Listening test. Meet new pupil.

3rd form
Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer.
What is girl’s name?
Anna Diana Mary
Where does she live?
Great Britain, London Great Britain, Cambridge Russia, Moscow
How old is she?
7 8 9
Does she go to school?
No, she doesn’t Not stated Yes, she does
What form is she in?
1st 2nd 3rd
What can she do?
Read and write Count and draw Sing and dance
How many pets does she have?
2 5 9
When is her birthday?
16th August 15th April 16th April

Fill in the form. Use the information from the letter.
NAME ____________________
SURNAME ________________
AGE _____________________
BIRTHDAY ____________________________________________
GENDER (пол) ________________
HOMELAND _______________ (country)/___________________(city)
FAVOURITE THINGS (LIKINGS) __________________________
FAMILY ________________________________________________