Welcome to Great Britain

Тема: «Welcome to Great Britain»
обобщение и активизация изученного материала по теме "Великобритания";
тренировка навыков аудирования, чтения, монологической речи;
совершенствование лексических навыков;
актуализация страноведческого материала;
развитие интереса учащихся к изучению английского языка, культуре и традиций Великобритании.
Ход урока:
Org. moment
T- Good morning dear guests, friends, students! Sit down please. Today we are having an usual lesson. As you know we study the topic “GB” today we are going to speak about its geographical position, famous cities, its national symbols, population. Also we ll watch the video and do some excises.
T- I want you divide into 2 teams, for each answer you will get a card a small map of GB. And now we are going to have a trip to England.
Fonetical excises
T- First of all let’s revise the sounds. Repeat after me, after that you should match the sounds with the transcription (sts are matching)
England, changeable
Wales, daffodil, red rose, thistle, clover, St. George’s cross, St. Patrick’s cross, St. Andrew’s Cross
Red Dragon Northern Ireland
Edinburgh Cardiff Belfast Consist of Castle Climate
T- now tell me the key word of our lesson
Sts- (GB- в словах)
T- Now I want you to read a poem about GB “The key of the kingdom” , but first of all let’s listen to it, open ur books on page 85 ex 42
(sts are listening, then reading)
Lexical work (work with the texts)
T- Thanx, I hope you have known not so much information about GB. Now I suggest you the texts about GB, its national flags, symbols, capitals. After that you will do some excises.
The United Kingdom consists of 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The capitals of these parts are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast. The United Kingdom consists of more than 5000 islands of different sizes. The national flag of the UK is called the Union Jack. English is the official language of the country. The climate here is rather cool and changeable.
The national symbols of England are the red rose and the flag called the St. George’s cross.
The national symbols of Scotland are the thistle and the flag called St. Andrew’s cross.
The national symbols of Wales are the daffodil and the flag called the Red Dragon.
The national symbols of Northern Ireland are the (shamrock)clover and the flag called the St. Patrick’s Cross.
T- (учитель показывает карту)Now look at the map, here you can see Scotland, Wales, England, Northern Ireland. Now answer my questions: (и sts прикрепляют карточки)
How many countries does the UK consist of? (sts are showing on the map)
What is the capital of Scotland?(show plz and put the card)
What is the capital of Wales?(show plz)
What is the capital of England?(show plz)
What is the capital of Northern Ireland?(show plz)
What do British ppl call the national flag?
What is the official language of the whole country?
T- good for your work. And now u should match the symbols and the flags, which u see on the b\b
(sts соотносят символы и флаги и также вешают на карту)
Work with the video
T- thnx for ur work, u were very active. Now we we are going to continue to know ab GB and I want to suggest u a video, after that you will do the excises choosing the right answer
The population of GB is over 58 millon,
How many people live in England (49)
How many people live in Scotland (5)
How many people live in Wales (3)
How many people live in Northern Ireland (1,5)
1. What is the population of London?
a)11     c) 3
b) 5     d) 7-8
2. Where does the British Prime Minister live?
a) 12, Whitehall                c) 7, Russel Street
b) 10, Downing Street     d) 15, Oxford Street
3. What is the Head of the state?
a) The Prime Minister     c) The Queen
b) The President              d) The Speaker
4. Where does the Queen live in London?
a) Holyrood House         c) The Castle
b) Buckingham Palace     d) The Houses of Parliament
(после 1.55 мин sts выполняют упр )
T- now u ll see the 2d part of the video and know some information ab other cities of GB. U wll get a card, u should name the sentences which are true or false
The famous big cities of GB are Edinburgh, London, York, Stradford-upon-Avon, Liverpool, Cambridge, Oxford (T)
All people in Britain are farmers (F-75%)
Britain has ten national parks (T)
Lake District is on the north-west of England (T)
A few people come to visit Great Britain (F-many)
Stonehenge is a temple, clock or a calendar(T)
In Wales all people speak English (F-welsh, english )
T- good for ur work
T- And I ll check what have you known at our lesson today. I suggest you 2 shits of paper and the parts of the map of GB, you shud match the map and stick the symbols, population, flags. In general put all the information what have you know on this lesson. After that tell the class.
(ватман, названия стран, флагов, символов, население, )Reflection
T- Would you like to visit Gb?
Where would you like to go?
T- Thanx for your work and now let’s make a conclusion to our lesson. (You may pick up the cards if you like our lesson or if you don’t like)
(Ученики поднимают карточки и если остается время то задаю вопросы про Британию.)
T- Thnx for ur work. I like it. I hope in Future u will really visit GB and share ur impressions.