НПК ученика по теме Использование аудио и видеоматериалов в изучении английского языка

Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение средняя общеобразовательная школа № 1 с. Кандры
The research issue
Using of audio-visual aids in learning English
Sultanova Angelina
Form 8
The teacher of the English language:
Sattarova Svetlana Taguirovna
Contents list
The main part……………………………. ………………………………...4
The experimental observation……………….……………………………...6
The sociological survey…………………………………………………….7
Application forms…………………………………………………………10
Language is the mirror of human life. Language indicates man’s personality. The word «audio» refers to hearing and the word «visual» to seeing. The display of audio-visual aids catches the organs such as eyes and ears of the students and trains their auditory senses [6].
The theme of my research issue is – «Using of audio-visual aids in learning English».
Actuality of my research is- that languages are not fixed but constantly changing, so is the media, television, radio and newspapers which are an extraordinarily rich source of language in use.
The aims are: to find out if authentic audio-video texts allow students to develop skills of comprehension native’s language in which the features of the national culture and lively reality are reflected encouraging students interest, their willingness to discuss problems and get into argument.
The following tasks are set to achieve the aims of research:
To analyze the methodological literature on this matter;
To identify features of using video aids during the lessons;
To select visual materials and to prepare the exercises with using video recording.
Hypothesis: We hypothesize that: if the students use the audio-visual materials, they will be able to enhance their speaking proficiency.
The methods of research: analysis of literature, social survey, experimental observation.
The objects of the research are - audio-visual materials and aids that can be used during the lessons.
The subject of investigation is - using of audio-visual aids as nontraditional methods in learning English.
Practical significance of video consist in making meaning clearer by illustrating relationships in a way that is not possible with words, which proves a well-known saying that a picture is worth thousand words. Two minutes of video can provide an hour of classroom work.
The main part
It won’t be wrong to say that the present era is the era of audio-visual aids in education. They help in creating the requisite interest and in motivating the students to learn the language, and are used to awake the concentration of the students in the class, make learning effective, successful, enjoyable and lively, develop the perception of the students as well as appeal them and help in communication the accurate ideas, help to develop the power of observation and independent judgment, clarify the content in the textbook [5]. Students like watching videos because audio-video presentations are interesting, challenging, and stimulating to watch. Video show them how people behave in the culture whose language they are learning by bringing into the classroom a wide range of communicative situations [3].
Movies and TV programs are made for native speakers, so in that sense video provides authentic language input. That is to say, it is obvious that the practical implications of audio-visual materials in the classroom it can easily be used; we can step in the process whenever we wish; we can stop, start and rewind to repeat them for several times where necessary. Any selected short sequence from the program can be utilized for intensive study. To pay special attention to a particular point in the program it is possible to run in slow motion or at half speed or without sound. Besides, the learner can concentrate on the language in detail and interpret what has been said, repeat it, predict the reply and stop the picture on the screen by pressing the still or pause button [1].
Video gives us an additional dimension of information about the characters, body language, facial expressions, emotions, reactions and responses. (Application1). We freeze the picture when we want to teach words and expressions regarding mood and emotions, to ask questions about a particular scene, or call students’ attention to some points. The students contextualize the language they have learnt. In other words, they can see and hear the speakers in dialogues; their ages, their sex, perhaps their relationships on to another, their way of dressing, social status, what they are doing and perhaps their feelings [4]. Moreover, as previously slightly mentioned, paralinguistic features such as facial expressions or hand gestures provide aural clues of intonation. The learners can also see the setting of the communication on the screen, so they can clarify whether the situation is formal or informal [2].

To prove our hypothesis about effectiveness of these arguments we’ve made the experiment in the lesson with using video film in English and answered some comprehension questions below the video, did some exercises to check out whether the children remembered the main scenes, characters phrases, and to check out their willingness to discuss the film’s plot. We produced the following results: 90, 6 % of students showed positive results. (Application 2)

From the students questionnaire we might conclude that (Application3):
22, 2% of students think watching English movies has a beneficial effect on learning English
22, 2% of students are interested in learning English if the teacher uses English films as teaching materials
33, 3% agree that they can learn some English by watching the film
11, 1% think the dialogues in the movie can be used in daily life
11, 1% think the English subtitles are good in learning English

Conclusion: Students agreed that movies are useful in learning English and that they have learned some English by watching the movie. They mostly learned words that were repeated many times. The questionnaire’s results show that students can learn more effectively when their attention is focused on the task; therefore they are focused more on the language they use than on the grammatical forms. The classroom atmosphere is comfortable, cooperative and there is a lot of interaction among students. As a result students score better results at all skills.
Recommendations: According to our research and experiments students should be more autonomous and rely more on themselves. They could use the Internet to watch movies and videos on TV or on YouTube to practice listening and to acquire grammar, vocabulary and different expressions to develop their speaking skill as well as they could use Skype to practice the language with other foreign language speakers.

The Internet TESL Journal, Vol. VI, No. 11, November 2000. Retrieved April 15, 2006 from internet:http://iteslj.org/Articles/Canning-Video.2001 html Christine Canning-Wilson (2000)
http://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2014/03/29/ispolzovanie-audio-vizualnykh-sredstvKarnad Girish. The Fire and The Rain. New Delhi; Oxford University Press; 2004
N. P. Ahuja.Teaching of English, Anmol Publication pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.
http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/ispolzovanie-autentichnyh-audio-i-video-materialov-dlya-povysheniya-motivatsii-izucheniya-inostrannogo-yazyka#ixzz3noYrxZ3JBouman, L.(1990) Veni, Video, Vici: Video in Language Teaching. Journal of English Teaching Forum, vol.18-2 p.8.
Application 1

«Visual aids catch the eyes as well as ears»

Application 2

Application 3