Сценарий конкурса чтецов английской поэзии в начальной школе

Сценарий конкурса чтецов в начальной школе
“Happy Rhymes”
Цель: Повышение интереса к изучению поэзии страны изучаемого языка.
Задачи: совершенствовать навыки выразительного чтения стихотворений, актуализировать знания лексического и грамматического материала.
Краткое описание: Данный конкурс проводится ежегодно в рамках «Недели английского языка». Все произведения выбираются учащимися самостоятельно или из предложенных вариантов учителя, к каждому стихотворению участники конкурса готовят рисунок, для более точного понимания другими участниками идеи стихотворения.
Критерии оценивания конкурса:
1)Выразительность (expressiveness)
2) Произношение (pronunciation)
3) Наличие рисунка (the picture).
Каждый критерий оценивается по 5-бальной системе.
Оборудование: выставка поэтических сборников на английском языке, портреты писателей и поэтов, дипломы для поощрения лучших чтецов.
Ход мероприятия
Ведущий : Good afternoon dear students, guests and judges! Welcome to our competition where our participants are going to present different poems. Our competition is called “Happy Rhymes”, which means all people could find a piece of happiness in poems.
Now I am going to introduce our judges. They are…
I want to ask all our guests to clap after each poem.
I want to ask our participants to recite the poems artistically and in a natural manner.
It is time to start. Good luck to all of you!
Мой снеговик
Here is my snowman
Big and round
Sitting on the cold,
Cold ground.
Here is my snowman
Big and fat
He has a carrot nose
And he wears a funny hat!

Моя семья
My sister is two,
My brother is three,
Sam is four
And then there is me.
Six in our family
Two hamsters and a cat.
Here is a picture
Of us in our flat.

Помоги своей мамеHelp your mother, lay the table;Put a knife and fork and spoon.Help your mother, lay the tableEvery afternoon.Help your mother, clean the table;Take a knife and fork and spoon.Help your mother, clean the tableMorning, night and afternoon. 
I have many penciles,
Red and green and blue.I shall draw a picture
And give it to you!
I have many penciles,
My brother has a pen.
We can draw on the paper
Funny little man.Лицо моей мамы
I know a face, a lovely faceAs full of beauty as of grace,A face of pleasure and of smile.In darkness it gives the light.A face that is itself like joy,To see it I’m a happy boy.And I have a joy that have no other.This lovely woman is my mother!
Дни неделиMonday's child is nice and slowTuesday's child is go, go, goWednesday's child is very funnyThursday's child is happy and sunnyFriday's child is like a kingSaturday's child can dance and singSunday's child can stand on her headAnd count the ghosts under her bed!О двух маленьких птичкахTwo little birdsSitting on a wall,One called Peter,One called Paul.Fly away Peter,Fly away Paul,Come back Peter,Come back Paul.
Где мои животные?
Where is the cat?- It’s under the bed.Where is the mouse?- Behind the house.Where is the fox?- It’s in the box.Where is the snake?- It’s in the lake.Where is the frog?- It’s in the log.Where is the bee?- It’s in the tree.
Сияй, сияй. Моя звездочка!
Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky.
When the blazing sun is gone,
When he nothing shines upon,
Then you show your little light,
Twinkle, twinkle, all the night.
Рождественские открытки
Christmas Cards. Christmas Cards.Red and green and blue.Please send me a Christmas card,
And I'll send one to you.
Christmas Cards. Christmas Cards.Hanging by the tree.I'll send you a Christmas card,
If you send one to me.Выходите гулять!
Come, my children, come to play
For the sun shines bright today;(
Bring the ball, bring the ball,
Come with happy faces all.
Get your hats and come away,
For it is a fine, spring day.
I like To Skip
I like to skip,I like to jump,I like to run about,I like to play,I like to sing,I like to laugh and shout.