Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме The Parts of the Body (3 класс)

План урока
по английскому языку
“Happy Green Lessons”
(The parts of the body)
Составила: учитель английского языка
Стаценко И.В.
Тема: Части тела
Цели: 1) формирование лексических навыков по теме «Части тела»;
2) развитие навыков диалогической речи;
3) развитие навыков чтения
Оснащение урока:

учебник Биболетовой 3 класс
аудиозапись к уроку
транскрипционные знаки
картинки с частями тела
Ход урока.
1. Приветствие
Good morning! I am glad to see you! Sit down please.
2. Сообщение темы урока
Today we start to study a new unit with an interesting name. Look at it and read “Happy Green Lessons”. Let’s try to translate it. Think and say what we will do. Right we will visit the lessons in Green School.
3.Фонетическая зарядка
The first lesson is the lesson of Miss Chatter. She teaches her pupils good manners. Let’s practice saying the polite words. I show the sound and you find the word with this sound on the blackboard.
Here you are.
Would you like some …?
You are welcome.
Thank you.
Help yourself.
May I have some …?
Of course.
[w] – welcome, would
[L] – of course, yourself
[h] – here, help
[k] – like, welcome, of course, thank
[ʌ] – welcome, some
4. Развитие навыков аудированияNow open your textbooks p. 32 ex. 1 Listen to the dialogue of Miss Chatter’s pupils. Fill in the missing words. Check up. Read the dialogue ex.2 p.33.
5. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.
Make up your dialogues and role play them. Ex.3 p.33.6. Физкультминутка
Let’s have a rest.
Hands up! Clap! Clap! Clap!
Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Run! Go! Swim! Stand up!
7. Формирование лексических навыков.
Введение новой лексики по теме «Части тела»
It’s time to visit the second lesson. It is the lesson of Mr. Greenwood. Look at the blackboard. What’s the topic of this lesson? The parts of the body. Try to read the words by transcription or using the rules of reading. Clap your hands if you hear the mistake. Repeat the words after me.
Закрепление лексики по теме «Части тела» Игра «Пожалуйста»
Follow the commands if I say the polite word “please”. Show me your eyes, ears, nose, neck, teeth, face.
8. Развитие навыков чтения.
Let’s read the stories of Mr. Greenwood about animals. They are in ex.4 p.33
Read the stories and match them with the pictures.
Agree or disagree.
Kangaroos can jump.
Giraffes like to eat meat.
Crocodiles are very strong and angry.
Crocodiles have got nice eyes, funny ears and a long neck.
Giraffes have got a long and strong tail.
Crocodiles have got big teeth.
Kangaroos like carrots and cabbage.
Kangaroos are smart and funny.
Crocodiles can’t swim well.
Giraffes are not fat.
9. Домашнее задание
You homework is to write new words in your vocabularies and learn them by heart.
10.Подведение итогов урока
That’s all for today. Miss Chatter remembered us how to be polite and Mr. Greenwood told us about animals.