Презентация по английскому языку ОГЭ (ГИА) по английскому языку. Раздел Грамматика и лексика

Use of English Грамматика и лексика Tasks 2 tasks 3 tasks Answer: 2 tasks Time 15 minutes 20 minutes 30 minutes Answer: 30 minutes Task 1 Choose the alternative 1. This task contains a text /separate sentences.2. We should change/ shouldn’t change the form of the words written in capital letters. Task 1 Choose the alternative 3. When we do this task we can change: The tense of the verb The form of the adjective (comparative/superlative e.g. big-bigger-the biggest) The meaning of the word ( e.g. legal-illegal) Task 1 Choose the alternative The type of the word ( e.g. work-worker) The form of the pronoun (object e.g.me, him,us. Possessive e.g. my, his) The form of the noun (singular, plural e.g. foot-feet) Task 2 Answer the questions 1) Can you see a text or separate sentences? 2) What should you do in this task? 3) How many questions are there? Answer the questions 4) Are the words before and after the space important?5) Will you need a suffix or a prefix to change the type of word? (e.g. –ion to make a noun, - ly to make an adverb) Answer the questions 6) Will you need a suffix or a prefix to change the meaning of the word? (e.g. making it negative, im-, re-,un-) 7) Is the spelling essential? Answer the questions 7) Can you leave answers blank? 8) What should you do when you have finished?