Сборник самостоятельных работ по учебной дисциплине «Иностранный язык» Специальность СПО: 101101 «Гостиничный сервис»

Областное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение
Среднего профессионального образования
Томский индустриальный техникум
Сборник самостоятельных работ
по учебной дисциплине
«Иностранный язык»
Специальность СПО: 101101 «Гостиничный сервис»
Разработчик: Илюшникова Е.А.
Томск – 2015г
Пояснительная записка 3
Методические рекомендации для выполнения
самостоятельной работы 5
Критерии оценивания 6
Задания для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы студентов: 7
Самостоятельная работа 1 7
Самостоятельная работа 2 10
Самостоятельная работа 3 13
Самостоятельная работа 4 16
Самостоятельная работа 5 19
Самостоятельная работа 6 22
Самостоятельная работа 7 25
Самостоятельная работа 8 28
Самостоятельная работа 9 31
Самостоятельная работа 10 ___________________________________________34
Самостоятельная работа 11 36
Самостоятельная работа 12 38
Самостоятельная работа 13 41
Список используемой литературы 44
Внеаудиторная самостоятельная учебная деятельность - это вид учебной деятельности, которую студент совершает индивидуально или в группе без непосредственной помощи и указаний преподавателя, руководствуясь сформированными представлениями о порядке и правильности выполнения работ.
Основная цель методических указаний состоит в обеспечении студентов необходимыми сведениями, методиками и алгоритмами для успешного выполнения самостоятельной работы, в формировании устойчивых навыков и умений по разным аспектам обучения английскому языку, позволяющих самостоятельно решать учебные задачи, выполнять разнообразные задания, преодолевать наиболее трудные моменты в отдельных видах СРС.
Цели самостоятельной работы:
развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции;
формирование лексико - грамматических навыков;
развитие устной и письменной речи;
развитие и воспитание способности и готовности к самостоятельному и непрерывному изучению иностранного языка;
систематизация и закрепление полученных теоретических знаний и практических умений;
овладение новыми языковыми средствами в соответствии с отобранными темами и сферами общения: увеличение объема используемых лексических единиц.
формирование умений использовать справочную и учебную литературу
Виды самостоятельной работы:
составление монологических и диалогических высказываний;
выполнение лексико-грамматических упражнений;
внеаудиторная работа с текстом.
Самостоятельная работа может осуществляться индивидуально или группами студентов в зависимости от цели, объема, конкретной тематики самостоятельной работы, уровня сложности, уровня подготовленности обучающихся.
Контроль результатов внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы обучающихся может осуществляться в пределах времени, отведенного на обязательные учебные занятия по дисциплине, и может проходить в письменной или устной форме, с предоставлением продукта творческой деятельности.
В качестве форм и методов контроля ВСР применяются:
устный опрос;
контрольная работа;
проверка перевода иностранных текстов;
тестовый контроль.
Данный сборник для самостоятельной работы целесообразно использовать совместно с рабочей учебной программой, входящую в общий гуманитарный и социально-экономический цикл по специальности «Гостиничный сервис». При работе с данным сборником у обучающихся формируются и отрабатываются следующие общие компетенции: осуществлять поиск, анализ и оценку информации, необходимой для постановки и решения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития; использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии для совершенствования профессиональной деятельности; ориентироваться в условиях частой смены технологий в профессиональной деятельности; работать в коллективе и команде, обеспечивать ее сплочение, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями. Наряду с общими компетенциями, отрабатываются профессиональные компетенции: принимать заказ от потребителей и оформлять его; бронировать и вести документацию; информировать потребителя о бронировании; предоставлять гостю информацию о гостиничных услугах
Учебное пособие по дисциплине Иностранный язык содержит 69 часов самостоятельной внеаудиторной работы, время выполнения определяется учебной программой по данной специальности.

Методические рекомендации по самостоятельной работе над устной речью
( монологическое и диалогическое высказывание)
Работу по подготовке устного монологического высказывания по определенной теме следует начать с изучения тематических текстов-образцов. В первую очередь необходимо выполнить фонетические, лексические и лексико-грамматические упражнения по изучаемой теме, усвоить необходимый лексический материал, прочитать и перевести тексты-образцы. Затем на основе изученных текстов нужно подготовить связное изложение, включающее наиболее важную и интересную информацию. При этом необходимо произвести обработку материала для устного изложения с учетом индивидуальных возможностей и предпочтений студента, а именно:
1) заменить трудные для запоминания и воспроизведения слова известными лексическими единицами:
All people are proud of their magnificent capital - All people are proud of their great capital;
2) сократить «протяженность» предложений:
Culture is a term used by social scientists for a people’s whole way of life.
Culture is a term used for the whole people’s way of life.
3) упростить грамматическую (синтаксическую) структуру предложений:
I felt I was being watched I felt somebody was watching me.
4) произвести смысловую (содержательную) компрессию текста: сократить объем текста до оптимального уровня (не менее 12-15 предложений).
Обработанный для устного изложения текст необходимо записать в рабочую тетрадь, прочитать несколько раз вслух, запоминая логическую последовательность освещения темы, и пересказать.
Методические рекомендации по самостоятельной работе с текстом
Правильное понимание и осмысление прочитанного текста, извлечение информации, перевод текста базируются на навыках по анализу иноязычного текста, умений извлекать содержательную информацию из форм языка. При работе с текстом на английском языке рекомендуется руководствоваться следующими общими положениями:
Работу с текстом следует начать с чтения всего текста: прочитайте текст, обратите внимание на его заголовок, постарайтесь понять, о чем сообщает текст.
Затем приступите к работе на уровне отдельных предложений.
Переведите письменно текст, используя словарь.
КРИТЕРИИ ОЦЕНИВАНИЯ ВНЕАУДИТОРНОЙ САМОСТОЯТЕЛЬНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ ОБУЧАЮЩИХСЯ Критериями оценки результатов внеаудиторной самостоятельной деятельности обучающихся являются:
-уровень усвоения учебного материала; - умение обучающегося использовать теоретические знания при выполнении практических задач; - обоснованность и четкость изложения ответа; - оформление материала в соответствии с требованиями.
Критерии оценки письменных развернутых ответов
Баллы Критерии оценки
«5» Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, применение лексики адекватно коммуникативной задаче, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи
«4» Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, но понимание текста незначительно затруднено наличием грамматических и/или лексических ошибок.
«3» Коммуникативная задача решена, но понимание текста затруднено наличием грубых грамматических ошибок или неадекватным употреблением лексики.
«2» Коммуникативная задача не решена ввиду большого количества лексико-грамматических ошибок или недостаточного объема текста.
Критерии оценки устных развернутых ответов
Баллы Коммуникативное взаимодействие Произношение Лексико-грамматическая правильность речи
«5» Адекватная естественная реакция на реплики собеседника. Проявляется речевая инициатива для решения поставленных коммуникативных задач. Речь звучит в естественном темпе, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок. Лексика адекватна ситуации, редкие
грамматические ошибки не мешают коммуникации.
«4» Коммуникация затруднена, речь учащегося неоправданно паузированаВ отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки (например замена, английских фонем сходными русскими).
Общая интонация в
большой степени обусловлена влиянием родного языка. Грамматические и/или
лексические ошибки заметно влияют на восприятие речи учащегося.
«3» Коммуникация существенно затруднена, учащийся не проявляет речевой инициативы. Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за большого количества
фонетических ошибок .Интонация обусловлена влиянием родного языка. Учащийся делает большое кол-во грубых грамматических
и/или лексических
Self-educated work 1
Task 1. Read this training guide for hotel employees, and then choose the correct answers
1. What is the purpose of the document?
A to show employees how to look for room damage
B to explain how guests make reservations
C to teach the steps of renting a room to guests
D to explain how guests complete registration forms
2. What happens after employees collect the damage deposit?
A the guest returns the registration form
B the guest receives a key to the room
C the employee asks for payment
D the employee finds an available room
3. According to the passage, what is NOT true about guests with reservations?
A They fill out a registration form.
B They state the number of guests.
C They receive a room key.
D They pay a damage deposit
Task 2. Study the Guide to Checking in and Welcoming guests to the Royal Point Hotel and write the dialogue
Step 1: Find an available room
For Walk-in guests:
Ask the guest about the following information:
Preferred room type:
single double
smoking non-smoking
Number of guests
Length of stay
Use the information to look for a vacancy.
For guests with reservations:
Ask the guests about the following information:
Name of reservation number
Step 2. Room assignment and registration
Assign a room to the guest. Ask the guest to complete a registration form.
Step 3. Damage deposit
Collect credit card information or cash for the damage deposit
Step 4. Issue room key
Give the guest the room key and wish him or her a nice stay at our hotel.

