Открытый урок по теме спорт для 8 класса

Открытый урок по теме «Спорт».
Тип урока: урок «открытия» нового знания.
Оснащение урока: УМК, доска, мультимедийное оборудование, творческие задания.
Тип упражнений: упражнения с заданным механизмом выполнения, задания.
Цель урока: развивать навыки монологической речи по теме «В мире спорта»; совершенствовать лексические навыки и расширить лексический запас учащихся.
Задачи урока:
Образовательные: познакомить учащихся с новой лексикой по теме «Спорт и обеспечить ее отработку в серии языковых и речевых упражнений; развивать навыки монологической устной и письменной речи; развивать навыки аудирования, чтения, умение общаться на английском языке.
Развивающие: развивать интеллектуальные способности учащихся, формировать умение выделять для себя главное, сравнивать, анализировать, выражать своё мнение.
Воспитательные: формировать уважение к мнению другого человека; прививать интерес к спорту; повысить интерес к изучению английского языка.
Учебник: М.З.Биболетова, Н.Н.Трубанева «Английский язык с удовольствием». Учебник для 7 класса общеобразовательных учреждений.
Ход урока
Слайд 2
Организационный момент. Сообщение целей и задач урока.
Теасher: Good afternoon, boys and girls. I`m so glad to see you today. Good morning, dear colleagues! Welcome to our lesson.
Teacher: So, the title of our lesson is “THE WORLD OF SPORT”. At the lesson you will speak about sport, work with the table, read and discuss the text, remember the names of sports.
Слайд 3
My dear friends! You have to imagine that you are passengers of a train. We are going to travel to the world of sport. We will do a lot of tasks and make some stops. They are: TRANSLATION, READING, LISTENING, SPEAKING, WRITING. But our first stop is PHONETICS.
Слайд 4
1. Station 1: “Phonetics”
1)So look at the screen and repeat the words for the most popular sports and activities after me:
[i] [i:] – swimming, skiing, kickboxing, windsurfing
[о] [о:] – football, volleyball, basketball, aerobics, horse riding, walking, boxing, hockey, jogging
[ei] – table tennis, figure skating, baseball
[æ] – badminton, gymnastics, handball
[αi] – cycling, ice-skating, mountain climbing
[٨] – jumping, running, rugby
[e] – chess, wrestling, athletics
2) T: Listen to the words and say which words sound similar in Russian.
3) T: In each line there is a word that doesn’t go with the others. Find these words:
a) baseball, basketball, football, snowball, volleyball
b) skiing, skating, sightseeing, surfing, swimming
Слайд 5
2. Station 2 “Lexical”
T: Now I’ll describe you a sport and you must say what kind of sport it is.
a) Eleven people play this game, they use black and white ball to play (football)
b) People need a bat and a small ball to play this game (baseball/cricket)
c) You need a skate for it. (skateboarding)
d) You must come to a pool or to a river to go in for it (swimming)
e) For this sport it is good when the wind blows (windsurfing)
f) Strong men like this sport. They wear white kimonoes. (judo)
g) These are two types of athletics (running/jumping)
h) You need a big orange ball and a basket with a net to play this game (basketball)
i) You need a white ball to play this game. You play with your hands and arms (volleyball)
j) Girls usually like this sport (gymnastics)
Слайд 6
3. Station 3 “Writing”
T: Here is a list of the sports in the picture above. Fill in the blanks by each picture with the correct name.

In which seasons are these sports usually popular?
Which are indoor sports?
Which are outdoor sports?
What is your favourite sport?
Слайд 7
4. Station 4 “Speaking”
T: Here you can see many sport pictures. 1) And now turn to each other and ask questions: What’s your favourite sport? Memorize the answers. Then I’ll ask you about your partner (парная работа, по 2 вопроса)
T: Will you tell us about your favourite sport?
P: My favourite sport is tennis.
It is an outdoor sport.
This sport is usually popular in summer.
My favourite tennis players are Marina Sharapova and Yevgeni Kafelnikov.
Слайд 8
5. Station 5 “We have a rest”
Физкультминутка. Teacher: Let’s have a rest! ( Учитель проводит с учащимися зарядку для глаз).
Look left, right!
Look up, look down!
Look around!
Look at your nose.
Close your eyes.
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again!
Слайд 9
6. Station 5 “Storytelling”
T: Many people like to watch sports. They are called fans. Now you’ll have to work in groups. Your task is: look at the picture and answer the questions below:

This sport is ________________ .
Where are the matches usually held? ______________
What do these terms mean?

This sport is ____________ .
What season is it played? __________
How many players in each team? ____________________
What do these terms mean?
Attack________forward_____________ net____________

This sport is __________________ .
How many players are on a team? __________________
What do these terms mean?
Basket___________center court___________
Слайд 10
Station “Conversation”
T: My dear friends! I’ve got a surprise for you. Today we have a great guest : David Robert Joseph Beckham personally, who played for Manchester United and Real Madrid.
Let’s imagine that we are journalists from “Sport news” and we have a great opportunity to ask him some questions.
(появляется спортсмен)
- Hello. Nice to meet you. I’ll be very glad to answer your questions.
Вопросы учащихся:
David, when and where were you born? (I was born in London on the 2nd May 1974)
You have got a lot of fans, don’t you? (Yes? I do)
How do they call you? (they call me the “Golden Boy of English football”)
Do you change your hairstyle often? (Yes, I like to change my hairstyle)
Will you tell us about your family? (I am married to Victoria Adams – one of the Spice girls and we have got three sons: Brooklyn, Romeo and Krooze and a daughter Harper the seventh)
Where do you live? My family and I live in Beverly-Hills in California.
What club are you played for? (on the 31st of January I agreed a new five-months contract with “Pari Sen Zhermen) Excuse me. I’ ve got a bit of time and must hurry up.
Thanks a lot.
(вопросы для монологической речи)
What is David Beckham? (he is a famous football player)
Where and when was he born? (he was born in London on the 2nd of May 1974)
He has got a lot of fans, doesn’t he? (he has got a lot of fans)
How do they call him? (they call him the “Golden Boy of English football”)
What can you tell us about his family? (he is married to Victoria Adams – one of the Spice girls and they have got three sons and a daughter)
Where do they live? (they live in Beverly-Hills in California).
What club is he played for? (he is played for “Pari Sen Zhermen”
7. T: Boys and girls, you have got a great possibility to talk to a legendary person of sport world and to know some facts of his life. Now listen to my statements and say true, false or no information.
David Beckham plays for Manchester United. (false)
Football fans do not like him. (false)
They call him the “Golden Boy of English club”. (true)
There are often stories about the Beckhams in the newspapers. (no information)
He lives in Manchester. (false)
His wife is one of the Spice Girls. (true)
The Beckhams have got four children.
T: That’s all for today. You have worked during the lesson very well. Listen your marks. The lesson is over. Thank you very much. It was a great pleasure to listen to you.

http://english-basis.ru/1796-pictures-kinds-of-sports-kartinki-po-teme-vidy-sporta/ (картинка бокс)
http://study-english.info/vocabulary-sport.php (лексика по теме спорт)
http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?source (картинка по теме футбол)
http://www.sunhome.ru/wallpapers/2174 (хоккей)