Living and Spending. Writing Skills.(6 класс)

Topic: Living and Spending. Literature.
Grammar: Phrasal verbs.
Цель: презентация материала по теме « Literature».

1. обучающая: активизация новых лексических единиц по теме.
2. развивающая: развитие лингвострановедческой компетентности.
3.воспитательная: воспитывать толерантное отношение к культуре других стран.
Оборудование: дидактический материал, аудиозапись.
Ход работы:

1.Организационный момент


Речевая зарядка

2.Основной этап

Введение в тему урока.

Ex.1. P.34.

Ведение и освоение новых

ЛЕ по тексту.

Ex.2. P.34.

Predicting the content of a text

Ex.3. P.34.

Развитие умений изучающего чтения.

Reading for detailed comprehension.

Ex.4 a. P.35.

Introducing vocabulary

Освоение тематической лексики в контексте.

Активизация мыслительнойдеятельности учащихся.

Ex.4 b. P.35.

Matching phrasal verbs to meanings

Усвоение учащимися фраз.глаг. и употребление их в письме.

Ex.5. P.35.

Understanding phrases

Активизация мыслительной деятельности учащихся.

Ex.6. P.35.

Describing a character’s personality

Развитие языкового мышления.

3.Заключительный этап.

Подведение итогов

Домашнее задание

Выставление оценок.

Окончание урока и прощание.


Good morning, boys and girls.

I’m glad to see you.

Take your seats, please, please.

I hope you are all ready for your English lesson.

Let’s get down to
·ook at the board, please. There are some new phrases I want you to repeat after me.
A good deal of-много
To pay calls-дел.визиты,пос.
Pieces of poetry-стихотвор-ия
Owing to-из-за,вследствии
Went off-взрываться.
Very well!
Ss you have 2 minutes to silently

I’m OK, thanks.

Everything is all right.

Very well.

All right.


I think the story took place about a hundred
years ago in the early 1900s.

A good deal of-много
To pay calls-дел.визиты,пос.
Pieces of poetry-стихотвор-ия
Owing to-из-за,вследствии

The extract is about the three children and their parents.

It describes them and the relationship between them. It also describes their lifestyle and prepares the reader for the event that changed their lives.


ordinary: plain; usual
suburban: from an area outside the city centre where people live and do not usually work
tiled: covered with tiles (flat, square pieces of dried clay)
bells: devices that make a ringing sound used to get attention or give a signal
French windows: pair of glass doors usually leading to a garden
estate agents: people whose job it is to sell houses and land
dull: boring
aloud: speaking out loud
refurnishing: putting of new furniture into a house
mumps: a childhood illness where your face and neck swell up
nursery: a room in a house where children play and/or sleep
heaps: a lot, many
merry: very happy

grew up became an adult
made up invented
getting over recovering from
went off exploded
turned out proved to be

As the youngest of seven children, he grew up very fast.
He made up lots of new recipes for his restaurant.
She is still getting over mumps.

every modern convenience’: any modern appliance/invention which can be used in a house
who meant extremely well: who tried hard to do good but didn’t always succeed
paying dull calls: to visit someone who is dull
its charm lasted in its full perfection: it was perfect and delightful

The children’s mother is loving, reliable,
creative, imaginative and funny. (lines 18-28)

The father is fair because he is never unjust with the children. He is also funny and creative because he comes up with funny reasons why he doesn’t want to play a game with the children. He is loving because he cares about their feelings and wants them always to be happy.

Today we’ve learned a lot of information about Edith Nesbit and her famous novel “The Railway Children”.

All right!

Thank you.

Good Bye!