Презентация на тему Знаменитые люди Великобритании

РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКАпо теме«Знаменитые люди Великобритании» TALKING ABOUT THE FAMOUS

{616DA210-FB5B-4158-B5E0-FEB733F419BA}A. Christie is famous forthe wonderful colours in his pictures D. Defoehis novel « Robinson Crusoe» C. Chaplinhis films J. Turnerher detective storiesW. Shakespearehis books «The Hobbit», «the Lord of Ring» C. Darwinhis theory of evolution M. Twainhis songsJ. Tolkienhis poems and playsJ. Lennonhis books

«The Beatles» is the most 1)…...group in rock music history. One of «The Beatles» was John Lennon. He 2)……… in Liverpool in 1940. He 3)…………music. He formed pop group «The Beatles» in 1962. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart. He 4)………… his songs «Let it be», «Woman», «Yesterday». People 5)…………them. Most of them were about love. British people 6)………him.are proud of, popular, was fond of, was famous for, admire,  was born «The Beatles» is the most popular group in rock music history. One of «The Beatles» was John Lennon. He was born in Liverpool in 1940. He was fond of music. He formed pop group «The Beatles» in 1962. John Lennon was the Beatles’ heart. He was famous for his songs «Let it be», «Woman», «Yesterday». People admire them. Most of them were about love. British people are proud of him. Lennon Legent 1st line - 1 noun, the topic of cinquain2nd line - 2 adjectives describing the topic 3rd line – 3 verbs 4th line - phrase of 4 words which demonstrates the attitude to the topic5th line - 1 word, a synonym to the first or just a conclusionthe structure of cinquain guess the famous Speak about famous Russian person whom you admire (5-6 sentences)Write a cinquain about any famous personHOME TASK: THANK YOU FOR THE LESSON! http://images.yandex.ru/yandsearch?source=wiz&text=%D1%88%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%81%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%80&noreask=1&pos=7&rpt=simage&lr=39&uinfo=sw-1423-sh-742-fw-1181-fh-536-pd-1&img_url=http%3A%2F%2Fupload.wikimedia.org%2Fwikipedia%2Fcommons%2F3%2F3c%2FCHANDOS3.jpg – ШЕКСПИРhttp://www.yugopolis.ru/news/culture/2011/06/02/18180/kino-ebay-kinoproizvodstvo-charli-chaplin-mores-park - Чарли Чаплинhttp://news.am/rus/news/85385.html - Маргарет Тэтчерhttp://litera.edu.ru/catalog.asp?cat_ob_no=12425&pg=1 – Дефоhttp://www.stepandstep.ru/catalog/your-news/107440/elizaveta-ii-rasprodaet-nedvizhimost.html - Королева Елизавета 2http://svit24.net/curiosities/58-kuryozy/69302-gytara-the-beatles-prodana - Джон Леннонhttp://www.liveinternet.ru/users/3596969/rubric/1337611/page63.html - Агата Кристиhttp://bolshoyforum.org/forum/index.php?topic=294497.0 – Чарлз Дарвинhttp://www.zhmak.com/1151605295-dzhozef-myellord-uilyam-tyorner-xixe-joseph-mallord-william-turner.html - Джозеф Тёрнерhttp://mtfx.net.ua/index.php?newsid=67174 – картина Д. Тёрнераhttp://www.biblion.ru/product/565157/ - книга Агаты Кристиhttp://bukabench.com/view-book/?bookId=27941 – Ромео и Джульеттаhttp://www.kniga.ru/books/223092 - Гамлетhttp://ru.123rf.com/photo_1156358_thumb-up-icon-approval-hand-gesture.html - жест «класс»http://ru.123rf.com/photo_7572251_school-woman-teacher-with-a-pointer-displayed-on-chalk-board.html - учитель с указкой ИНТЕРНЕТ РЕСУРСЫ