Презентация по английскому языку на тему Мы живём в Курской области

8 классМКОУ «Олымская СОШ», п.Олымский, Курская областьВыполнила: Пигарёва Любовь Александровна, учитель английского языка 1-ой квалификационной категорииПрезентация“We live in Kursk region” We live in Kursk region We live in Kursk region. It is situated in the centre of European part of the Russian Federation. The area of our region is about 30,000 square kilometres. It is the emblem of Kursk region The population of Kursk region is 1,117,378 people. Аbout 67% of them live in towns. They speak Russian. The population The climate of our region is moderate. Sometimes it is hot in summer. Sometimes it is snowy and cold in winter.Summer temperature - +20 CWinter temperature - -5 CThe climate Kursk region has a beautiful nature. There are ponds, forests, hills, fields and colourful landscapes in Kursk region.The nature There are 902 rivers in Kursk region, but they are not very big and long. It is the Seim, the longest river in the region.Rivers There are 10 towns, 25 settlements and a lot of villages in our region. Towns, villages There are 355 villages in Kursk region. The main city of our region is town Kursk.The main city The land of our region is famous all over the world.There are many different plants and animals in Kursk region. There are many monuments in Kursk and in our region. There are a lot of churches in Kursk region. Our region has the long, rich history. A lot of world-famous persons were born here. They are the composer Georgi Sviridov, the writers Arkadij Gaidar, Konstantin Vorobyov, Evgenei Nosov, the architect Vyacheslav Klykov, the artist Aleksandr Deineka and others.Famous people It is very pleasant to hear the singing of Kursk nightingale in spring. Its singing is famous in Russia and abroad. People of Kursk region are often called "Kursk nightingales".