Презентация по английскому языку What do you do to help your family

What do you do to help your family? “One Busy Housewife”One busy housewife to sweep up the floor.Two busy housewives to polish the door.Three busy housewives to wash all the socks.Four busy housewives to wind up the clocks.Five busy housewives to cook dinner too.Six busy housewives with nothing left to do.

My family

I, we, you, theyимя сущ. во мн. ч.He, she, itимя сущ. в ед. ч.V1readplaydogowalkI clean teeth every day. VsreadsplaysdoesgoeswalksHe walks the dog every day.Повествовательные предложения

to walk the petto wash the floor to clean the carpet to go shoppingto lay the tableto wash the dishesto cookto sweep the floorto make a bedto dustto feed petsto water the flowersto repairto water the treesto answer the phone Dear friends. You learnt a lot of new words, you can dance, sing songs and play. Now you are the actors and the actresses. And your drama calls “Our friendly family”. p.83.ex.10. write what did Jason do on Sunday “One happy day of my family” – draw a picture and tell Your homework