Контрольная работа для студентов специальности Право и организация социального обеспечения

Checking test
Read this text and Choose the right statements from the following (True or false):
According to the text it is very easy to get a high level job after graduation.
The young man received a law degree.
He had a lot of practice as a lawyer.
When he visited one manufacturing company he doesn’t like the staff.
He must work for free for 4 months.
When he got a salary as a trainee that sum of money was not enough for even buying food.
After 2 months of working as a trainee he got a half of the salary.
The employer was glad of the trainee and offered him full pay after 4 months of his work.
Applying for a job
After finishing university and receiving a law degree, I decided to start job searching. Unfortunately, I could not get a high level job. All with one voice insisted that I hadn’t had enough practice, so first I needed to get practical knowledge and to work for a few months as an apprentice. And I did so.
Visiting one manufacturing company, I liked not only the staff and location of the company, but also wages level and growth prospects. That is why I made the decision to get this work, cost what it may. It turned out that doing this wasn’t so easy.
First, it was necessary to work for a month for free and then three months as an apprentice. Working as a trainee, I received only 30% of the whole salary. This sum of money was not big but at the same time it was sufficient so that I might pay for food, utilities and simple entertainment.
After a lapse of two months, the employer noticed my diligence and talent, therefore increased my salary by 20%.I was very glad.
Four months had passed and I was finally offered full pay. For this, I filled out the job application, took the test and got acquainted with the new conditions of work. Fortunately, they were very profitable - bonuses, overtime pay, paid vacation and holidays. I was on cloud nine and very pleased at this offer!
Translate into Russian
After a lapse of two months, the employer noticed my diligence and talent; therefore increased my salary by 20%.I was very glad.
This sum of money was not big but at the same time it was sufficient so that I might pay for food, utilities and simple entertainment.
I filled out the job application, took the test and got acquainted with the new conditions of work. Fortunately, they were very profitable - bonuses, overtime pay, paid vacation and holidays.
Underline the correct after checking with the dictionary:
Money paid by the government to people who are old is a (an) – grant - allowance - pension.
A person who invests money for receiving some profit is a (an) – donator – sponsor – investor.
Organized work sometimes given instead of punishment as a sentence to minor criminals is - charity – community service.
A person who gets support from others without doing anything in return is called a (an) – altruist - victim - sponger - needy.
​Illegal, bad, or dishonest behavior, especially by people in positions of power is – inflation – corruption – illiteracy.
A decision by a government that allows political prisoners to go free is a (an) – poverty – corruption – amnesty.
Behaving in a way that is not rude and shows that you do not only think about yourself is – honest – polite – generous.
Put the verbs in brackets using Present Simple / Present Continuous / Past Simple /Past Continuous.
1. Why you (to be) angry with me yesterday? – I (not to be).
2. Where you (to be) last night? – We (to be) at the theatre.
3. (you, cook) your own dinner every day?
4. It (to be) eleven o'clock, when I (to decide) to go to bed.
5. Robert is a vegetarian. He (eat, not) meat.
6. Holidays abroad (become) increasingly popular. 7. I (to be) very busy yesterday. I (to prepare) for my exam the whole day.
7. My brother (to wash) the dishes while I (to sweep) the floor.
8. My sister (to take) part in the competitions almost every weekend.
9. The river (flow) very fast today — faster than usual.
10. I (walk) to school every day. I (take, not) the bus.11. What time they (to have) dinner yesterday? – They (to have) dinner from seven till eight.
12. When I (to come) to the bus stop, I (to see) a boy who (to play) with a dog.
13. When she (to see) him a year ago she (not to recognize) him.
19. Are you in a hurry? — No, I (walk) quickly because I’m cold.
14. Where’s your father? — He (be) in the bathroom. He (shave).