Презентация Якутский календарь на английском языке

The Yakut calendar МБОУ «Амгинская общеобразовательная школа №1им. В.Г.Короленко» Амгинского улуса РС(Я) Составитель: Путренко Ульяна Андреевна, учитель английского языка. “ 'Yiam ‘Iya” – “Month of Milk Yield” (May) It is time of spring hunting for ducks and geese. Up to the end of the month moving to the summer farmsteads - "saiylyks" a place, rich by grass near the lake, named “alaas”. On an old branchy tree each family hung up the ceremonial cords "salama", twisted from white and black horse-hair to the spirit - the mistress of “alaas”. Up to nowadays Yakuts feed the spirits of water, road and wood, try to behave as modestly as possible in the nature, not breaking its internal rhythm. “Bes ‘Iya” - “Month of Pine” (June) Yakut people hold national holiday “Ysyakh”;They meet the sun;Say a pray - "algys“; Dance in a circle “Osuokhai”;Drink "koumys" - drink made from mare's milk;Play Yakut national sports (wrestling "Khapsagai“, kylyy, mas-wrestling and etc.). “Ot ‘Iya” – “Month of Grass” (July) People moved to summer pastures. On summer place – “saiylyk”;July – is a haymaking month. Still done by hand. The ground is uneven and can be swampy. “Atyrdjakh ‘Iya” – “Month of Pitchfork” (August) Pitchfork or hay drying month; It is time to pick black currant, wild strawberry, blueberry. Balaghan ‘Iya” – “Month of Moving to Balaghan” (September) People move to winter wooden houses – “balagan”; It was considered if the weather is dry and warm on the first half of the month, winter would come later. “Altynny” – “the Sixth Month” (October) The symbol of this month is an eagle;On the 14th day winter begins. In lakes begin the ice fishing of carp by nets - "mounkha". According to ancient traditions every participant receives his share from fishing. Before “mounkha” a ceremony devoted to the Owner of Water was held. He was asked for the good catch; Hunters also carry a similar ceremony to the Owner of Forest, asking for a lucky hunting; People meet “Olonkhosut”. He is an unusual visitor - the story-teller of the ancient heroic epic… The singing of Olonkhosut is as a solo performance. A good story-teller could represented 6-10 different voices. “Setinny” – “the Seventh Month” (November) Hunters also carry a similar ceremony to the Owner of Forest – Bayanay, asking for a lucky hunting. They also promise not to hunt to no purpose; A real winter comes: trees become covered by the snow, protecting from frosts;Yakut traditional cuisine consists of meat, fish, dairy products and berries, but in a frozen kind; One of delicacies of northern cuisine is frozen cut fish (Frozen products keep useful vitamins better). “Akhsinny” – “the Eighth Month” (December) On this month starts fortune-telling "Tangha“;For example, to freeze water in utensils and look, how it's surface: if it is flat – for a good year; if it is swelled - for bad omen;Also adults tell for children Yakut fairy-tales. “Tokhsounny” – “the Ninth Month” (January) Yakut folklore represents frost as a mythical Bull with long thick horns; In process of weather's warming one horn breaks off, then the second horn breaks off. “Olounny” – “the Tenth Month” (February) Strong frosts come to an end. Days become longer, fogs gradually disappear. The sun looks out more and more often;Also Yakut people celebrate “A day of Yakut language”. “Kouloun Toutar” – “Foal-Nursing Month” (March) The symbol of this month is a Horse - a sacral animal of Yakuts; The first month of a long-awaited spring; Yakut people believe that addition of young animals gave a hope for a rich future. “Мuus Oustar” – “Ice Drifting Month” (April) It is a month of a Family and Love;Yakutia is a land of fishermen. Rivers and lakes are finny with more than 50 species of fish such as burbot, umber, red fish, crucian, omul, pike, sturgeon, nelma, white fish etc.;In spring a lot of birds from southern and southeast Asia, Africa, Australia , South America and Europe fly in vast creek of Lena river. The Sakha people believe those, who once see a breeding dance of “sterkh” – white or black crane- will live long and happily. Thank you for your attention!