Учебное занятие по английскому языку в 6 классе по теме Комната моей мечты

План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 6 «В» классе.Тема: Комната моей мечты.
-практическая: развитие коммуникативных умений, развитие умений восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух;
-развивающая: развитие психических процессов (внимания, мышления, памяти);
-воспитательная: воспитание мировоззрения по теме, воспитание чувства прекрасного;
-образовательная: повышение общей культуры, расширение кругозора, развитие активной личности.
-развить коммуникативные умения;
-развить умения восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух.
-доска, учебник, компьютеры, раздаточный материал, тесты на компьютере.
Ход урока
Организационный момент (сообщить тему урока, его цели, задачи)
-Good day. Take your seats.
-How are you today? Are you tired?
-What have you done today?
Речевая разминка (ввести в атмосферу иноязычного общения)
-And now I want you to look at the blackboard.
-Here you see a poem. Let’s read it. Try to remember it, because it will help you to revise household chores.
Don’t Make a Mess
Tess, Tess, don’t make a mess.
Please, Tess, don’t make a mess.
Wash the window,
Wash the door,
Move the table,
Sweep the floor,
Put the teapot on the table,
Put the pillow on the bed,
Put the picture on the shelf,
Tidy up the room yourself!
-teapot – чайник для заварки
(The poem is written on the blackboard, the children read, then the words from the poem are cleaned, the children should read the poem with memorized words)
Работа с грамматикой (совершенствовать грамматические навыки по теме: глаголы make и do)
to do one’s best/worst to make a bed/beds
to do a crossword to make a cake
to do an exercise to make tea/coffee
to do harm to make a decision
to do homework to make improvements
to do housework to make a mistake
to do lessons to make preparations
to do the shopping to make progress
to do the washing-up to make sure
to do the washing to do the ironing to do the dusting Работа на компьютере (совершенствовать грамматические навыки по теме: глаголы make и do)
The students do the test on the computer.
The children take the cards with the names of the household chores and try to show them without words.
to make the beds
to do the washing
to do the ironing
to tidy up
to sweep the floor
to lay the table
to wash the dishes
a washing machine
a cooker
an iron
a dishwasher
a vacuum cleaner
to do the dusting
Работа с текстом (развить умения чтения на иностранном языке)
-ex.3a, p.134 Read what Rosie wrote at school about her dream room. In which paragraph does Rosie describe
a) what she does in her room – 2
b) what her parents think about her room – 3
c) what she has in her room - 1
Рассказ о комнате мечты (развить умения говорения на иностранном языке)
-Now let’s speak about the room of your dream. Show the picture of it. Be very attentive!
-You will have some papers. You should fill them in! Your task is to listen to your classmates, write the name of him/her and write the words or word-combinations that will help you to describe the room.
Name Description of a dream room
Рефлексия (провести обратную связь с классом)
-And now tell me, please, was the lesson interesting? Why?
-Was the information useful?
-What else would you like to learn on this topic?
-What information you liked most? Why?
-Whose room did you like best?
КОД (оценить детей и выставить отметки)
-And now I want you to appreciate your work at the lesson.
-Why do you deserve such marks?
-I see your marks as following…
Подведение итогов (подвести итоги урока и задать домашнее задание)
-Thank you for the work at the lesson.
-Your homework is to describe the dream room you liked best.