Task 3. Match the words (1-6) with the definitions (A-F)
1. double
2. non-smoking
3. single
4. smoking5. vacancy6. assignA to give a guest a room
B a room with a bed for one person
C a room with beds for two people
D a room where smoking is not okay
E a room where smoking is okay
F an available room

Task4. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:
reservation number, registration form,
walk-io, room key, damage deposit, reservation

1. The hotel does not accept _____ guests when there are no rooms available.
2. Mr. Formiga makes a(n) _____ to stay at a room at the Royal Point Hotel. 3. Penny uses a ______ to open the door of her hotel room.
4. The guests left a stain on the carpet. The hotel used the _______ to pay for the cost of
replacing the carpet.
5. Ms. Johnson tells the front desk clerk her ________. Then the front desk clerk finds the
details of Ms. Johnson's stay.
6. James wrote his home address and phone number on the ______.

Task 5. Read a conversation between a hotel employee and a guest. Then mark the following statements as true (T) or (F) false

Hotel Employee (W): Welcome to the Royal Point Hotel. How may I help you today?
Guest (G) Hi. I want to check in.
Hotel Employee: Do you have a reservation?
Guest: Yes, I do.
Hotel Employee: Okay. What name is the reservation under?
Guest: Edward Green.
Hotel Employee: All right, Mr. Green. Your reservation is for a single non-smoking room.
And you're staying for two nights. Is that correct?
Guest: Yes, that's right.

1. _ The man is a walk-in guest.
2. _ The man tells the employee his reservation number.
3. _ The man wants a non-smoking room.

Task 6. Fill in the blanks.
Employee: Welcome to the Royal Point Hotel. How 1 ___ ___ _____ you today?
Guest: Hi. I want to 2 ___ ____.
Employee: Do you have a(n) 3 ________ ?
Guest: Yes, I do.
Employee: Okay. What name is the reservation 4 _______ ?
Guest: Edward Green.
Employee: All right, Mr. Green. Your reservation is for a single 5 ____-_____ room. And
you're staying for two nights. Is that correct?
Guest: Yes, 6 ____ ______
Self-educated work 2
Meet the Restaurant Staff
Task 1. Read the job posting for the Post Meridian Restaurant, and then mark the following statements as true (T) or (F) false.
_ Servers give directions to bussers.
_ Hosts and hostesses are assisted by servers.
_ Many employees bus tables on busy nights.
Task 2. Match the words (1-5) with the definitions (A-E).
1 _ busser 3 hostess 5 _ host
2 _ server 4 head waiter
A a female restaurant employee who greets customers and takes them to open tables
B a restaurant employee who takes orders and delivers food
C a restaurant employee who takes used plates and glasses from tables
D a male restaurant employee who greets customers and takes them to open tables
E a restaurant employee who gives directions to and organizes all wait staff

Task 3. Read the advertising and translate
The Post Meridian Restaurant Friday, April 2nd
Are you friendly? Do you work well with other people? Then join the front-of-house team at the Post Meridian Restaurant. We are currently hiring waitstaff. Servers are responsible for the following duties:
working with the host or hostess to help customers to their seats
Put ting utensils and napkins on tables before customers arrive
explaining the different dishes on the menu to customers
taking food orders
bringing orders to kitchen staff
delivering food from the kitchen to customers
helping bussers clear tables during busy shifts
following directions from the head waiter
For more information, call Jim Paisley at 555-1907.
Task 4. Read a conversation between a head waiter and a job applicant. Then choose the correct answers.
Head Waiter (M): Hi, Rebecca. I'm Jim, the head waiter. Thanks for coming.
Applicant (W): My pleasure. The Post Meridian seems like a great place to work.
Head Waiter: it really is. So, you work at another restaurant right now?
Applicant: Yes. I'm a server at the Riley Cafe. But I need more shifts.
Head Waiter: Well, experience as a server is good. What are your responsibilities there? Applicant: I take orders, deliver food and set out napkins and utensils.
Head Waiter: I see. Sometimes we need our waitstaff to help the hosts, too.
Applicant: Thafs fine. I also have experience as a hostess.
1. What is the conversation mostly about?
A the duties of Riley Cafe hostesses
B the responsibilities of a head waiter
C the woman's experience in restaurants
D the benefits of working at the Post Meridian
2. Why does the woman want a new job?
A She needs more shifts.
B She expects higher pay.
C She wants more experience.
D She dislikes her current job.
Task 5. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word or phrase.

1 Janie rents a party room at her favorite restaurant to celebrate her birthday.
A a place in a restaurant for special events
B a place where employees write details about a period of time
C a place where young children sit
2. The host informs me that there is no opening at the restaurant until 8pm. A decision to not do something you agreed to do earlier
B availability or space at a place
C outdoor eating area
3. Dario places his son in the booster seat and orders his food.
A tall chair that small children sit in to eat
B group of people who visit a restaurant
C private part of a restaurant where groups meet for parties

Task 6. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1 The host shows the (log/party) to their table.
2 There is now a table available because of a (booking/cancel lation).
3 Ms. Rogers provides a (high chair/party room) for the customer's baby.

Task 7. Read a conversation between a hostess and a restaurant patron. Then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).

Hostess (F): Thank you for calling the Post Meridian Restaurant. This is Natalie. How can I
help you?
Patron (M): Hi. I'd like to reserve a table for tonight.
Hostess: Of course. May I have your name, sir?
Patron: It's Mark Billings.
Hostess: Okay, Mr. Billings. I don't have any openings until 8 o'clock. Is that okay?
Patron: Yes, that works.
Hostess: Great. How many people are in your party?
Patron: Three - thafs two adults and one toddler. Do you provide high chairs?
Hostess: Yes, sir, we can arrange that.

1. _ There are no tables available before 8pm.
2. _ Mr. Billings requests a table for two.
3. _ The restaurant has chairs for children.

