Презентация по английскому языку на тему Животные (4 класс)

Good morning!!! Animals in the country and in the city . Repeat after me:[i:] – please, sea, eagle[e] – weather, elephant, desert[əʊ] – cold, road, ocean[aʊ] – town, flower, mountain[ei] – game, whale, today Wer ist das?It is a monkey.
It is a cockerel.
It is a pig.
It is a hen.
It is a giraffe.
It is a rabbit.
It is a cat.
It is a dog.
It is a fox.
It is a wolf.
It is a bear.
It is a lion.
A whale [weɪl] - китA camel [ˈkæməl] - верблюдAn eagle [ˈi:ɡl] - орёлA dolphin [ˈdɒlfɪn] – дельфинAn owl [ˈaʊl] - сова   Choose a friend-animal for yourself. Tell about it:What animal (cat, dog, rabbit...)Where it lives (in the sea, in the country...)What it eats (grass, Chappy, Pedigree...)What it can do (swim, jump, play...) Степени сравнения прилагательных{18603FDC-E32A-4AB5-989C-0864C3EAD2B8}warmтёплый warmerтеплееcoldkindsmallcolderkindersmaller{21E4AEA4-8DFA-4A89-87EB-49C32662AFE0} smallershortertallerthanA horse is bigger than a cat.положительная сравнительная What do you think? Answer the questions:Who is stronger? (a lion or a fox)A lion is stronger than a fox.Who is smaller? (a cat or a monkey)A cat is smaller than a monkey.Who is bigger? (a rabbit or a cow)A cow is bigger than a rabbit.Who is clever? (an owl or a sheep)An owl is cleverer than a sheep.

Какое слово лишнее:A cat, a dog, a rabbit, a hen. A duck, a sheep, a horse, a frog. A monkey, a cow, a fox, a tiger. A cat, an eagle, a dolphin, a camel.a hena froga cowan eagle

Say which animals live:A fox, a hen, an elephant, a bear, a lion, a cockerel, a wolf, a giraffe, a pig, a monkey, a horse, a sheep, a tiger, a rabbit, a duck, a cow.оn a farm in the zoo in the foresta foxa henan elephanta beara beara liona cockerela wolfa giraffea piga monkeya horsea sheepa tigera rabbita ducka cow

A rabb_ ta f__xa mon__eya she__pa co__a d__ga c__melAn eag__ea countr__a fore__tan ocea__ io ke woa l ysnВставьте пропущенные буквы:ioke woalysn
fill.on Compare some animals, using as many adjectives as possible: - nice - clever - funny - biglong… Игра «Согласись или не согласись» A rabbit is smaller than a mouse.America is a warmer place than Africa.Elephants are bigger than dogs.February is the shortest month of the year.Your house is larger than our school Cats are the funniest animals. Thank you!Good-bye!