. Работа в парах

Now I’ll give you some w
·ords & your task, make up sentences.
Where you live do? - Where do you live
have got I a bedroom – I have got a bedroom
Do you a house live in? - do you live in a house?
What is favourite room your?
Let’s fly to another planet. (слайд 5) предлоги места.
Давайте с вами вспомним какие предлоги места мы знаем (ответы детей, слайд 5,6 )
look at the screen & say me what can you see where is the mouse?

Let’ check up your h/w. д.з у вас было принести предметы на тему дом.
Please, describe your homework.
- Now let`s review our grammar rule. You know when we want to point at the place where an object or a subject is situated, we use the turn There is/ there are.
-You should use there is in singular, when you speak about one thing, and there are in plural, when you speak about many things.

Now let’s do the exercise, look at the smart-board and put is or are.

There........ a bed in the bedroom.
What........ there on the desk?
On the wall there .......... two pictures.
There .........a cat and two dogs in the room.
There .........three chairs and an armchair in the living room.
How many books ......... there on the shelf?
........ there a toilet in the flat?
........ there boys in the park?

V.Физ.минутка. (звучит легкая музыка, я читаю)

You have worked hard. Thank you. Now sit comfortable. Close your eyes. Breathe is. Breathe out. You are ready for rest. Your troubles are away. You love your house. You love your parents your parents love you too. Now open your eyes. We are in the classroom.
& describe this classroom.

VI. Open your books at p___ ex.___
Listen the dialoge and translate them. (работа с учебником).

VII We are going to play « A kindness ring»
«Колечко добра»
I wish you to be kind
Clever, happy, helpful, honest, brave.)

VIII Now, I show you the pictures & you say me what is it. ( слайды)

Итог урока
It’s time to come back to our planet of Earth. You have worked very well today. Thank you for the lesson. You may be free.

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