Task 8. Fill in the blanks.
Hostess: Thank you for calling the Post Meridian Restaurant. This is Natalie. How can I
help you?
Patron: Hi. I'd like to 1 ______ a table for tonight.
Hostess: Of course. May I have your 2 _____, sir?
Patron: It's Mark Billings.
Hostess: Okay, Mr. Billings. I don't have any 3 _____ until 8 o'clock. Is that okay?
Patron: Yes, 4 _____ ____.
Hostess: Great. How many people are in your 5 ______ ?
Patron: Three - that's two adults and one toddler. Do you provide 6 ______?
Hostess: Yes, sir, we can 7 ______ that.
Self-educated work 3
Making a room reservation
Task 1. Study the information
Welcome to Royal Point Hotel’s online reservation system. This website makes reserving the perfect room quick and easy.
Reservation Basics Please note that during the high season, room
Select your dates: preferences will be subject to availability.
Check-in ______ Check-out ________ Now that you've chosen your room, please tell
Number of rooms: _ us what kind of bed you prefer;
Number of guests: Adults — Children — Two double-size beds __ King-sized __
Reservation Details Based on the selections you have made, we
The Royal Point Hotel offers a variety of estimate the room rate. If you are eligible for
different rooms. Select your preferences: discounts or special offers, notify the front
Garden view ___ Ocean view____ desk upon arrival. Lower rates may be
Deluxe suite (includes kitchenette) available during the off-season
Smoking/Non-smoking Calculated rack rate:
$ __ per night; total $ _____
Task 2. Read the text on a hotel website, and then choose the correct answers.
1. What is the main purpose of this web page?
Ato describe the hotel grounds and surrounding areas
Bto help guests book a room at the hotel
Cto inform guests of a reservation policy change
Dto offer discounts to the customers
2. According to the website, the hotel...
Arequires guests to confirm their reservation by phone.
Bdoes not allow smoking in guest rooms.
Ccharges more money for traveling with children.
Doffers special pricing during certain times of the year.
3. Which of the following is NOT true of the hotel's reservation system?
AIt lets guests book rooms through the Internet.
BIt shows the approximate price of the room.
CIt provides the room rate for discounted rooms.
DIt allows guests to express a room preference.
Task 3. Complete the word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1Clarissa rented a type of room from which guests can see a place where plants grow because she enjoys looking at flowers. _ a _ _ e _ _ ie _ room
2The hotel is nearly empty because it is a time when few people travel. _ _ f _ _ aso _
3Mr. Keller rents a room with a small space to cook meals so he can prepare his own food throughout the trip. k _ _ c h _ _ _t t_
4During the time when many people travel, it can be hard to I find a hotel room. _ i _ _ s _ _ s _ _
5The Khan family received a special reduced rate because they rented more than five rooms. _ _ _ co _ _ _
6Stephanie forgot her coupon and had to pay the full price of a hotel room without any discounts.
_ _ c k r _ _ _
Task 4. Match the words and phrases (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
_ subject to availability 4 _ upon arrival
_ ocean view5 _ special offer
_ eligible6 _ room preference
A pricing that is not always available
B when you get somewhere
C to be qualified for something
D being able to see the ocean
E depending on whether there is enough of something
F the kind of room a customer wants
Task 5. Read a conversation between a customer and a hotel booking agent. Then () check the choices that the customer makes.
Booking Agent (M): Good afternoon. You've reached the Royal Point Hotel. How may I help you?
Customer (W): Hi - I'd like to make a reservation for the month of July.
Booking Agent: All right. How many guests will be staying in the room?
Customer: I'll be traveling with my husband and three children.
Booking Agent: Excellent. How many beds will you need?
Customer: Well, at least two.
Booking Agent: Okay. There are double rooms with a garden view available. Or if you want more space, you can take a deluxe suite.
Customer: The suite sounds good, but I'll stick with the double room. Also, I want to use a coupon for a discount.
Booking Agent: Very well. We'll charge you the rack rate right now.
Customer: When will I get the discount?
Booking Agent: You'll receive the discount when you check in. Just remember to give your coupon to the clerk at the desk.
□ deluxe suite 3 □ king-size bed
□ double room 4 □ ocean view
Task6. Fill in the blanks.
Booking Agent: Good afternoon. You've reached the Royal Point Hotel. How may I help you?
Customer: Hi - I'd like to 1 __________ for the month of July.
Booking Agent: All right. 2 _______ guests will be staying in the room?
Customer: I'll be traveling with my husband and three children.
Booking Agent: Excellent. How many beds 3 ____ ____ ______ ?Customer: Well, at least two.
Booking Agent: Okay. There are double rooms 4 ____ _____ _______ available. Or if you want more space, you can take a deluxe suite.
Customer: That sounds good, but I'll 5 ________ _____ the double room. Also, I want to use a coupon for a discount.
Booking Agent: Very well. We'll charge you the 6 ______ ____right now.
Customer: When will I get the discount?
Booking Agent: You'll receive the discount when you check in. Just remember to give your coupon to the clerk at the desk.
Self-educated work 4
Airport transfers
Task 1. Read the page from a hotel brochure, and then choose the correct answers.
AIRPORT SHUTTLE - We offer 24-hour on-call shuttle service to and from the airport. When you arrive at the airport, just call us. One of our drivers will pick you up and bring you straight to the hotel. You can also use the airport shuttle to travel to the airport. Our shuttle departs at your convenience and will take you directly to the check-in counter. This service is complimentary-although drivers appreciate tips!
PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION - City bus route #231 runs to and from the airport every half-hour. There is a bus stop on Kent Street on the east side of the hotel. For more details about the bus schedule or fare, ask the front desk.
TAXIS - Taxis are available anytime night or day and provide private transportation to and from the airport. Hail a cab from the airport yourself, or ask the front desk to arrange for a taxi pickup for you.
1. What is the brochure mostly about?
A recent changes in the public transportation system
B what transportation options are available to hotel guests
C information about the hotel's taxis and shuttle buses
D problems with the local transportation system
2. What is NOT true about transportation to the airport?
A. The hotel provides a free shuttle service for guests.
B Taxis are available whenever you call for them.
C The city bus doesn't take riders directly to the airport.
D There is a bus stop near the hotel.
3. What is probably true about guests who use taxis?
A They do not have extra money to spend.
B They might require taxi service after hours.
C They need to make an extra stop before the airport.
D They have the best knowledge of airport transportation.
Task 2. Match the words (1-8) with the definitions (A-H).
_tip6 _ check-in counter
_ depart7 _ bus stop
_ hail a cab8 _on-call
_ taxi
A the location where a bus drops off and picks up passengers
B an area in an airport where passengers receive their tickets for the plane
C to be in service
D money a worker receives as a reward for good service
E a vehicle that transports you directly where you have to go
F to leave a location
G to get the attention of a taxi driver in order to ride in the vehicle
H available whenever a customer requests
Task 3. Choose the word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1. James looks at the list of what time buses will be at certain stops to see when the next bus arrives.
A bus schedule B taxi C tip
2. Claudia asked for change so she could have the exact amount it costs to ride in a public vehicle.
A bus stop B driver C fare
3.That way a bus goes doesn't operate on Sundays.
A tip B route C bus stop
4.Expensive hotels usually have their own vehicle that transports riders to and from certain locations.
A shuttle B fare C tip
Task 4. Read a conversation between a hotel employee and a guest. Then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Front desk clerk (M): Good evening, ma'am. How may I help you?
Guest (W): Hello. I need to find a way to go to the airport tomorrow morning.
Front desk clerk: Well, there are a number of options available.
Guest: I understand that there's a bus that goes to the airport from here.
Front desk clerk: That's right. The bus stop is on Kent Street.
Guest: How often does it depart?
Front desk clerk: If I remember correctly, it runs every half hour from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Guest: That's no good. My plane leaves at 7.
Front desk clerk: You might be interested in our airport shuttle service. It leaves whenever you want. And takes you straight to the check-in counter at the airport.
Guest: How much does it cost?
Front desk clerk: It's free. Though tips are always welcomed.
Guest: I'd like to schedule the service for tomorrow morning at 5 a.m.
Front desk clerk: Certainly. The driver will be waiting for you!
1. _ The front desk clerk gives the woman a bus schedule.
2. _ The guest decides to take the hotel shuttle.
3. _ The price of the shuttle and the bus are similar.
Task 5. Fill in the blanks.
Clerk: Good evening, ma'am. How may I help you?
Guest: Hello. I need to 1 __________ to go to the airport tomorrow morning.
Clerk: Well, there are a number of options available.
Guest: 2 ________ that there's a bus that goes to the airport from here.
Clerk: That's right. The bus stop is on Kent Street.
Guest: How often 3 _____________ ?Clerk: If I remember correctly, it runs every 4 _________ from 8am to 8pm.
Guest: That's no good. My plane leaves at 7.
Clerk: You might be interested in our airport shuttle service. It leaves whenever you want, and takes you straight to the check-in counter at the airport.
Guest: How much does it cost?
Clerk: It's free. Though tips are 5 ________ ____________
Guest: I'd like to 6 __________ the service for tomorrow morning at 5am.
Clerk: Certainly. The driver will be waiting for you!
Self-educated work 5
Room Service
Task1. Read the hotel's room service menu, and then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
_ Food delivery times vary.
_ It is necessary to tip the room service attendant.
_ The hotel adds an extra charge to orders received after 12a
Task 2. Complete the sentences with the correct words or phrases from the word bank.
room service attendant signs for late-night dialed in-room
Sara didn't want to leave her hotel room to eat, so she ordered a meal from the _______ dining menu.
Sammy picked up the telephone and ______ his friend's phone number.
Laura gave the ______ a tip for the great service.
Keith returned to his room late and had to pay a ______ fee to order room service.
Shelly _____ the order and thanks the employee for delivering the food.
In-Room Dining Menu
Breakfast - $7 Lunch - $12 Dinner - $15
Fruit and berries Burger Crab cakes
French toast Chicken sandwich New York steak
Pancakes with syrup House salad Vegetable pasta
For your convenience, the Royal Point Hotel offers 24-hour room service. To place an order, dial "0" on the hotel room phone and ask for room service. A room service attendant will take your order. Please note that delivery times depend on the kitchen load.Upon delivery, room service attendants provide plates and cutlery. When you sign for the food, please note that our service charge includes a tip. However, guests are welcome to give an additional tip for excellent service. When you finish your meal, put the tray on the cart outside the door for collection. A late-night delivery fee will apply for orders placed after midnight.
Task 3. Match the words or phrases with the blanks.
1. cutlery / tray
A room service attendant arrived at Jim's room, carrying the food on a _____
Gina asked the server for ______ so that she could eat her food.
2. delivery time I kitchen load
The __________ for pizza was too long so Jill ate something at home instead.
Customers waited a long time for the food because the _______ was very heavy.
3. cart/fee
Barbara paid an extra _________ because she made long-distance calls from her room.
Harry uses a _____________ to take the food order to the fifth floor.
Task 4. Read a conversation between a room service attendant and a hotel guest. Then choose the correct answers.
Attendant (M): Good evening, ma'am. I have your room service order. May I come in?
Guest (W): Yes, of course.
Attendant: Where would you like me to put the tray?
Guest: There's space on the table.
Attendant: Okay. Here's your cutlery and napkin. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Guest: No, everything is fine, thanks.
Attendant: Very well. Could you please sign the receipt?
Guest: Sure. Um ... I see there's an extra fee on here. What's that about?
Attendant: After midnight the hotel adds a late-night fee to all deliveries.
Guest: That makes sense. One more thing-what do I do with the tray after I finish eating?
Attendant: Just place it on the cart outside your door. Someone will remove it for you.
Guest: Great. Have a good night!
1. According to the dialogue, what does the room service attendant's job involve?
Acollecting the room service trays
Bpreparing room service orders
Ccollecting money from guests
Ddelivering room service orders
2. What question does the guest have about the receipt?
A why there's an additional charge on her bill
B how much she should give as a tipC where to sign for the meal
D how much extra she pays for late-night deliveries
Task 5. Fill in the blanks
Attendant: Good evening, ma'am. I have your 1 _____ ____ _____. May I come in?
Guest: Yes, of course.
Attendant: Where would you like me to put the tray?
Guest: There's space 2 ___ _____ _________.
Attendant: Okay. Here's your 3 ______ and napkin. Is there anything else I can do for you?
Guest: No, everything is fine, thanks.
Attendant: Very well. Could you please 4 ______ ______?
Guest: Sure. Urn... I see there's an extra fee on here. 5 ___ ____ _____?Attendant: After midnight, the hotel adds a 6 ____-_______ __________ to all deliveries.
Guest: That makes sense. One more thing - what do I do with the tray after I finish eating?
Attendant: Just place it on the cart outside your door. Someone will remove it for you.
Guest: Great. Have a good night!
Self-educated work 6
Responding to requests
Task 1. Listen, read the web page, and then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
1 _ There are a limited number of cots available.
2 _ Front desk employees pick up laundry bags.
3 _ The hotel does not allow guests to stay in rooms past 11am.
Task 2. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Jenny felt cold so she requested a (blanket / cot).
I travel with a (pickup / spare) cell phone battery.
Most hotels charge for guest services such as (laundry service / wake-up calls).
Mr. Brown sleeps with an extra (checkout / pillow) for comfort.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Guest Services
What extra items are available?
We provide many extra items upon request, such as blankets and pillows. We also keep spares of many commonly forgotten items like toothbrushes, phone chargers, and other essentials. Additionally, we have cots available on a first come, first served basis: $15 each.
How do the luggage storage and laundry services work?
Free luggage storage allows you to keep large or extra baggage in a locked room during your stay. To take advantage of our same-day laundry service, please use the complimentary white laundry bags in your room. Call the desk to schedule a pickup and ask for a complete list of rates.
How do I get a wake-up call?
We offer wake-up calls seven days a week. To request a call, please provide the desk with the following details:
room number
day and time to call
When is checkout time? Can I get a late checkout?
Regular checkout time is anytime before 11:00. However, we can make arrangements for a late checkout.
Still have questions? Ask the front desk clerk. Remember, we're here to help!
Task 3. Match the words and phrases (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
phone charger
first come, first served
luggage storage
late checkout
Aa hotel service for keeping bags
Bin addition to the usual amount
Can important item
Da device used to maintain a cell phone's battery
Eavailable while the supply lasts
Fa checkout extension
Task 4. Read a conversation between a guest and a front desk clerk. Then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Front desk clerk (W): You've reached the front desk at the Royal Point Hotel. This is Sarah speaking. How may I assist you?
Guest (M): Good evening. I need a wake-up call tomorrow morning.
Front desk clerk: I'll gladly arrange that for you. I just need a few details.
Guest: Okay.
Front desk clerk: Your name, please?
Guest: It’s Simon Brown.
Front desk clerk: What room number are you in, Mr. Brown?
Guest: I'm in room 415.
Front desk clerk: Perfect. Now I just need to know when you'd like the wake-up call.
Guest: At five o'clock sharp, please.
Front desk clerk: Okay, so your room number is 4-5-0 and you want the wake-up call at 5am. Is that correct?
Guest: No, my room number is 4-1-5.
Front desk clerk: I apologize. I'll correct that right away.
Guest: Great - thanks!
Front desk clerk: I've scheduled your wake-up call. Is there anything else I can assist you with, Mr. Brown?
Guest: Nope, that's all. Thanks for your help!
1. The hotel worker arranges a wake-up call for the man.
2. The worker cannot provide the service a the time the man originally asks for.
3 The man forgets his room number.
Task 5. Fill in the blanks.
Desk Clerk: You've reached the 1 ______ ______ at the Royal Point Hotel. This is Sarah speaking. How may I assist you?
Guest: Good evening. I need a 2 ______ _______ tomorrow morning.
Desk Clerk: I'll gladly arrange that for you. I just need 3 ________.
Guest: Okay.
Desk Clerk: Your name, please?
Guest: It's Simon Brown.
Desk Clerk: What 4 __________ are you in, Mr. Brown?
Guest: I'm in room 415.
Desk Clerk: Perfect. Now I just need to know when you'd like the wake-up call.
Guest: At 5 _______________________, please.
Desk Clerk: Okay, so your room number is 4-5-0 and you want the wake-up call at 5am. Is that correct?
Guest: No, my room number is 4-1-5.
Desk Clerk: I apologize. I'll correct that 6 ___________________.
Guest: Great - thanks!
Desk Clerk: I've scheduled your wake-up call. Is there anything else I can assist you with, Mr. Brown?
Guest: Nope, that's all. Thanks for your help!
Self-educated work 7
Task 1. Read the posts from an Internet comment board, and then choose the correct answers.
1. What is the passage mostly about?
A the pros and cons of international travel
В problems that guests had at the hotel
С why guests chose to stay at the hotel
D where the best rooms in the hotel are located
2. What can you infer about the hotel reviewers?
A They did not enjoy their stay.
В They are business travelers.
С They felt that the hotel staff fixed problems quickly.
D They would not stay at the hotel in the future.
3. What is NOT true about the Royal Point Hotel?
A It has workers that fix electrical problems.
В It relocates guests when problems arise.
С It has television sets in the guest rooms.
D It offers free upgrades to all guests that have a problem.
For Travelers, by Travelers
Your Guide to Hotels
The Royal Point Hotel: Travelers’ Reviews
We had only one problem in the room: the air conditioning gave out on our second day; it didn’t ever turn on. However, maintenance solved the problem quickly.
This is a beautiful hotel. Too bad I had so many problems with the bathroom! The toilet clogged on two occasions (once when our two-year-old flushed a foreign object down it). The water overflowed into the bedroom. Also, there was no hot water in the shower, so I had to take cold showers. The good thing is that the front desk upgraded me to a suite because of these problems.
I arrived at the hotel after an 18-hour flight. All I wanted to do was sleep, but when I arrived in my room, I noticed tiny black specks all over the bed sheets. They were bedbugs! I let reception know and they promptly moved me to another room. The rest of our stay was smooth sailing.
The only problem was that remote control for the TV didn’t change channels. I realized the batteries were running low. I called the front desk and they sent some new ones up in ten minutes!
Task 2. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
1Julie doesn't (give out / turn on) the lights during the day to save energy.
2Max increases the television volume with the (remote control / battery).
3The sheets were washed in hot water to kill the (foreign objects / bedbugs).
4The toilet will (clog / flush) if guests put paper towels in it.
5A remote control needs (foreign objects / batteries) in order to work.
6The waiter poured too much water in the glass and it (flushed / overflowed) onto the table.
Task 3. Put a check if the sentence uses the underlined part correctly.
1. _ We turn on the air conditioning when it is hot outside.
2. _ A maintenance worker helped the guest check into the hotel.
3. _ Barry does not put foreign objects like food wrappers in the toilet.
4. _ Jessica flushes the sink to remove all of the dirt from its surface.
5. _ Rudy's TV gave out and he watched it all evening.
6 _ Helen waits for warm water so she doesn't have to take a cold shower.
Task 4. Read a conversation between a guest and a front desk clerk. Then answer the questions.
Front Desk Clerk (W): You've reached the front desk. This is Lorraine speaking.
Guest (M): Hello, this is Mr. Park. I'm in room 586.
Front Desk Clerk: What can I assist you with, Mr. Park?
Guest: I'm having a bit of, urn, a problem.
Front Desk Clerk: Can you tell me what the problem is?
Guest: Well, the toilet in my room is overflowing.
Front Desk Clerk: I'm sorry to hear that. I'll alert housekeeping right away.
Guest: Great!
Front Desk Clerk: You said that you're in room 586, right?
Guest: That's right. Excuse me, but how long will the housekeepers be?
Front Desk Clerk: Approximately fifteen minutes.
Guest: What are we supposed to do until they arrive?
Front Desk Clerk: Actually, you don't have to do anything. But I will need to move you to another room.
Guest: OK. I think that's probably best.
Front Desk Clerk: I have another double room on the fourth floor.
Guest: That sounds fine. I'll go down to the front desk and pick up the key right now.
1. What are the speakers mostly talking about?
A contacting the housekeeping department
В what to do if something in the guest's room breaks
С how the guest can repair the toilet
D solving a guest's problem
2. What is true about the housekeeping staff?
A They can arrange room moves.
В They clean overflows in fifteen minutes.
С They will arrive to the man's room in a quarter of an hour.
D They deliver keys to hotel guests.
Task 5. Fill in the blanks.
Desk Clerk: You've reached the 1 ________ ______. This is Lorraine speaking.
Guest: Hello, this is Mr. Park. I'm in room 586.
Desk Clerk: What can I 2 _________________ Mr. Park?
Guest: I'm having a bit of, urn, a problem.
Desk Clerk: Can you tell me what the problem is?
Guest: Well, the toilet in my room is 3 _____________
Desk Clerk: I'm sorry to hear that. I'll alert 4 ___________ right away.
Guest: Great! Desk Clerk: You said that you're in room 586, right?
Guest: That's right. Excuse me, but 5 ________________ the housekeepers be?
Desk Clerk: Approximately fifteen minutes.
Guest: What are we 6 ______________ until they arrive?
Desk Clerk: Actually, you don't have to do anything. But I will need to move you to another room.
Guest: OK. I think that's probably best.
Desk Clerk: I have another 7 _________ on the fourth floor.
Guest: That sounds fine. I'll go down to the front desk and pick up the key right now.
Self-educated work 8
Responding to Complaints
Task 1. Read the page from an employee handbook, and then complete the summary with words from the word bank.
tell solve problem effective
It is important for people working in the hospitality industry to understand complaints and handle them in a(n) _______ way. Find out what the ________ is calmly and politely. Think of the best way to ________ the problem and _______ the guest that you are there to help.
Task 2. Match the words and phrases (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
1 _ professional4 _ solution
2 _ abusive language 5 _ resolve
3 _ cigarette smoke 6 _ locked out
A impolite or unfriendly speech
В a way of solving a problem
С produced by a burning substance
D relating to work that needs special training
E to settle a problem
F not able to enter a room or building
The Customer Is Always Right!
How to handle guest complaints
As employees in the hospitality industry, our main priority is to provide a wonderful experience for our guests. This involves handling complaints in a professional and efficient manner. The following tips will help you respond to customer complaints and resolve problems fast.
Get Informed - You can't offer a solution unless you know exactly what the problem is. Is the guest upset about noisy neighbors? Or perhaps the guest's card key stopped functioning and he or she is locked out of the room. To find out the problem, politely ask the guest to explain what is wrong. The guest may be frustrated, but remember to remain calm. Never use abusive language or respond with anger. Being rude will only make the problem worse.Jump into Action - Once you understand the problem, it's time to act. Assure the guest that you will do everything you can to help him or her. Then determine the best solution. For example, if a guest in a non-smoking room complains that the room smells like cigarette smoke, you may suggest a room-move. Once you come up with a solution, make sure to apologize to the guest for the inconvenience and let him or her know that you are there to help.
Task 3. Match the words with the blanks.
1. noisy / rude
A The server's _________ behavior hurt Sara's feelings.
В It's too __________ in the restaurant to have a conversation.
2. assure / complain
A Many guests _______ that the smoke makes them feel sick.
В The hosts __________ diners that the cafe is very good.
3. neighbor / inconvenience
A The Garcias think that their new ________ is very helpful and friendly.
В An accident can be a major _______ to someone.
Task 4. Read a conversation between a guest and a front desk clerk. Then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Desk Clerk (M): You've reached the front desk at the Royal Point Hotel. This is Donald.
Guest (W): Hi - this is Ms. Wilson in number 504.
Desk clerk: Good evening, Ms. Wilson. Is there anything I can help you with?
Guest: Well, I hope so. There's a real problem here.
Desk clerk: What exactly is the situation?
Guest: The problem is that my room is right next to the elevator and I can hear it running.
Desk clerk: | see. And you're having trouble getting to sleep?
Guest: That's right. At this rate, I'll never get any rest!
Desk clerk: I do apologize for that. Could I offer you a different room?
Guest: Do you have one that’s far away from the elevator?
Desk clerk: Yes, ma'am. I have one available further away from the elevator on the fifth floor and another on the sixth with a mountain view.
Guest: Would I be charged extra if I move into the room with the mountain view?
Desk clerk: No, ma'am. The rate for your original room would apply.
Guest: Well, okay. I guess I'll take the room on the sixth floor.
Desk clerk: Great. I'll send the bellhop to help you move your luggage right away. He'll also have your new key.
Guest: Thank you very much for your help.
Desk clerk: You're welcome. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay with us. And please do not hesitate to contact the front desk if you have any other problems.
1. _ The guest complains about her noisy neighbors.
2. _ The guest will pay more for the new room.
3. _ A bellhop will bring the hotel guest the new key.
Task 5. Fill in the blanks.
Desk Clerk: You've reached the front desk at the Royal Point Hotel. This is Donald.
Guest: Hi - this is Ms. Wilson in number 504.
Desk Clerk: Good evening, Ms. Wilson. Is there 1 ______ _____ _____ help you with?
Guest: Well, I hope so. There's a real problem here.
Desk Clerk: What exactly is the 2 ?
Guest: The problem is that my room is right next to 3 _______ and I can hear it running.
Desk Clerk: I see. And you're having trouble getting to sleep?
Guest: That's right. At this rate, I'll never 4 _______!
Desk Clerk: I do apologize for that. Could I offer you a 5 ________ ________?
Guest: Do you have one that's far away from the elevator?
Desk Clerk: Yes, ma'am. I have one available further away from the elevator on the fifth floor and another on the sixth with a 6 _______ _________.
Guest: Would I be charged extra if I move into the room with the mountain view?
Desk Clerk: No, ma'am. The rate for your original room would apply.
Guest: Well, okay. I guess I'll take the room on the sixth floor.
Desk Clerk: Great. I'll send 7 to help you move your luggage right away. He'll also have your new key.
Guest: Thank you very much for your help.
Desk Clerk: You're welcome. I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay with us. And please do not hesitate to contact the front desk if you have any other problems.
Self-educated work 9
Hotel Safety
Task 1. Read the letter from a hotel to its guests, and then choose the correct answers.
1. What is the letter about?
A using a safe deposit box
В keeping your vehicle safe
С the level of crime at hotels
D recommended safety measures
2. The hotel does NOT advise guests to...
A use the dead bolt lock. В monitor the security cameras.
С report suspicious activity.
D use the safe deposit boxes.
3. What can be inferred about the hotel?
A It wants guests to take sensible precautions.
В It asks guests to stay in their rooms after dark.
С It has more security guards than it needs.
D Its security guards park vehicles for guests.
A little caution now can save you a lot of trouble later
Dear Guest,
At the Royal Point Hotel, we are committed to our guests' safety. With that in mind, we offer the following suggestions to ensure you have a safe and happy stay.
When leaving your room, always lock the door. On your return, remember to use both the dead bolt lock and the security door chain. If anyone knocks at your door, look through the peephole before opening it. Our operators never give out your room number, and we urge you not to share that information with strangers.
The hotel is monitored by security cameras. However, if you witness any suspicious activity, report it to one of our security guards immediately. They are on duty around the clock and are available to escort you to or from your vehicle after dark. If a theft or injury does occur, please notify hotel staff who will promptly alert the appropriate authorities.
We encourage you to leave your valuables in the in-room safe deposit boxes, which are protected by an electronic code of your choosing. Should one of your possessions go missing, please check the lost and found at the guest services desk.
Task 2. Choose the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence.
Maria's bracelet went missing and she checked the (lost and found / suspicious activity).
The (operator / security guard) directed the phone call.
The woman called the police to (report / escort) a crime.
The (security guard / operator) was responsible for preventing crime.
Sam offered to (escort / report) the guest to her car.
Task 3. Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word or phrase.
1. The man was sent to prison for theft.
A the crime of taking something that belongs to someone else
В actions that make people seem guilty of doing bad things
С careful behavior to avoid danger
2. Jack wears a helmet to prevent injuries.
A a strong type of lock
В physical damage to the body
С a small hole in a door to look through
3. Brandy put her jewelry in a safe deposit box at the bank for safekeeping.
A a metal chain that locks a door
В a strong type of lock
С a secure container to store valuables

Task 4. Read a conversation between a guest and a hotel security guard. Then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Hotel Guest (W): Excuse me.
Security Guard (M): How can I help you, ma'am?
Hotel Guest: Well, it may be nothing, but I thought I should report some suspicious activity.
Security Guard: What did you see?
Hotel Guest: I was in the parking garage and there was a group of teenage boys there.
Security Guard: What were they doing?
Hotel Guest: I'm not sure. They were standing next to a very expensive car.
Security Guard: Are you sure it wasn't their vehicle?
Hotel Guest: I don't think it was. They didn't get in. And one of the boys was bending down next to the driver's side door.
Security Guard: Was he trying to break in?
Hotel Guest: It was hard to tell. But when they saw me, they stepped away from the car.
Security Guard: What happened then?
Hotel Guest: I left right away. The whole situation made me nervous.
Security Guard: You did the right thing. Thank you for reporting the incident.
Hotel Guest: You'll look into it?
Security Guard: I'll check it out right now.
1. _ The guest tells the guard about an incident in the garage.
2. _ A group of boys broke into the guest's car.
3. _ The guard is going to investigate the incident.
Task5. Fill in the blanks.
Hotel Guest: Excuse me. Security Guard: How can I help you, ma'am?
Hotel Guest: Well, 1 _________, but I thought I should report some suspicious activity.
Security Guard: What did you see?
Hotel Guest: I was in the parking garage and there was a group of 2 ______ _______ there.
Security Guard: What were they doing?
Hotel Guest: I'm not sure. They were standing next to a very expensive car.
Security Guard: Are you sure it wasn't their 3 _______ ?Hotel Guest: | don't think it was. They didn't get in. And one of the boys was 4 _____ ______ next to the driver's side door.
Security Guard: Was he trying to 5 ______ ______?
Hotel Guest: It was hard to tell. But when they saw me, they stepped away from the car.
Security Guard: What happened then?
Hotel Guest: I 6 ______ _________ _______. The whole situation made me nervous.
Security Guard: You did the right thing. Thank you for 7 __________
Hotel Guest: You'll look into it? Security Guard: I'll check it out right now.
Self-educated work 10
Hotel amenities
Task 1. Read the brochure from a hotel, and then choose the correct answers.
1. What is the brochure mostly about?
A how the front desk clerk can help guests
B the different kinds of services the hotel offers
C the kinds of equipment in the fitness center
D how to use the hotel's Internet service
2. Which is NOT true about the hotel?
A There is Internet in the guest rooms.
B It offers different ways to spend free time.
C Guests have different food options.
D The restaurant is open all night.
3. What is probably true about the fitness center?
A It is open 24 hours a day.
B It has an area to do work.
C It has a vending machine inside.
D It has Internet access available inside.
Welcome to the Royal Point Hotel.
We offer more than just a place to sleep.
Relax in the heated pool or work out in the fitness center Want to check your email or surf the web? It's not a problem WiFi Internet access is available throughout the hotel.
Feeling hungry? Visit our hotel restaurant. It is open from 7an to 10pm. Or use the vending machines and ice machines when you want a snack or a cold drink. They are available anytime on every floor.
Need anything else? Ask the clerk at the front desk. He or she always happy to help you!
Task 2. Put the phrases from the word bank under the correct heading.surf the web vending machine hotel restaurant
fitness center check email work out ice machine
Food and Drink Exercise Activities Computer
________________________ ________________________ _________________________
________________________ ________________________ _________________________
________________________ Task 3. Complete the word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
1. George works hard all year long. On vacation, he wants to spend time not working.
_ e _ _ _.
2. Guests with laptop computers take advantage of the wireless communication service.
_ _ F_ I _ t _ r _ _ _.3. Frannie swims in the large hole filled with warm water. _e _ _e_ _ _ o_.Task4 .Read a conversation between a hotel guest and an elevator operator. Then choose the correct answers.
Guest (W): Excuse me, can you direct me to the pool?
Elevator operator (M): Of course! First, take the elevator to the ground floor.
Guest: That's what I thought! Then what?
Elevator operator: Go right as you leave the elevator.
Guest: Do I pass the front desk?
Elevator operator: Yes, you do. And keep going down the hall. Turn right again at the ice machine.
Guest: Oh, I think I took a wrong turn the last time.
Elevator operator: Just look for the fitness center. The swimming pool is not far from there.
1. What is the guest looking for?
A a vending machine B the hotel restaurant
C the swimming pool D the fitness center
2. What will the guest probably do first?
A go to the ground floor B pass the front desk
C use the ice machine D visit the fitness center
Task 5. Fill in the blanks.
Guest: Excuse me, can you direct me 1 ___ _____ ______?
Operator: Of course! First, take the elevator to the 2 __________ ________.
Guest: That’s what I thought! Then what?
Operator: Go right as you leave the 3 ___________.
Guest: Do I pass the 4 _____ _________?
Operator: Yes, you do. And 5 ________ _____ down the hall. Turn right again at the ice machine.
Guest: Oh, I think I took a 6 _______ ____the last time.
Operator: Just look for the fitness center. The swimming pool is not far from there.
Self-educated work 11
THE Guest Room
Task 1. Read this brochure from a hotel, and then choose the correct answers.
1. What is the main idea of the brochure?
A the availability of hotel rooms
B the reasons why guests choose luxury suites
C what items come in different hotel rooms
D where guests can find different items in their rooms
2. According to the passage, what is NOT included in each room?
A a hairdryer
B a bed
C a living room
D a mini-bar
3. According to the passage, what is true about the suites at the hotel?
A They include three beds.
B They have four separate rooms.
C There are as many suites as deluxe rooms.
D There are suites that don't have kitchens.
The Royal Point Hotel has the perfect room for you
At the Royal Point Hotel, we offer everything a modern traveler needs. Stay with us and you feel at home.
Rooms and Suites
The Royal Point Hotel offers 180 deluxe rooms and 20 luxury suites.
Our deluxe rooms include one king or two double beds.
Our luxury suites include a bedroom, a living-room, a dining-room and a kitchen.
All of the rooms at the Royal Point Hotel include the following:
coffee maker
hair dryer
iron and ironing board
Task 2. Match the words and phrases (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
_ suite4 _ hair dryer
_ mini-bar5 _ iron
_ coffeemaker 6 _ deluxe
A a machine that prepares a hot beverage
B a machine that gets very hot and makes clothes smooth and flat
C several rooms that are connected D high-quality and expensive
E a small fridge in a hotel room with snacks and drinks inside
F a machine that blows hot air
Task 3. Complete the sentences with words and phrases from the word bank.
feel at home ironing board luxury dining room desk living room
Kate pays extra to stay in a _____ hotel because she enjoys the extra services there.
The clean rooms and comfortable beds make guests ______ at the hotel.
The hotels asks that guests only eat at the tablein the ______, not on the sofa or bed.
I sit at the ________to write postcards.
Use the _____ when you get the wrinkles out of your clothes.
Sara sits on the sofa and watches television in the ______.
Task 4. Read a conversation between a booking agent and a guest. Then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Booking Agent (BA) Thank you for calling the Royal Point Hotel Reservations Department. My name is Sam. How may I help you?
Guest (G): Hello. I'd like to book a room.
Booking Agent: We offer two room types: the deluxe room and a luxury suite.
Guest: What's the difference between the deluxe room and a suite?
Book Agent: For one, the suite is very large. In addition to a bedroom, it has a kitchen, living room and dining room.
Guest: But is it more expensive?
Booking Agent: Yes, it is.
Guest: It sounds nice. But I think a deluxe room is enough for me.
1 _ The guest would like to book three rooms.
2 _ No luxury suites are available.
3 _ The guest chooses to stay in the deluxe room.
Task 5. Fill in the blanks.
Agent: Thank you for calling the Royal Point Hotel 1 ______ Department. My name is Sam. How may I help you?
Guest: Hello. I'd like to 2 _____ a room.
Agent: We offer two room types: the deluxe room and a 3 _______ suite.
Guest: What's the difference between the deluxe room and a suite?
Agent: For one, the suite is very large. In addition to a bedroom, it has a kitchen, 4 ____ ____ and dining room.
Guest: But is it more 5 ________ ?Agent: Yes, it is.
Guest: It sounds nice. But I think a 6 _____ ______ is enough for me.
Self-educated work 12
Loyalty Programs
Task1. Read the brochure from a hotel, and then mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F).
Loyalty Program
The Royal Point Hotel values its repeat customers. To show our appreciation, we present the exclusive Royal Point Hotel Loyalty Program. Loyalty benefits make your stay at any Royal Point Hotel better.
As a loyalty member, you gain points each time you enjoy a night in one of our hotels. And when you travel with partner airlines, your points add up. The more points you earn, the greater your rewards.
Loyalty members enjoy many benefits. Silver-level members love our turndown service. Double your points and become a Gold member. You add the benefit of guaranteed room availability and free room service. The highest membership level gives you access to even more benefits. Platinum members also earn a complimentary stay, plus early check-in.
As a member of our loyalty program, you know you are our most important customer. Enroll today!
_ The loyalty program offers rewards to use at the airport.
_ Traveling by airplane can help loyalty members get more benefits.
_ Members at the highest level get a free night at the hotel.
Task 2. Fill in the blanks with the correct words:
exclusive, early check-in, complimentary, partner, repeat customer, access.
Ms. Clark travels frequently and is a _______ at the hotel.
Only very important people are allowed in this _____ restaurant.
She didn't have to pay for the meal because it was _______
Guests earn points by flying with the hotel's ______ airline.
This key card gives guests ______ to all the hotel entrances.
Greg arranged a(n) ______ at his hotel because his flight arrived at 7 in the morning.
Task 3. Match the words and phrases (1-6) with the definitions (A-F).
_ level
_ enroll
_ loyalty program
__ turndown service
_ reward
_ guaranteed
A a system that provides benefits for people who use a service often
B an act that involves getting a bed ready for guests to sleep in before they arrive
C promised
D to become a member of a group
E a measure of achievement
F something given in return for doing something good
Task4. Read a conversation between a hotel guest and a front desk clerk. Then answer the questions.
Front desk clerk (M): Good morning, Ms. Jones. Did you have a good night?
Guest (W): Oh, yes! It was great. The room service here is excellent.
Front desk clerk: You know, as a loyalty program member, you can get room service for free.
Guest: Really? Does it cost me anything to join?
Front desk clerk: No, the program is our way of thanking you for staying at our hotel.
Guest: Can you tell me more about it?
Front desk clerk: Well, you start as a silver level member. So you get certain rewards, like the turndown service. When you get more points, you can be a higher level member.
Guest: How do I earn points?
Front desk clerk: It's pretty easy. Every time you check into one of our hotels, you earn points. We even have partner airlines. When you fly with Royal Jet, you get points, too.
Guest: That sounds really good; I travel a lot on business.
Front desk clerk: Would you like to sign up? I can give you a membership card right now.
Guest: Yes, I think that'd be great!
1. What does the front desk clerk offer the guest?
A a discount on her next visit
B a membership to the loyalty program
C a higher level of membership
D a special offer to upgrade her room
2. What will the woman probably do next?
A request room service
B book a room for a future date
C show the clerk her membership card
D join a reward program for return guests
Task 5. Fill in the blanks.
Clerk: Good morning, Ms. Jones. Did you have a good night?
Guest: Oh, yes! it was great. The 1 __________ here is excellent.
Clerk: You know, as a 2 ______ _______ member, you can get room service for free.
Guest: Really? Does it cost me anything 3 _________?
Clerk: No, the program is our way of thanking you for staying at our hotel.
Guest: Can you tell me more about it?
Clerk: Well, you start as a silver-level member. So you get 4 _____ _______, like the turndown service. When you get more points, you can be a higher level member.
Guest How do I 5 _______?
Clerk: It's pretty easy. Every time you check into one of our hotels, you earn points. We even have partner airlines. When you fly with Royal Jet you get points, too.
Guest: That sounds realty good; I travel a lot 6 ___ _______
Clerk: Would you like to sign up? 1 can give you a 7 ____________ card right now.
Guest: Yes, I think that'd be great!
Self-educated work 13
Checking out
Task 1. Read the hotel bill, and then choose the right answers.
Thank you for staying at the Royal Point hotel
Below is a summary of charges for your stay.
Guest: Samson, Oscar 3506 Utrecht Rd, Dallas, TX 98100 USA
Dates of stay: Jan 06 - Jan 08
Guest number: 14021 Room number. 341
Date Description Charges
1/06 Room charge 90.00
1/06 Room service 25.00
1/06 Dining service charge 5.00
1/07 Room charge 90.00
1/07 Long-distance calls
(10 min @ .80/min) 8.00
Amount due at check-out: $ 218.00
Please settle the account by paying the total balance at the front desk at check-out. Cash, credit card or personal check payments accepted. To avoid additional charges, please pay the balance and return the room keys by noon. Keep this copy of the bill for your records. Direct any questions to the front desk clerk. We hope you enjoyed your stay; come back and see us again soon!
1. What is the purpose of the document?
to confirm the guest's reservation at the hotel
to inform the guest of the amount owed to the hotel
to summarize the guest's activities at the hotel
to tell the guest how to make a reservation in the future
2. What is true about Mr. Samson?
He paid for the room at check-in.
He paid with a personal check.
He ate in his hotel room.
He lost his room keys.
3. What is probably true about guests who pay their bills after 12pm?
They get another copy of their bill.
They pay with credit cards.
They keep their room keys.
They have to pay extra money.
Task 2. Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the word bank.
records personal check service charge copy room service bill direct
Susan does not want to go to the hotel restaurant to eat, so she orders ___________.
The university keeps __________ with information about each student.
Mr. Adams wrote a ________ to pay the bill.
The original sales receipt was destroyed, but Bill had a __________.
The company has a _______ for after-hours service.
The police tried to __________ traffic away from the accident.
John studied the _________ to determine how much to pay.
Task3. Complete the word or phrase that is similar in meaning to the underlined part.
Susie has many phone conversations with people who are far away. She has a lot of family out of state. _ o-_ _ - _ _ s _ _ _ c _ _ a _ _ _
Hector did not pay all he owes and still has a leftover charge. _ _ _ l _ n _ _ _ w _ _ g
Mr. Thomson needed to pay his bill and finalize all business with the hotel before he left. s _ _ _ _ e _ _ e _ c _ _ _ _ _.
Trish needed to leave early so she asked for the paper with her charges. _ _ l _
Beth didn't have cash, so she paid with a piece of plastic that is used to pay for items. _ r _ d _ _ _ _ r _
Mrs. Smith pays the company the money she owes. _m _ _ _ t _u_
Task 4. Read a conversation between a hotel employee and a guest, and then answer the questions.
Front Desk Clerk (W): Good morning, Mr. Samson. How may I help you?
Guest (M): Hello. I need to check out.
Front Desk Clerk: Okay. Did you already receive a copy of the bill?
Guest: Yes, and I have a question about one of the charges.
Front Desk Clerk: What's your question?
Guest: There's a dining service charge for five dollars. What's that for?
Front Desk Clerk: It's a room service fee. That's charged in addition to the cost of your food.
Guest: I see. In that case, I'm ready to pay.
Front Desk Clerk: How will you be paying?
Guest: Just put it on my Mastercharge card.
Front Desk Clerk: Okay. That's taken care of. Thank you for choosing the Royal Point Hotel!
Guest: Thank you. Oh, and here's my room key.
1. What problem does the man have?
He didn't receive his room service order.
He doesn't understand an item on his bill.
He was charged too much for his food.
He didn't need to pay a service charge.
2. What is true about Mr. Samson?
He will stay at the hotel for one more night.
He didn't receive a copy of his bill.
He pays with a credit card.
He forgot to return his room key.
Task 5. Fill in the blanks
Desk Clerk: Good morning, Mr. Samson. How may I help you?
Guest: Hello. I need to check out.
Desk Clerk: Okay. Did you already receive a 1 ___________ ____ _____?
Guest: Yes, and I have a question about one of the 2 ________.
Desk Clerk: What's your question?
Guest: There's a dining 3 _________ _______ for five dollars. What's that for?
Desk Clerk: It's a 4 ____ _______ ______ That's charged in addition to the cost of your food.
Guest: I see. In that case, I'm ready to pay.
Desk Clerk: How will you be paying?
Guest: Just 5 _____ ____ ____ my Mastercharge card.
Desk Clerk: Okay. That's taken care of. Thank you for choosing the Royal Point Hotel!
Список используемой литературы
1. Агабекян, И.П. Английский язык в сфере обслуживания=English for students in service sector, tourism, and hospitality / И.П. Агабекян. - Рн/Д: Феникс, 2013. - 377 c.
2. Агабекян, И.П. Английский язык: сервис и туризм: Учебное пособие для бакалавров / И.П. Агабекян. - М.: Дашков и К, Наука Спектр, 2013. - 312 c.
3. Бейзеров, В.А. Английский язык для сферы туризма и гостиничного бизнеса = English for Tourism and Hotel Industry / В.А. Бейзеров. - Рн/Д: Феникс, 2011. - 347 c.
4. Воробьева, С.А. Деловой английский язык для гостиничного бизнеса (сферы туризма) / С.А. Воробьева, А.В. Киселева. - М.: Филоматис, 2011. - 336 c.
5. Голубев, А.П. Английский язык: Учебное пособие для студ. учреждений сред. проф. образований / А.П. Голубев, Н.В. Балюк, И.Б. Смирнова. - М.: ИЦ Академия, 2012. - 336 c.
6. Гончарова, Т.А. Английский язык для гостиничного бизнеса=English for the Hotel Industry: Учебное пособие для учащихся начальных профессиональных учебных заведений / Т.А. Гончарова. - М.: ИЦ Академия, 2013. - 144 c.
7. Карпова, Т.А. English for Collages = Английский язык для колледжей: Учебное пособие / Т.А. Карпова. - М.: КноРус, 2013. - 288 c.
8. Интернет-источники: